Lois & Clark Forums
Well, if you've had enough of trailers from me, blame CC. wink She more or less issued a challenge in the comment folder for another trailer. Named several fics without trailers, and this one just jumped out at me as one desperately in need of a trailer. Now, whether I've even begun to do Demi's amazing, emotional Heaven\'s Prisoners justice you'll have to decide for yourselves.

Download the trailer here:

Heaven\'s Prisoners WMV

And tell me what you think! peep

Wendy smile
Ohhh, I hope I'm posting feedback in the right place. blush Since I've never posted feedback for trailers before, I looked to see if there was a feedback thread for each trailer posted (like with fanfic) but there didn't seem to be. So forgive me if I'm posting in the wrong place!

Originally posted by Wendymr:
And tell me what you think!
I'll tell you what I thought. I LOVED IT!!!! Oh my gosh, Wendy, I loved it! Heaven's Prisoners was one of the very first fics I read, and I was blown away. You have certainly done this story justice. thumbsup The music was INCREDIBLE (what song is that, btw?), and you picked the perfect clips to make it heart wrenching and tear-jerking. FABULOUS!!!! I never cease to be impressed by how good you are at remembering little clips from the series that would fit so well into trailers. When I heard you were doing one on this story, I wondered where on earth you'd find clips that would fit. But you did! And they were PERFECT! I am so, so impressed. clap clap

Yup, Erin, we adopted a completely different tradition of feedback for music vids, just to be confusing. smile1

LabRat (who feels a hankering for another catch-up with music vids day coming on....)
Is that Enia Enja, forget the spelling. I have 2 of her CDs and it reminded me of her. Love that music. Nice visuals also. good jb. Laura
Thanks for the lovely feedback so far, guys! thumbsup Doesn't hurt that she's Irish, too! wink

Wendy smile
You're definitely on a roll, Wendy. smile1

This is fabulous. I love everything about it - the clips, music and text cards. notworthy notworthy You capture the mood of the story superbly.

Thanks for sharing this. smile I love it.

Tricia cool
Ah Wendy!

A-mazing trailer for a great story! laugh

~Lois Lane Wanna Be
Oh! the torture of having to watch this again so I can leave appropriate feedback! *sigh* wink

I really can't say enough about this one... but I'll do my best. goofy

I'd entertained the notion of doing a trailer for this story *months* back. And I never did get more than about one clip in mind for how to portray the story.

You, on the other hand, wow! I never would have thought to create such a perfect representation of the event that tore their marriage apart! The flame (again with the flame, Wendy? goofy ) over the various images that just flowed all together... I don't know... it's more a feeling you evoke than an intellectual response. The haunting music definitely helped to achieve that.

So there I am, stuck with this horrible feeling of angst from the angsty montage, and BAM!, Wendy hits me with the title card - When even love can't overcome grief - right in the heart. mecry

Then I'm trying to console myself through the talking parts, and Wendy asks a question: Does the past rule out any future? Bah! Now she's really got me thinking there's no hope...

And the execution of the dance/benefit-thingy... just brilliant! I'm absolutely torn at this point, thinking about yelling at Lois and Clark to stop dancing with other people and just *talk* to each other!! mecry


Heh... maybe I've read this story one too many times and it's affecting my perception of the trailer. blush It's just so heartbreaking, and the trailer does an awesome job of capturing that emotion!!

Sara (hoping she doesn't have her Feedback Giver award taken away for going a little overboard on the emotional play-by-play, not to mention switching pov and tenses during blush )
Nice one!
Now, if only I had time to read the story... *sigh*

See ya,
Awwww! Must.Read.Story.Again!

Dang you, wendy! Finally got some spare time to catch up on some stuff, I have missed. And I decided to watch this. Soooo emotional. Very nice. Went with the story very good. I loooove enya. Perfect for this trailer. Very very good job. thumbsup

Rach(who has a feeling if she watches more trailers, she will be busy with more fics :p )
Wow! That was great! Awesome job Wendy!
Thank you all!!! blush

Again, I'm so pleased that this trailer is inspiring people to go and read the story. If you've never read Heaven's Prisoners, run!! It's one of those unforgettable, classic fics which tugs at the heartstrings, makes you ache for both Lois and Clark, and offers such a satisfying resolution. It's on the Fanfic Archive - I linked to it in the opening post - but if you like nfic you'll also find a version in the nfic section of Annesplace .

Sara, gush all you like! You make me blush, blush but also make me very happy indeed. I'm sorry that I got to this before you did, but you know there's no rule which says a story can have only one trailer. wink And you put your finger on exactly what I was going for here: aiming for the emotional impact all the way. The story's a tearjerker; that means the trailer has to try to be that too. And that's why the music felt so perfect: May It Be is itself one of those pieces which just makes you want to tear up. mecry

Erin, thank you for 'delurking' as far as trailers on the boards are concerned, and I'm so pleased that my trailer was the one which motivated you to post! smile

Oh, and Rat: yes, you're right about the background music at that point in the trailer. That's the annoying thing about some clips from the series. I tried as much as I could to eliminate the music, but there's a point at which I can't trim or fade any further or the dialogue gets lost, and the dialogue at that point was just so right for the story that I didn't want to lose it. Oh well!

Thank you all very much again!!

Wendy smile
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