Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Sileas drawings? - 11/06/05 09:10 PM
does anyone draw? does anyone post their drawings? just wondering.... so i can sit here and be green with envy. whinging or cry my eyes out that I can't.
Posted By: Laurach Re: drawings? - 11/06/05 10:30 PM
Yeah I am an artist. I drew this in ink. Laura

[Linked Image]
Posted By: Shadow Re: drawings? - 11/07/05 01:33 AM
Great ink drawing, Laura!

I also lurk around as an artist. I did this one in pencil...trying to get more of an illustrative fun thing going on than just a realistic drawing. I'm also working on a fanfic illustration in Illustrator that I will post when I'm done.


[Linked Image]
Posted By: SJH Re: drawings? - 11/07/05 02:22 AM
Nice work Laura.Well done web site as well.

Shadow, hope to see your finished work soon.
Posted By: Lolly Re: drawings? - 11/07/05 05:09 AM
wow, that's great!
Please show an other one!! hyper
Posted By: Sileas Re: drawings? - 11/07/05 07:35 PM
*sigh* now i have people to hate.... smile

(i wish there was a smilie with eyes closed in peace......)

shees. I used to draw. i still have fantasies about illustrating my stories. gaaaah. i hate you people. keep posting stuff.
Posted By: Laurach Re: drawings? - 11/09/05 12:02 PM
Sileas just take a drawing class, anyone can learn. Also a really great book is "Drawing on the right side of the brain" by Betty edwards. It will have you drawing in no time
Posted By: SuperRoo Re: drawings? - 11/09/05 05:56 PM
I miss drawing too. I only seem to complete a great project if I am mad!

I don't have anything LnC though. I did do a Keanu Reeves...Dean is cuter though.

Maybe I'll get in a funk and draw.

Good stuff guys.
Posted By: Sileas Re: drawings? - 11/09/05 06:40 PM
actually, I got that book! and the sequel, Drawing on the Artist Within! very very very very good books. but there's one thing them books don't got, and that's ....

making me draw "every day". ok, maybe not every day, but.....I used to be good, back when i was a teenager and into my early 20s, but then I stopped drawing for some reason, and if you stop....well, use it or lose it, and I lost it. I whipped out the pencils last night and tried to draw an eye. just an eye. one eye, fer cryin' out loud! I used to draw eyes with photographic realism, about as good as you could with a pencil. can't anymore. lost it.

I know there's that "works in progress finishing" thing going on, but i've got a better one for me. I'm going to promise myself to do one drawing every week.... oh, i gotta shuddup. me and my long posts. but really, it's a matter of practicing every day. My drawing portfolio must weigh 12 pounds, but i haven't contributed to it for.....well, probably on the order of a decade. mecry
Posted By: SuperRoo Re: drawings? - 11/09/05 10:43 PM
I used to draw everyday when I was in junior high. I can't now b/c I can never figure out what to draw...I have tried many things. My dad was an artist so I used to hope I'd get better with age. Nope. I hit my plateau and ran with that. I have no patience now and I am never happy with what I make.

Good will power to do it regulary!! Even though I enjoyed it, I didn't do it often. Yeah, it's hard to jump back on the drawing wagon once you've been off for a while.

I found I tried to do some LnC stuff in 2003. I looked through my art stuff. Gee it's bad!
Posted By: SJH Re: drawings? - 11/10/05 12:50 PM
Sometimes if you give yourself a deadline, you can get the juices flowing. A new LnC newsletter is accepting work due Dec 1. Send them something why dont ya: sosic_editor@thelexifiles.com
Posted By: LoisLane9397 Re: drawings? - 11/10/05 04:46 PM
Thanks for the plug. smile And yes we would love to have artwork!
Posted By: LoisLane9397 Re: drawings? - 11/10/05 04:47 PM
Actually the email address is

soslc_editor@thelexifiles.com .

I noticed the above one was spelled incorrectly.
Posted By: Anna B. the Greek Re: drawings? - 11/11/05 05:07 PM
Nice work, Laura and Shadow!

I love drawing too, but I'm not that much of a talent. (/me joins Sileas in the jealousy department.) I can only produce some decent stuff when I feel *really* inspired. During the past three months, I've only drawn three pictures and they're all on my desk at school laugh (I drew my avatar myself, though, in Paint.) I love seeing drawings too, so I'll be following this thread!

See ya,
Posted By: Laurach Re: drawings? - 11/11/05 05:39 PM
Hmmm maybe I will be inspired to pick up the pencil again. We'll see. Laura
Posted By: Doranwen Re: drawings? - 11/11/05 07:26 PM
I have absolutely *no* drawing talent. My artistic talent was all reserved for music and linguistics . . .
Posted By: Sileas Re: drawings? - 11/12/05 05:49 PM
Doranwen, you really should check out the books that Laurach recommended, the Betty Edwards books. Drawing On The Right Side Of The Brain and Drawing On The Artist Within. Heck, just go to a bookstore, find a copy, and look at the before and after drawings. It's downright scary how people improve, really.

drawing mouths, especially smiles, frightens me. I've rarely been brave enough to attempt it, and only got it right (sorta) once. So I used one of the Betty Edwards tricks, drawing one upside down. it.....didn't suck! I've done a couple of "scribble" drawings since I first posted here, and am slowly getting close to the idea that perhaps I'm not doomed to drawing hell afterall....

very seriously, go at least look at those books, and ya know, you can do the same thing. It's amazing. truly. really. honest and truly.
Posted By: Laurach Re: drawings? - 11/12/05 06:20 PM
I wish I had the real subject to look at instead of a photo. Photo's make it easier then life, but they are also more stilted then life. There is an energy to a life drawing that is missed here. Oh well. I am out of practice but this gives me an excuse.
I think I am done for now. Not thrilled with it but considering I had a number 2 pencil and I had to sharpen it by picking it with my fingernale....

[Linked Image]

For more versions of the drawing
Posted By: LoisLane9397 Re: drawings? - 11/13/05 04:24 AM

Wow...that's pretty darn good if you ask me! smile
Posted By: Anna B. the Greek Re: drawings? - 11/13/05 09:38 AM
OMG! Love it, Laura!

See ya,
AnnaBtG. smile
Posted By: Sileas Re: drawings? - 11/13/05 03:13 PM
*kicks laurach out of the thread*

okaaaaay! back to mortals now! yeah, i did another drawing the other day, but I cheated. I started a rough, light sketch, and then came back and looked at it a few hours later and....decided to cheat! So I scrapped the first one, and started a new one by overlaying the picture I was doing with tissue paper and sketched the major features. (it doesn't help that this person has weird-*** eyes). (and a weird-*** nose). (oh, and a bizarre mouth, too.) at least I'm allowed to cheat to place them properly. it....didn't suk! but I'm still gonna work at it. today I think i'm going to grab some L&C pics off the internet (just so we can pretend to stay roughly on topic, here! smile ) and try some o' those. then walk a couple blocks to see iffn office max can scan em onto a disk for me....then.....um... then I'm going to consult the "how to" technical topic on here, cuz I don't have a web site, and i think ya gotta have a picture posted on a web site before you can put a link to it here?.....

(ps laurach---I assume you know I hate you in a friendly sort of way, right? blush )
Posted By: Sileas Re: drawings? - 11/13/05 03:16 PM
ps that's a number 2 pencil? holy cow, batman.....

artist's pick-up line: "I got a 9B lead, baby...."
Posted By: LoisLane9397 Re: drawings? - 11/13/05 03:42 PM
You don't neccesarily need a website to post pictures here. If you have a Photobucket account (which is free!) that works just as well. smile
Posted By: Laurach Re: drawings? - 11/13/05 06:52 PM
LOL Sileas. Don't kick me yet. I bet your drawing is great. Listen I should tell you that I traced the main outline then I drew in all the shades and shadows. I work kind of gestural or impressionistic. I have an MFA in fine art and computer graphics. I went to College for 9 yrs for my masters and I have about 200 credits on a masters level. I had better be able to sketch a likeness. Meanwhile I do have a fine art site. I also teach computer graphics on a college level. If you need help posting images just let me know. My website is wwww.laurachristian.com For me this is an OK drawing. I worked on it less then an hour. If I had a good pencil and paper and Dean to pose then I could do a real drawing. I mostly do graphic arts now but I am still a closet sketcher. Though my Masters in Fine Art was in Painting I haven't picked up a real paint brush in years. the ink wash drawing of dean is the closest 've come to picking up a brush again. Mostly I use photography and a mouse. Here is an example of the stuff I put in art shows. Laura

Posted By: LoisLane9397 Re: drawings? - 11/14/05 03:41 PM
WOW! You have real talent! smile
Posted By: Sileas Re: drawings? - 11/15/05 06:26 PM

for some reason, they look like....choklit. like i wanna pick them up off the page and eat them. so real photographs manipulated?


some years ago, i fell madly in love, and his name was "PC Paintbrush" by Softkey. my man has since been destroyed by the Evil Microsoft Windoze XP monster. (it won't run on XP. Had my computer geek bro-in-law sniff it over.) here's my question: Are there any good paintbrush programs out there anymore? this program I had was....stupendous, especially considering that my mother (who truly literally cannot be counted on to find the "carriage return" on the keyboard and who has palpitations just walking into the same room as a computer) picked it out of a bargain bin for 13 bucks. I love that lil guy, and it doesn't work anymore. It's got a few toys on it for manipulating photographs, but what this lil feller could do with "painting" was....gobsmacking. blending the colors was probably....well, that sucker was legendary. are there any paint programs left out there? or have they all regressed/devolved into the basic windoze paint program that comes with windoze?

i'm still at the drawing. I grabbed some L&C picks from the internet, had em printed, and tried the one of lois, since it was the largest/highest res one. it actually turned out pretty good! hair bores me, but....slight possibility that if clark saw that picture, he'd get graphite on his lips.

but then, last night i tried one of clark....

I hate him. I wanna break flower pots over his head. bass-turd. grrrrrr.......... razz hate 'im. hate 'im hate 'im hate 'im.

i'm going to go have some alcohol and then try someone else. grrrr....
Posted By: Laurach Re: drawings? - 11/15/05 08:26 PM
Yes the Russia Photos are real photos manipulated. But the Dean drawings are real drawings with a pencil. The previous one with his son was in ink. The photos of him served as the model for the drawing. Thanks.

As for good paint programs, for me Photoshop is the best but Painter is also fun for the paint brushes. I think Tineke uses Photo Paint. So you could ask her as well. As for drawing a person, it helps if you have a love for your subject<g> Laura
Posted By: Sileas Re: drawings? - 11/16/05 08:05 PM
love your subject? nope, not me. well, define love. if i'm drawing a male that i gots the hots for, or one i'm nervous about getting right, I screw it up. i just finished another drawing tonight, a copy of some anonymous girl in a drawing book, and I think it turned out pretty good. maybe i'm just better at drawing girls. cuz they've got recognizable LIPS. HEAR THAT DEAN? LIPS. BUY SOME. bass-turd.... razz razz razz of course, come to think of it, i did fair on the drawing of val kilmer. 'course, he's also got lips like a girl. devil

when i've got 3-4 decent ones, i'll post em on here. photobucket account? *scratches head* never heard of that. wotzit?

photoshop and painter. photoshop as in adobe? that's 'spensive, I think. painter---who makes it? i'm guessing there are probably 13 different programs out there called painter. tell me more.
Posted By: Laurach Re: drawings? - 11/16/05 09:51 PM
I think Macromedia puts out painter now but yes I was talking adobe photoshop. Hmmm I think Dean has nice lips. Since I have kissed his real lips with mine I can tell you they are very soft and full and nice<g> drawing them is harder then kissing them though<g> laura
Posted By: Sileas Re: drawings? - 11/18/05 08:52 PM
kkk...k-k-k-...... jawdrop

i'm gonaa, like pretend i never heard that, k? there's that letter again....

i did another one. ok. so tomorrow, theoretically, i will take the one of teri/lois and have it scanned, and one or two of the others, and ....theoretically have em posted on here. although....

that second one you did of just dean? did you scan it in in color or black and white? if you scanned it in in black and white, that would explain why it looks so dark. i know, sounds silly, the difference of scanning it in in color or b/w when it's just a pencil drawing, no color, but there is a subtle difference. i'd be innerested in seeing that one in color.
Posted By: Laurach Re: drawings? - 11/18/05 10:08 PM
No it was just a pencil drawing but when I played with the one above in photoshop I tinted it blue. I made it darker in photoshop. It is all the same drawing, just played with in Photoshop with a few different effects. The darkness is from dropping the levels. The actual color of the drawing is the shiny grey of a number 2 pencil<g> Laura
Posted By: Sileas Re: drawings? - 11/19/05 10:50 AM
well, i FINALLY got around to following the link that you had posted at the bottom of the drawing. that is cool....very cool.... and you DEFINITELY have talent, because you drew pretty convincingly what bores the crap outa me---ears. i've had to draw a few of em the past week or so, and i just kinda......said the heck with it.

i'm off today (i think) to scan those drawings in, but ....fill me in on a "photobucket account". I think LoisLane posted about that.
Posted By: Laurach Re: drawings? - 11/19/05 03:25 PM
The thing is Sileas, Do not look at things like "Lips", "ears". You learn in basic drawing classes to follow the line, the curve, the shape of something. If you look at it as an eye or an ear, your left brain wants to attach a symbol for it. The eye and the lip and the ear is all made up of lines, shapes, curves. Look at it with a different eye. Don't attach a name. Draw each inch with the same care as any other. Betty Edwards book has a better and more in depth explaination. If you can draw a line, you can draw anything. Laura
Posted By: Sileas Re: drawings? - 11/19/05 03:48 PM
yep, i hear ya on the betty edwards stuff, right/left brain. I'm not saying it's difficult, it's just.....boring.... the ear, if there is one in the picture/drawing, is usually one of the last things I put on there, and by then, the important part of the drawing is done, and i'm all impatient to have it officially Finished and sign it/date it, etc. or go all the way to marriage, if it's good.... devil

i do have those books, both of hers, but I've noticed on line---her first one, the original drawing on the right side o the brain, is now out again in an expanded edition. I'd like to see it sometime. Maybe i *shoulda* gone into barnes and noble today when i was out and about....

I actually decided to wait til tomorrow with the scanning in, so no posting drawings today. Right now i'm also busy searching for more of my brand of drawing pencil (i think i doomed them to oblivion--i can't find any!), a skull to draw (found two on line. you can have it cheap or good---pick one of the two), stuff like that. looked in a couple of stores today, and didn't find much. frown
Posted By: LoisLane9397 Re: drawings? - 11/19/05 07:51 PM
Sileas -

All you have to do is go to www.photobucket.com to get an account. The rest should be self-explanitory from there.

If you have any questions though, please feel free to ask me. smile
Posted By: Sileas Re: drawings? - 11/20/05 03:31 PM
thanks for the link! i'll look into this.

hey drawing geeks---do you know of where one can find a skull? i went looking on line again last night......cheap or good. bugger. I suppose I could kill one of my relatives and carve the meat off and do that. i've got some knives, and the contacts in the local police dept.

I found my drawing pencils!!!!! dopey never thought to go find the faber/castell web site before. found em and ordered em! along with I think two woodless HDs. smile got at least one woodless 4b, and about two 9Bs as well..... cool

well, kids, i've scanned em in. the lois one I cheated on---overlayed the pic with tissue paper, sketched the major features, and transferred it to my drawing pad. bite me. now i'm going to go investigate photobucket.....
Posted By: Sileas Re: drawings? - 11/20/05 03:42 PM
ya know.... I got most of the way through the registration process for a photobucket account, and clicked out of it. I was mildly surprised when they wanted my street address, but when they asked for my home phone number and then my social security number....sorry. nope. I don't feel they need that info. it may be ok for others, but not me. I guess i was a little puzzled when they wanted my real name, too...... o well. I'm gonna go investigate other avenues....
Posted By: LoisLane9397 Re: drawings? - 11/20/05 09:02 PM
Um...okay...that sounds nothing like the Photobucket that I signed up for. I would've never joined it if they asked me for those kind of questions, especially for the social security stuff. cat
Posted By: Sileas Re: drawings? - 11/26/05 10:54 AM
ifounditifounditifoundit! smile1 smile1 smile1

i found the picture of dean with his son that laurach drew up top! i found it i found it i found it! eeeee!

*ok i'll go in the corner and be quiet now...*
Posted By: Sileas Re: drawings? - 11/26/05 11:41 AM
ya know, i was about to post a request for on-line pictures that i can print out and draw, and then i found THIS SITE:


wow. wowee. I was practically licking my computer screen, and i thought i was past that age. it's that they are so frigging CLEAR. absolutely crystal and very high res. i'm DEFINITELY going to be grabbing a buncha these for drawing.

see, here's my goal. over on the fanfic challenge area, I posted an idea a few months back about going to a fan convention and instead of actors, you'd get The Real Thing. instead of Teri Hatcher and Dean Cain, it would IN FACT be Lois and Clark. The more I thought about it, the more fun and intriguing this idea was to me, but I had great difficulty even deciding whose point of view to do it from, or what style to write in, should it be a formal novel style (which, for this idea, sounds way too dry) or more like a posting on here (OK! Report from the Convention! Here we go! You guys, it was soooooooooo cool!) etc.

So this idea coincided with the vow I had made myself ("When I move out and have a place of my own, I'M GOING TO START DRAWING AGAIN. ") (that was even worth figuring out how to use bold! smile ). so! I really thought the casual "It was soooooo cool!" style really would be best for a story idea that is alt even for the alt crowd, and on this board, but otoh, you also DON'T come back from something like this without having filled up nine digital cameras, right?

so I have officially appointed myself Official Photographer for this alt-alt convention story, and i'm going to attempt to tell it through drawings. and of course, since it's me, I have cleverly used Superman/Clark Kent as bait to get the guy from the east coast involved too! :p i have very unofficially decided I should start this series of drawings by july---If I keep drawing, I should be good enough to at least start the easier ones by then. so I'm hunting around for clear, close up, high-res pictures of Dean Cain and Teri Hatcher, although with the site above, i've found a motherlode for dean cain. looks like someone practically came down his throat with the camera. I know the pics on Val Kilmer's site are surprisingly high res too, or at least the couple i've grabbed off of there. Teri is a girl, so of course there'll be tons of high res shots of her all over the place. she'll be the easiest and most fun to draw, and with the ones I have planned already, I have a feeling Lois is going to be The Darling Of The Convention. The ones I have planned for her are downright charming and funny! smile1

oh, and ps, i've emailed a drawing of teri hatcher to my very pink baby thithter and she and her hubby will post it on one of their sites so I can link it in here, just so we can pretend to stay on topic. smile

although here's the question---if I actually do get good enough to attempt this, how does this story get stored? with it being told mainly through pics, it can't go in the standard archive. I've invented a new story type! smile1
Posted By: ChiefPam Re: drawings? - 11/26/05 01:06 PM
Wow, sounds like quite a project! And yeah, this would be a new format, but you know, the last time we invented a new format (fanfic trailers) we came up with a new site to host them smile www.FOLCvideo.com One of the sites that will be benefitting from our upcoming fundraiser, btw. I don't run that one, so I couldn't say for sure, but I imagine you could talk them into hosting your finished project. smile

Posted By: LoisLane9397 Re: drawings? - 11/26/05 03:50 PM
Very interesting concept! I can't wait to see the finished product. smile

I've always admired artists because I can't draw a stick figure to save my life! dizzy lol
Posted By: Sileas Re: drawings? - 11/26/05 06:34 PM
</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Originally posted by LoisLane9397:
<strong> I've always admired artists because I can't draw a stick figure to save my life! smile1 really! honest! you can draw. just to prove me right, pick up her "Drawing On The Right Side Of The Brain" and do the lessons! smile1 smile1

oh---ps---i'm so hyper right now! i just finished a frigging FABULOUS one of michelle pfeiffer. it turned out so well i think i'm gonna try to post that one on here too! ok, um....she played catwoman, see, and...um, that's batman....who is across the country from...Superman! yeah! so....it's on topic! yeah!..... laugh
Posted By: LoisLane9397 Re: drawings? - 11/26/05 11:59 PM
LOL! Well, I have tried my hand at drawing, but the only way for me to do it is take the picture I want to copy and draw a grid across it. That way I can look at each section seperately. It takes a little extra work, but it's doable. I just wish sometimes I could sit down and just draw something from scratch, that's all. smile
Posted By: Sileas Re: drawings? - 11/28/05 06:55 PM
i have cheated left and right as well. I've kinda done the same thing, more or less, as the grid----i'll take one part of the face, like Mr. Cain's incomprehensible mouth, and tried to draw it....well, actually, on him I haven't done that. yet. I most certainly will eventually, and probably sooner than later. why he is being so darned disagreeable, I don't know, but boy.... I did draw one of him yesterday, after a couple of attempts. one time, I even cheated by overlaying the photo with tracing paper, sketched the major features, and transferred it to my drawing pad as a start! He's STILL a creep! well, i switched photos to an easier one, and.... well, let's just say that we have reached a tentative agreement. He's agreed to become semi-drawable for special occasions, and I've agreed not to axe-murder him. But neither of us is making any long-term commitment, and I haven't sold either of the axes or the sledgehammer (for blunt trauma).

I'll try drawing stuff upside down, too---sometimes that helps, but i would only do that for a practice drawing. too chicken to try it for the real thing. blush but i definitely see on the horizon me getting a STACK of pics of him and just pounding through them, win or lose or hideousness, until I get him down. I'm about to try another one of teri hatcher tonight, this one without cheating, but, hey, it's a girl! i got high hopes. and val kilmer is proving to be surprisingly drawable, too, though with an occasional cheat. but he's got kind of a weird face, a few instantly recognizable points on his face, and not just the fat lips. Dean Cain.... it's almost like he's TOO perfect, TOO good looking. he needs some flaws.

i MUST shuddup now....
Posted By: Sileas Re: drawings? - 12/01/05 07:38 PM
and it's just annoying me, back here posting....

stopped by at kinko's tonight and asked em what's the highest image they can scan in---8 by 11. frown bum. anything bigger, they ship to their store down in the cities (um....mupples/st. paul) and it's 24 bucks a pop. ouch.

so i got a decision to make. what size are these drawings gonna be..... i woulda loved to have used the 18by 24 pad, but i might be limited to the um.......what's the other one....14 by 17.

i really gotta shut up until i have a drawing to post. this is turning into a blog. cat
Posted By: Laurach Re: drawings? - 12/02/05 12:08 AM
Well lets see them already!! wink Laura
Posted By: Sileas Re: drawings? - 12/03/05 05:10 PM
i will send this prod, along with an underline by me, to my baby sister and her geek husband. i may have to become a pest on this, or they won't get around to it until february. i'm getting impatient too, and i've got another batch nearly ready to mail them. not the convention story drawings---just practice "trying to get better" drawings.
Posted By: Sileas Re: drawings? - 12/03/05 06:43 PM
ok art kids,here's a question....

i did some legwork research the other day, like I said in a previous post, and found out if I want anything bigger than 11 by 17, i gotta pay 24 bucks for each one. i've just done a bit of surfing on line and can't seem to find any other ideas. if I could even get a 14 by 17 image scanned, that'd be worth it. does anyone have any ideas on this? i really don't want to be constrained to a 9 by 12 drawing pad for this. help
Posted By: Laurach Re: drawings? - 12/04/05 12:46 AM
You could scan it in sections then join it together in Photoshop. Or pay money for a professional print. I work in a college with big printers. Are you in School? Maybe they have something. Or you could draw it smaller and blow it up to print bigger. Laura
Posted By: Sileas Re: drawings? - 12/05/05 06:24 PM
you work in a college? how big are the scanners there? could i use you as a Place of Last Resort?

I was looking through some junk snail mail today (it's monday, forgive me) and found two local places that have web addresses, and i'm going to go see what they got. I also live near a small town that's actually called Collegeville, and that pretty much describes the area--one state university and two private catholic colleges in the area. what you say about working in a college gives me the idea to call them up and see if they could help in this area. it ain't very pressing right now, but i'm at the stage where I'm going to crawl through the web tonight looking for pics of teri and dean that i'll be working from for this. all my val pics I think will come from either his site or the VKN website, so I don't have to look for his.

i finished another practice one of dean last night. Mr Cain and I have tentatively agreed to extend the no kill/drawable agreement another week, but once again, i'm not selling my axes. I brought a new sharpening stone just to hint to him that I mean business. wink
Posted By: Sileas Re: drawings? - 12/09/05 08:39 PM
well, here's an attempt.....

no here's not an attempt. it came in WAY too huge. you'd be looking at one of her nostrils. i'll probably be deleting this one. i made an account on a place called "picpile", but I think the mistake was made when they scanned it in at high res. frown very sad. i'll go back and have em scanned in at low res.

hey you experienced people---you got a drawing that's 9 by 12. what resolution should they scan it in at? is there just two choices--high and low? either way ya slice it, i'm not going high again. MUCH too big---I had to fiddle to get it in under 2 meg, which is the limit for a single picture on the picpile site. they take only jpeg and jpg formats.......gif, png, and swf, whatever those last two are. I can't get it small enough. what sizes were the files you two posted, shadow and laurach? (right?)
Posted By: Sileas Re: drawings? - 12/11/05 03:39 PM
ok attempt number two....

[Linked Image]

we shall see....

ok it shows up, but this is beensie. this is all I am able to do, apparently.... how do you guys get such big pictures when they're only, like, 26,000 bytes? what info can you give me on how to do this? i'm taking it to a local store and having them scan it in (i can't, I don't have a scanner). it's office max. is office max national? do you guys know what i'm talking about? what resolution, what size, how many pixels, dpi, anything. any info you can give me. i see yours are jpegs and mine is a gif. i'll have them do it as a jpeg.
Posted By: Anna B. the Greek Re: drawings? - 12/11/05 04:01 PM
Aww, that's nice!!!

See ya,
AnnaBtG. smile
Posted By: Laurach Re: drawings? - 12/11/05 05:01 PM
Hey good job! It is about time you posted your work!!. For the internet you need 72 resolution and about a 3 or 4 inch picture saved as a jpg. For print you need 300 res at full size. Laura
Posted By: LoisLane9397 Re: drawings? - 12/11/05 06:19 PM
Yeah, I agree! Really great job! laugh
Posted By: Sileas Re: drawings? - 12/11/05 06:46 PM
Originally posted by Laurach:
Hey good job! It is about time you posted your work!!. For the internet you need 72 resolution and about a 3 or 4 inch picture saved as a jpg. For print you need 300 res at full size. Laura
are you saying.....my drawing pad can be no bigger than 3 or 4 inches? 72 resolution...i'll write that number down, anyway...

there's many more drawings where that one came from, about five or six more, but I haven't been able to post them. I don't consider that one to be a successful post of a drawing. i'm not going to be printing these---i've got the original drawing! i don't need to print it out. but that one was done on a 9 by 12 inch pad. i'm missing something, here. i'll try again tomorrow night. i'll bet they'll get sick of me there....maybe I should investigate buying my own scanner....naah....i wouldn't use it enough....
Posted By: SJH Re: drawings? - 12/12/05 07:22 AM
Using a grid is not cheating, it's a method that has been tought in art schools from the beginning of art schools.
Scanners are not very expensive anymore, and after the new year all that kind of stuff will be on sale anyway, so invest. You can not only save time, energy and money you are likely to get the results you want if you do the work yourself rather than a clerk doing it for you. Scanners are priceless working tools. You can enlarge,reduce, crop etc and save your work to work on later.To enlarge a piece used to take a life time, but not any more.With the scanner, it's a snap.
I work small, usually 5x7, 8x10 or 11x14 so I dont have a problem with size.
I have to ask you,with free hand portraits, why would you want to work very large? Any way good job and good luck.
Posted By: Laurach Re: drawings? - 12/12/05 05:25 PM
LOL Sileas!
are you saying.....my drawing pad can be no bigger than 3 or 4 inches? 72 resolution...i'll write that number down, anyway...
No I am saying when you scan it for the computer it should be sized down for the net. Nice job post more. f you have a probelm send it to me to post for you. Laura
Posted By: Sileas Re: drawings? - 12/12/05 08:07 PM
ok.... *rubs hands together* here we go again, take two....

[Linked Image]

eeee! smile1

[Linked Image]

he wasn't very smiley in this one, in my defense. i got more in this series (the photos, not drawn yet) where he's lots smilier. i cheated like mad, like there was no tomorrow, on this one. i GOTTA get this guy down....
Posted By: Sileas Re: drawings? - 12/12/05 08:11 PM
more! smile1

[Linked Image]

look hans, no ma. i mean look ma, no cheating. which accounts for the eyes...

[Linked Image]

cheated moderately, but really, this one and....well, lets just say that the girls win, here. hands down. take THAT, guys! goofy
Posted By: Sileas Re: drawings? - 12/12/05 08:16 PM
more more more!

[Linked Image]

mr 9B himself.....boy, i got a tired arm on this one. cheated only very lightly, but...i've seen a couple of versions of this photo, and after I had finished this one, i found a version that had...to borrow a saying, more "daylight to the eyes". a version with more light to the area around his left eye (on the right side of the drawing). i coulda darkened one line. there's almost a slight worried expression that is unintentional...but i'm babbling.

[Linked Image]

THE QUEEN! this one ----look ma, no cheating! the girls win! wheee! seriously---no cheating on this one. this one gobsmacked me. like, jawdrop no really! um....reason for posting this one...um, she's catwoman, and um...that's batman...which is across the country from metro....yeah! that's it! that's my excuse! laugh
Posted By: Sileas Re: drawings? - 12/12/05 08:25 PM
alrightey! now a real message.

sjh, yeah, at a buck a scan, a couple of months and i could buy me a scanner. i'm thinking about it. really. bugger....i forgot to look in office max when i was there having the scans done... oh yes! and thank you very very much to....casey? and tim? names right? the two who put their heads together and figgered this out for me at office max! jump i gotta make em a plate fulla cookies.

i wanna work big because i always end up unintentionally working big. there is no piece of paper big enough for me. those drawings are on a 9 by 12 pad. the one of VK i started one line down the side of the face to the jaw, looked at it, and said, "nope, gonna cheat this one". and cheat purely for SIZE. usually i cheat for placement (get the eyes where they should be, mouth, nose, etc) and sometimes a bit for shape, but minimally there. but that one i just drew a couple of lines to get the SIZE right. i start the drawing on one side of the face, and by the time I get to the other side of the face/jaw, i've inadvertently enlarged it by 30%. I normally cheat by using tracing paper and just drawing a couple of lines. I want to work big because then I can get more detail. smile or at least attempt more detail.

i got another stack of drawings to do now. off ta work! smile
Posted By: SJH Re: drawings? - 12/12/05 11:09 PM
You have a very interesting drawing method.
Posted By: LabRat Re: drawings? - 12/13/05 02:25 AM
ya know.... I got most of the way through the registration process for a photobucket account, and clicked out of it. I was mildly surprised when they wanted my street address, but when they asked for my home phone number and then my social security number....sorry. nope. I don't feel they need that info
Only just caught up with this thread. Anyone wanting access to a website but who doesn't want to put in all that registration detail could try this:

Bug Me Not

If you put the url of the website in here, it'll bypass the password/details and let you straight in.

Or so it says. laugh I've never actually used it myself, so I've no idea if it works. But it would be worth a try, I guess.

It does sound odd though that they'd ask for all those details, Sileas. Are you sure you were in the kosher site?

LabRat smile
Posted By: Sileas Re: drawings? - 12/13/05 08:30 PM
Originally posted by LabRat:
It does sound odd though that they'd ask for all those details, Sileas. Are you sure you were in the kosher site?

LabRat smile [/QB]
good question..... i seriously wonder about it myself. but after some haggling with an automated system through email, i was able to delete my account. thank heavens that option was there, or i would live the rest of my life in fear of identity theft.
Posted By: Laurach Re: drawings? - 12/13/05 11:11 PM
Well Sileas you have talent. I see some good sketch stuff that is your own style. I hope you develop that further. Cheating can help you learn. If you mimic a master enough you become one. But you have a certain style in your stroke. If you practice some real 3D stuff like still lifes or if you can get someone to pose for you, you would learn a lot from having to see it in real space. Photo references are good practice too. I thought val Kilmer came out pretty great. Michele Fifer is good too. the nose needs a little more adjusting but overall you are doing great. Keep practicing. And look at what you are drawing upside down and in a mirror, it helps with your perspective. Good job! Post more soon! Laura
Posted By: Sileas Re: drawings? - 12/19/05 06:57 PM
hey chief pam?
I emailed that site you mentioned above, and got my email back at me a couple of days later. now, my email is notoriously, shockingly whimsical, so I'm betting it's the fault of my program. but could that email address be checked again? it's listed as.....


is this right? tanks.....
Posted By: Anna B. the Greek Re: drawings? - 12/25/05 04:43 PM
Well, since we're doing drawings here...
It's not L&C, but what are your thoughts on it?

[Linked Image]

I don't have a scanner connected to my laptop, so I had to take a photo of it and post the photo, which explains why it is so faint a pic. (Well, that, and the fact that it's a pencil drawing.)

See ya,
Posted By: Sileas Re: drawings? - 12/25/05 05:03 PM
somebody else posted a drawing! somebody else posted a drawing! thumbsup oh nooo....getting sucked away from computer.....drawwwnnnn towaarrrddsss futooonnnnnnnnnnnn.........

you have drawn something simply and well and simply well that I have not been able to master yet---logical wrinkles and stuff, in the couch. I actually put a book on drawing wrinkles on my amazon wish list! wrinkles scare me.

my drawings above were all done in pencil---but they ranged from 6H to 9B, or extremely light to something that can nearly be called a black crayon. the fact that it came in so light was because it isn't a scanner but a photo. and nice feet and nice proportion overall.

ps----behold, I am not smart, and I deleted a pic from my picpile account that *was* posted earlier in this thread. that's why there's just a lil red x there now. blush

i got myself a christmas present---a projector. smile I started a drawing last night of lois, a picture i think is really cute--I like her expression and I like her hair in it. Because the original was kinda fuzzy, it's forced me to not be so anal-retentive about the tiny details. not sure how well it turned out, but.... i'll post it in a while along with a lil batch of others i've been drawing. I did one of lois and clark that turned out FABULOUS. FINALLY, i have nailed Mister Cain. cheated like mad, to be sure, but it turned out well! laugh
Posted By: Ank. K. S. Re: drawings? - 06/20/06 08:23 PM
nice drawing... my favorite hobby.. exactly what i do smile
Posted By: CK Re: drawings? - 06/21/06 07:01 AM
hello! boy I do not get on these boards often enough, I just noticed this link!
anyway, I draw also, I am currently enrolled in a game art and design course at the art institute online, here is a link to my website if anyone is interested:

I'm not a geek. I'm a level 75 dragoon!
Posted By: Anna B. the Greek Re: drawings? - 06/21/06 07:07 AM
Hey, I visited your site, CK! Those are lovely drawings!

See ya,
AnnaBtG. smile
Posted By: TOC Re: drawings? - 06/21/06 10:00 AM
Wonderful pictures, Sileas, Anna and CK!

clap clap clap

Posted By: CK Re: drawings? - 06/23/06 07:54 PM
Thank you, thank you! notworthy

I'm not a geek. I'm a level 75 dragoon!
Posted By: Selinde Re: drawings? - 07/06/06 03:47 AM
Nice drawings y'all smile I wish I could do that [yes I know what you said about right brain and stuff.. Tried it all, took the lessons.. But it just won't work eek ] But hey, I live happy without it.. ^^ Maybe if I really try some day.. goofy
Now the Photoshop thingy (or rather Paint Shop Pro) that I *can* handle smile Not so stupid after all :p I especially like to colourize (making an black&white picture in colour) I already won platinum & gold with it not to long ago smile
This one I entered in a challenge, kind of simple, but I like it ^^
Posted By: Anna B. the Greek Re: drawings? - 07/06/06 11:39 AM
Oh, Selinde, it's very nice!! smile

See ya,
AnnaBtG. smile
Posted By: Selinde Re: drawings? - 07/08/06 11:01 AM
Aber danke smile
(sorry, switching from Dutch to German to English is very confusing..)
Posted By: Selinde Re: drawings? - 07/19/06 02:59 AM
OK people I finally put myself to draw something.. Don't be to hard on me plz drool ) but he doesn't look like him at all! frown
Posted By: MirandaW Re: drawings? - 08/09/06 08:04 AM
Hi, I am new to this board, in fact this is my first message, but I wanted to share one of the L&C pictures I have drawn.

It's pretty basic pencil and paper. I've worked really hard to complete it though, and am immensely proud of it! Please let me know what you think.

my picture
Posted By: SJH Re: drawings? - 08/09/06 03:48 PM
Always nice to see another pencil artist. Nice job. Keep at it.
Posted By: Anna B. the Greek Re: drawings? - 08/10/06 03:21 AM
Selinde, Miranda, your works are lovely smile

See ya,
Posted By: jackiek Re: drawings? - 08/10/06 10:18 AM
Selinde, Miranda, good job! Welcome to the board Miranda!

Jackie/who can't draw stick figures
Posted By: MirandaW Re: drawings? - 08/10/06 10:19 AM
Thanks everyone. Wow, you're really nice here. I'm a usual visitor to TMO (Tobey Maguire Online) and rarely venture out to other message boards. I'm so glad I did. laugh
Posted By: Catherine Bruce Re: drawings? - 08/10/06 10:38 AM
very nice work, you guys! laugh Welcome to the boards, MirandaW! I too noticed the kindness of these people when I first posted a few months ago laugh Made a gal feel welcome! (And I know what you mean, I'd only ever really been active in the Farscape forum TerraFirma before...)

I have a couple drawings I could share, though they're not Lois and Clark... If there's any objections after this one, I'll stop until I've drawn something LnCish. laugh
[Linked Image]

(You can click on it to see it larger)

I did this one over four years ago... probably not the best I've done, but I like it anyhoo! (And with color pencils, to boot!) ^_^ (This is Gillian Anderson from the X-Files. The reason why her eyes are brown here instead of blue is because of the way the lighting of the picture I used was.)
Posted By: Marcus Rowland Re: drawings? - 08/10/06 02:33 PM
Re photobucket accounts - I've had mine for a couple of years, don't think I was asked for much in the way of details, but if they're after anything that could be used for identity theft my suggestion would be to lie. It's not as if you're trying to defraud them. Start by saying that you're outside the USA, I have a feeling that it asks extra questions if you're in the US. If it won't buy that make up a random "social security number" with the right number of digits.
Posted By: Anna B. the Greek Re: drawings? - 08/11/06 04:54 PM
Oye, Cat, that Scully is beautiful!

See ya,
Posted By: Classicalla Re: drawings? - 08/12/06 07:04 AM
Wow! Laura, your drawings are amazing!! I think I saw the photo your drawing of Dean and Christopher was based on.

Has Dean seen any of your drawings?

I'd suggest you post all your drawings!!!!

Everyone's drawings were great, but I just thought Laura's were fantastically amazing!
Posted By: Classicalla Re: drawings? - 08/12/06 10:04 PM
I read a couple of posts today from Lara Moon in the thread: FDK - To Be Like Him 2/2. She does something called renders and posted two pics in the feedback. I've taken it upon myself to post them here, because they are awesome. I hope she doesn't get upset with me. I do to honor her.



I couldn't get the pics to post (working with an ancient computer here), so I gave up and posted the URL's. These are really great pics.
Posted By: Shadow Re: drawings? - 08/12/06 10:36 PM
Cool new pics, everyone! Keep at it! Esp, those pesky pencil drawings. I wish I had an ounce of patience left to do portraits lol.

Posted By: LaraMoon Re: drawings? - 08/12/06 10:51 PM
WOW!! thumbsup

wish I could claim to be an artist - 3D is more technical than anything else... and I work with pre-existing objects (I can model objects, it's just way too time consuming to create a charater just for one rendered image!). My only real ability is using a bunch of software applications and a little spark of imagination to put the image together. But they do come out quite nicely, don't they? ;-)
Posted By: Matrix Re: drawings? - 08/13/06 07:02 AM
Oooh, Scully. Loved the X-files. I have all nine seasons on DVD.

Laramoon - wow! Those are incredible. You need to do some more.

Classicalla, thanks for posting those links here.
Posted By: Classicalla Re: drawings? - 08/13/06 12:25 PM
Awesome drawings, CK. I'm always amazed at such talent.

How have some of you actually gotten the pics to post here and not just a URL. If the instructions are already on the board somewhere, just point me to where. I tried that with Lara's, but I couldn't get it to work.

Wow, Selinde, your colorized pic was fantasic! Where's the one the won the award? I'd love to see it.

There are definitely some very talented people out there.
Posted By: Matrix Re: drawings? - 08/13/06 02:31 PM
Classicalla -

In answer to your question about posting the actual pics...

The pics have to be on the internet somewhere (like saved in an account at Photobucket.com or something like that). You have to have a URL to post the pic. Then what you do is hit the button under the "Instant UBB Code" section that says "Image". It will prompt you for the URL address of the pic.

Then when you post your reply, the pic will show up.

Hope that helps.
Posted By: Selinde Re: drawings? - 08/16/06 04:33 AM
Wow Lara Moon how do you do that eek I want to do that too!! eek
Posted By: Classicalla Re: drawings? - 08/30/06 01:35 AM
Thanks for the info, DJ. Do any of you know names of some other places that host images??

Posted By: Selinde Re: drawings? - 08/30/06 04:24 AM
Try picfury.com smile or imageshack.us smile both free. personally i like picfury better :p
Posted By: LabRat Re: drawings? - 08/30/06 08:54 AM
wish I could claim to be an artist - 3D is more technical than anything else... and I work with pre-existing objects (I can model objects, it's just way too time consuming to create a charater just for one rendered image!). My only real ability is using a bunch of software applications and a little spark of imagination to put the image together. But they do come out quite nicely, don't they? ;-)
Looks pretty dang artistic to me, Lara. Beautifully done, whatever the method. thumbsup

In fact, kudos to everyone in this thread. It's nice to see FoLCs exploring other areas besides fanfic and music vids to share their enthusiasm for LNC.

LabRat smile
Posted By: LaraMoon Re: drawings? - 08/30/06 09:26 AM
Originally posted by Selinde:
Wow Lara Moon how do you do that eek I want to do that too!! eek
Hey Selinde - I'm sorry, I hadn't noticed your post there... I guess I need better glasses! frown

One of the software I use is called "Poser" (there is a good explanation of what it is on Wikipedia ) - I also work with other 3D applications like "Bryce" for landscapes and "XSI" for modeling objects (I work for the company that makes this last software - that's what I do for a living: model objects and "play with them" to verify that the application works properly before it is released and sold to users.)

Once I'm done updating my webpage, I'll post a link, so you can see what else I've done. smile

Ditto what LabRat said - kudos to all of you! It's really cool to see what you guys are doing. The artwork you guys have posted really blows me away! clap
Posted By: Selinde Re: drawings? - 08/31/06 12:40 PM
Thank you.. Maybe I'll try to find a programm too.. but right now I'm in a bit of a busy & hectic period (grandfather died this morning frown ) but when I have time again I'll definately try to download it somewhere (could as well just buy it but whatever goofy )

I'd love to see ur work smile I always like the computer art (like the other stuff too people, keep those coming too wink )
Posted By: Anna B. the Greek Re: drawings? - 08/31/06 03:07 PM
My condolences, Selinde frown

See ya,
Posted By: MirandaW Re: drawings? - 09/01/06 09:36 AM
Yes, I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. frown
Posted By: Laurach Re: drawings? - 04/17/11 09:01 PM
I haven't been here in a while sorry about your loss too Selinde. This thread makes me want to do some more drawings. To answer one question that came up a while ago. Yes Dean saw the watercolor and said Wow what is this! He thought it was great and I sent it to him. I got a kiss for that. I have often thought about doing one of him and his son that is more current but I will have to think about it. Also Lara I had no idea you did that! I've worked with poser years ago. It is a fun way to get a quick human form to play with. I know there are a few programs like that to generate figures. I see my students playing with them to make avatars. Though I am more impressed when someone draws or paints one up from scratch with out the aid of a 3 D program of course. It is great for gaming I'd imagine though. All the best to all the artists out there. Keep on creating! Laura
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