Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: louiselane MV : El Tango de Roxane - 11/22/05 12:59 AM
Since "Come What May" became so popular, I decide to do a new angst video also with a Moulin Rouge song.

This one is a Clark/Lois/Lex triangle. Clark vs Lex. Who will win Lois's affection? Well, we all know the answer for this question m:)))

Anyway, the video:

Ewan McGregor & Jose Feliciano - El Tango de Roxane

Btw, i'm added the translation of the spanish part of the song. m:)))

Yo que te quiero tanto, que voy a hacer? ( And I who love you so much; what am I going to do? )

Me dejaste...me dejaste como una paloma ( You left me...you left me like a dove )
El alma se me fue; se me fue el corazon ( My soul has left me; my heart has left me )
Ya no tengo ganas de vivir porque no te puedo convencer ( I no longer wish to live because I cannot convince you )
Que no te vendas, Roxanne ( Not to sell yourself, Roxanne.)
Posted By: Poussin Re: MV : El Tango de Roxane - 11/22/05 05:21 AM
Great video. Some clip match really well with the song
Posted By: Nicole S Re: MV : El Tango de Roxane - 01/16/06 12:31 AM
Wow... this was mind-blowing! thumbsup Sorry I'm seeing this so late!

~NICOLE smile
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