Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Matrix New MV: What Hurts The Most - 10/28/06 09:37 PM
Hello everyone!

Well, it's as I feared... once my vid muse showed up and tried her hand at an FFT, she decided to stick around and do a music vid too (ran my writing muse off - she's not real happy with me right now - oh well...) And of course she would have to be difficult and expect me to do a "story" music vid... or at least, I tried - It's set during the end of season 1.

This vid is What Hurts The Most by Rascal Flatts. I'm normally not a *country* girl, but Rascal Flatts isn't tried and true country. The rock stations where I live are playing this song on the radio, so maybe you've heard it.

If you're expecting a sweet, waffy vid maybe you should read the song title again, here, I'll re-type it: What *Hurts* The Most. The gray sections are of course flashbacks.

I was actually inspired to make this video after reading doublel's fic "Tainted Love" - no link because it's in nfic. This vid would sort of preceed her fic. So doublel, if I'm gonna dedicate this vid to anyone it would be to you - oh, and to my hubby who helped point out the sections with "good beats" and encouraged me to be brave and take advantage of them.

I tried...

Hope you enjoy!

-- MR angel-devil

Oh and p.s. if you don't have a fast connection and need a smaller file, I posted a scaled down version at the archives here


Hi Andie Anderson! I'm sorry, I didn't see that you had made a vid for this song until just now when I uploaded mine to the vid archives - I saw yours in the list and went "whoops". Well at least they're completely different... and I loved your vid btw! Wonderful! I loved the part where he slammed the phone down. We both took advantage of those "beats". laugh

If you haven't seen Andie's vid, go check it out - I found the link to her post: Andie\'s Version
Posted By: minimunch3 Re: New MV: What Hurts The Most - 10/29/06 08:58 AM
Wow...that was beautiful! Incredibly sad but absolutely wonderful! The way you fit the scenes in with the music was perfect. I especially liked how you incorporated the flashbacks into the scene of Clark getting out of Lois' "new car". Perfect! thumbsup

Posted By: Tahu Re: New MV: What Hurts The Most - 10/29/06 09:39 AM
Oh I love the Rascal Flatts especially "I feel bad" and "bless the broken road". Can't wait to see your video.

Had problems with the download but I am off to watch it now and will be back to give you some feedback.
Posted By: LaraMoon Re: New MV: What Hurts The Most - 10/29/06 12:00 PM

I've been going "aaaww!" so often and so loudly, my boyfriend thought something was wrong. LOL!

This is such a wonderful video! I love that you left the audio when Clark says "Goodbye Lois". And I SO love this song, I have that on my list of songs that I listen to on repeat when I write, actually.

Thank you so much for sharing this with us! Great work!!!
Posted By: MrsMosley Re: New MV: What Hurts The Most - 10/29/06 04:48 PM
The vid muse stikes again! smile1

DJ, this was lovely, lovely, lovely.
Posted By: Schnuffichen Re: New MV: What Hurts The Most - 10/29/06 05:22 PM
MR, this vid was absolutely fabulous!

I got to know and love this song when I watched Andie's vid some months ago and so I had pretty high expectations - and you fulfilled them in every way!

it's hard to force that smile - this scene from Perry's retirement party was perfect!
gettin' up, hittin' dressed - yeah, you know, it matches great
and watching you walk away - I'm absolutely stunned how well the scenes fit, especially Lois walking down the aisle

You did a great job thumbsup

Posted By: Matrix Re: New MV: What Hurts The Most - 10/29/06 05:51 PM
Ooooh! Look at all the yummy fdk! drool

Thank you so much everyone! I'm so glad you liked it.

Hi Kristen --

Beautiful... Wonderful... Perfect??? WOW! Thank you so much!!! Wow!

I'm glad you liked the "kissing" flashbacks, I had a hard time picking what scenes I wanted to use for the "beat" flashbacks.

Thanks Kristen!

Hello Pamela!

I hope you were able to get the download to work... Did you see the link to the vid archive? Maybe you can get it there if you can't get the other one. I'm anxiously waiting for your feedback.

Lara! Your poor boyfriend! Don't worry, my husband does the same thing to me... hee hee.

Glad you liked the words at the end - and I LOVE this song too. I didn't realize it had been out for so long (I don't normally listen to country) but as soon as I heard it, I knew I wanted to do a vid to it. Thanks for the fdk!!!

Thanks Lisa! A threepeat! "Lovely, lovely, lovely" -- yippee!!! Thanks!

Hi Jana!

I know, I was worried about putting my vid out there once I realized Andie had already done one for this song, but when I saw how different they were, I decided to take the risk... but "absolutely fabulous"? Wow! Thanks. And yes, it's hard to go up against an experienced vidder like Andie... I'm glad I met your expectations.

Thanks for picking out those scenes I used and glad you liked them.

Thank you!

Thanks everyone!!!

-- MR angel-devil
Posted By: JoMurf Re: New MV: What Hurts The Most - 10/30/06 04:45 PM
My daughter and I just watched this and loved it. Beautiful!

Julie (& Elizabeth)
Posted By: Psychofurball Re: New MV: What Hurts The Most - 10/30/06 08:45 PM
Well, Well, Well!!! shock

Look at you! This vid was very sad, and I'm glad I watched it. Don't ever forget the beats! I love beats. <g>

You did a very good job. I loved the whole thing, Liked the effects too, on how it blended with the ending scene. Hope to see more from you!

Rach laugh
Posted By: Xcully Re: New MV: What Hurts The Most - 10/31/06 02:18 AM
I adore this song!!!
Your video is so sad but I like this arc of the story! And the video's end is beautiful!
Posted By: Matrix Re: New MV: What Hurts The Most - 10/31/06 10:13 AM
Hi Julie! Thanks! I'm so glad you liked it - *and* your daughter. laugh How fun!

Rachel! Woo-hoo! I garnered comments from the Evil Queen of Vids herself. How exciting. wink Glad you loved it. Yes, I kept telling myself that I had to do something with those beats - I love your use of beats in your vids. Glad I was able to pull it off. Thanks for the encouraging comments.

Oh, and um... just when are you posting a new vid? I know there are several living on your harddrive - close to being finished. goofy

Thanks again everyone! You made my day!!!

-- MR angel-devil
Posted By: MrsMosley Re: New MV: What Hurts The Most - 10/31/06 12:22 PM
Days later and this song is still stuck in my head...

Posted By: Tahu Re: New MV: What Hurts The Most - 11/01/06 01:01 PM
So finally I was able to see it.

Oh it fitted the song perfect and the "goodbye Lois" made me want to hug Clark. Loved it and I hope to see more videos of you.

I've started reading FB again and watched your trailer yesterday again. Love your work.
Posted By: Sheila Re: New MV: What Hurts The Most - 11/01/06 02:16 PM
That was awesome...and oh the end..."Bye, Lois". Brava! hail
Posted By: Matrix Re: New MV: What Hurts The Most - 11/01/06 09:34 PM
Oh wow! Thanks guys!

Lisa! Wow - days later and it's still in your head? Thanks.

Pamela, I'm so glad you finally got a chance to watch it and I'm glad you loved it. I have one up my sleeve that I might start working on...

Oh and thanks for the comments on my trailer. You made my day. blush

Hi Sheila! Thanks for the fdk. "Awesome"? Oh, thank you!

You all are wonderful. Thank you!

-- MR angel-devil
Posted By: LoisLaneWannaBe Re: New MV: What Hurts The Most - 11/10/06 07:54 PM
As you know from my other stuff I am a big Rascel Flatts fan

Little late I know but well done! You are truly becoming a video exdrodinar! (sp?)

Sorry I haven't been able to do the same but hopefully soon...

~Lois Lane Wanna Be
Posted By: Matrix Re: New MV: What Hurts The Most - 11/10/06 08:50 PM
Oh Kelly! Thank you so much... I'm glad you liked it. I've really got to see if there's a way I can get Rachel to share some of her trade secrets with me. Her "beats" are always awesome. I tried... and I'm pretty happy with what I was able to do as an amateur - it's hard work getting that timing down. dizzy

I am SO looking forward to your new vids (especially "Far Away")... Season 4 comes out next Tuesday... and then I'll really be hounding you (you won't have "I'm waiting for Season 4 DVD's" to use as a crutch then - the guys with pointy sticks will be coming out wildguy )

Thanks again!

-- MR angel-devil

<DJ - who still drools over her trailer - thank you Kelly>
Posted By: Psychofurball Re: New MV: What Hurts The Most - 11/10/06 09:51 PM
I've really got to see if there's a way I can get Rachel to share some of her trade secrets with me. Her "beats" are always awesome. I tried... and I'm pretty happy with what I was able to do as an amateur - it's hard work getting that timing down.
Wanna know the secret? Come closer...no closer...*Bites you* <G>

Your video is perfect just the way it is. Don't sell yourself short. I love your vids, and your stories.

Practice makes perfect...well sometimes. Mine doesn't always turn out alright. But it's the way I wanted It, Or the way I saw It.

So just keep on pushing out those vids, and stories. And have fun.

Btw, Whens the next one? <eg>

Rach laugh
Posted By: Matrix Re: New MV: What Hurts The Most - 11/11/06 07:29 AM
Next one? Sheesh! thud

Don't I get any time off for good behavior? wink

Hee hee.

I'm going to steal Kelly's excuse and say that I'm waiting for the season 4 DVD's to come out. I don't have any season 4 clips - so maybe by the time I get the DVDs, I'll get inspired.

Thanks Rach!

-- DJ angel-devil
Posted By: LabRat Re: New MV: What Hurts The Most - 11/11/06 08:55 AM
Don't I get any time off for good behavior? [Wink]
/me raises an eyebrow. Posting evil cliffhangers over in Fanfic counts as good behaviour now, does it?


I. Think. Not!

LabRat smile
Posted By: LoisLaneWannaBe Re: New MV: What Hurts The Most - 11/11/06 12:50 PM
I'm going to steal Kelly's excuse and say that I'm waiting for the season 4 DVD's to come out. I don't have any season 4 clips - so maybe by the time I get the DVDs, I'll get inspired.
It is true lol laugh :rolleyes:

I am even borrowing my friends car to go get it! lol

The excuse only works for me but I'll let you borrow it.

Great video again and I sent a message back to you. wink

~Lois Lane Wanna Be
Posted By: jackiek Re: New MV: What Hurts The Most - 11/11/06 03:24 PM
Ok, WOW! I just watched it 3 times and I've got tears in my eyes. Beautifully done, DJ!

Posted By: Matrix Re: New MV: What Hurts The Most - 11/12/06 09:48 AM
/me raises an eyebrow. Posting evil cliffhangers over in Fanfic counts as good behaviour now, does it?


I. Think. Not!
blush <Bad muse, bad. Go sit in the corner.>

Thanks again Kelly!

Hi Jackiek. 3 times? Really? And tears? dance <DJ does happy dance - mission accomplished> Hee hee. Thanks Jackie!
Posted By: Classicalla Re: New MV: What Hurts The Most - 11/16/06 03:32 AM
Ah, DJ, you are so talented. You write and do vids, too. Have you done one for Supermen United? If not then you better get to it! (Yes, I know what I'm asking... giggles.)
Posted By: Matrix Re: New MV: What Hurts The Most - 11/16/06 10:20 PM
Awww! Thanks Nancy! You're too sweet!

But my grief! A girl does have to sleep you know...

Plus, I just got my season 4 DVD's 2 days ago... and I haven't even gotten my Superman Returns HD DVD yet...

So at this point - no trailer is yet possible. And I loaned my original Superman I & II to a friend (who hasn't given them back yet) so I don't have the movies I need in order to extract the clips I want.

Also, I wasn't sure how *kosher* it would be to make a trailer for your own story. I do sort of have an idea for one... but I didn't want to... you know... have anyone look at me strange for making a trailer for my own story.

But since you and someone else (was it Lisa?) both asked me to make one for it - maybe that makes it okay - I'll just blame it on the two of you. :-)

I'll see what I can come up with - but it'll be December at least - I have to wait for my SR DVD.

Thanks Nancy! Glad you liked it!

-- MR angel-devil
Posted By: Classicalla Re: New MV: What Hurts The Most - 11/16/06 10:26 PM
Why not? I'm currently doing a beta for someone that has done their own trailer.
Posted By: MrsMosley Re: New MV: What Hurts The Most - 11/18/06 09:52 PM
But since you and someone else (was it Lisa?) both asked me to make one for it - maybe that makes it okay - I'll just blame it on the two of you. :-)
I'll gladly take the blame if it means your vid muse will come out to play again! laugh
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