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Posted By: HatMan Music Video -- Birdhouse In Your Soul - 02/17/05 04:42 AM
I came up with the idea for this vid a few weeks ago, but unfortunately didn't have the video to make it. Thanks to the generous auspices of our own Annette, I got all the video I needed. smile

When I got the video, though, I realized that I didn't really have a plan. So, I basically started slapping the whole thing together. Did it in 2 or 3 days, including coming back to give it at least a little polish.

Thanks to skfolc and psychofurball for Beta Viewing. I didn't take all of their suggestions, but each and every one was appreciated.

The end result? I'm not sure. Entertaining, I hope, but it's not "Rocky Raccoon" by a long shot.

The song is "Birdhouse In Your Soul" by They Might Be Giants. The video has captions, but if you want to see the lyrics first, you can find them here.

A few notes about the song...

I and at least one other person agree that the lyrics are probably about a nightlight, but even then they don't really make sense.

Actually, there's a book I read a few years back. I'm not certain, but I think it was "Spirts White As Lightning" by Mercedes Lackey. If not, it's one of the books in that series (Bedlam Bards). In the books, there are human mages living in our world, and there are elves who live in their own fairy worlds but sometimes come to our world for various reasons. There are good elves and there are evil elves.

In this particular scene, a human mage has been captured by an evil elven overlord (Kaylle challenges you to say that 5 times fast, BTW <g>). Sitting in his cage, he suddenly realizes that, even if there isn't anyone in the room with him, the evil elven overlord might have evil elven mages spying on his thoughts. So, he starts singing this song to himself. We're told that after this song, he continued on through the rest of the album and on to the next one.

Shortly thereafter, the evil elven overlord gets a report. His mages (who have, indeed, been spying on the prisoner's thoughts) are going mad. The prisoner seemed to have been casting some kind of arcane spell, but they couldn't figure out what it was. Trying to figure out what the words meant was driving them nuts, and, what's worse, they now all have it stuck in their heads.

So, be warned. It's that kind of a song. <g>

Still with me?

Okay, I've got a couple more notes.

A "Longines Symphonette" is, aparantly, a type of hand-held radio. I only just discovered this today while doing research to make captions. You can see a picture of one here.

Also, for those who don't know, the phrase "a bee in your bonnet" referrs to a persistent irritation. Something that really annoys you and keeps coming back to annoy you some more. It can also mean an idea you're obsessed with (usually in a way that's frustrating to you or others).

I think that about covers things. If, after everything I've said, you're still interested in seeing the video, you can find it in Windows Media Player format...


Thanks to The FoLC Video Archive for hosting it. smile

WOO HOO PAUL!! Another one, and I always enjoy people who make unique videos. And I'm so happy, you let me view this last night. Great job! thumbsup

Loved the music, when tempus holds up the gun. LOL!! That cracked me up. WOO HOO! Can't wait to see what you come up with next.

Rach laugh
Great Video! I adore that song now thanks alot! Keep it up!!

Posted By: KSaraSara Re: Music Video -- Birdhouse In Your Soul - 02/18/05 04:36 PM
Posted By: HatMan Re: Music Video -- Birdhouse In Your Soul - 02/19/05 11:29 PM
Thanks for the comments, guys. smile I know it's not my best, but I'm glad you enjoyed. laugh

As for my next vid, well... Coming right up! <g>

I don't know why you thought that this wasn't that great of a video, Paul. It was laugh laugh laugh hilarious!

I think putting Wells as the friend/not friend was great, but having Tempus as the BEE in our bonnet was definetly inspired. (Was it intentional that the word 'bee' always intersected with Tempus on the screen?)

Posted By: HatMan Re: Music Video -- Birdhouse In Your Soul - 10/16/07 10:04 AM
Glad you enjoyed, James. smile I don't know. I had fun making it, but I wasn't sure about the finished product. And, as you can see, it brought in a rather limited reaction. Good to know it worked so well for you. smile

As for the bee, I think my idea was that Wells was the bee in Tempus's bonnet, but I guess it works just as well the other way, too. smile
Here's a real co-winky-dink.

The TV show, "Pushing up daisies" used this song to supplement the 10-23-2007 episode.

Posted By: LaraMoon Re: Music Video -- Birdhouse In Your Soul - 10/29/07 06:20 AM

That was just hilarious! *giggles madly* The lyrics are so strange and the clips make it so funny.

Well done! ...glad someone bumped this back up to the top! Kinda makes me wanna go and do a treasure hunt, now. *g*
Posted By: HatMan Re: Music Video -- Birdhouse In Your Soul - 10/29/07 07:37 PM
Thanks! smile Glad you liked. laugh

As for treasure hunting... May I suggest the FoLCVideo MV Archive ? The list hasn't been updated in a long time (and it doesn't have some of the ones hosted at other sites, such as Anna's classic Save A Horse ), but if you're looking for buried treasure, it'd be a good place to start. smile
Originally posted by D8a:
Here's a real co-winky-dink.

The TV show, "Pushing up daisies" used this song to supplement the 10-23-2007 episode.

I watched Pushing Daisies yesterday (and that series is rapidly becoming my favourite download), and I was wondering where that song had come from - now I know. Nice video, thanks for doing it.
If anyone's interested, I've just started a Buffy / Pushing Daisies crossover drabble Round Robin on Twisting The Hellmouth, based largely on that episode and the song. Warning - a VERY bad pun at the end.

They Might Be Drabbles
Saw the YouTube version and personally, I liked Paul's a WHOLE lot better!

Posted By: HatMan Re: Music Video -- Birdhouse In Your Soul - 11/02/07 03:19 PM
Huh. I hadn't seen the actual vid, James. Thanks. That's actually pretty fun. (And a little more appropriate, since I believe the song is really about a nightlight.)

Reminds me... Tiny Toons did some cartoon sketches to TMBG songs a while back. Of course, those are on YouTube, too. For example, there's Plucky Duck starring in Istanbul . (Though, really, I think Plucky is better as Particle Man ...)

Anyway... thanks for the compliment. Glad you like my version so much. laugh
Posted By: Bethy Re: Music Video -- Birdhouse In Your Soul - 11/02/07 06:20 PM
Just saw this now, Paul, and loved it! The Wells/Tempus theme worked really well, I thought. And ta for the links to TMBG's stuff on YouTube...I didn't know them beyond your vids, but I think I like them mucho. :-)

Thanks for sharing the video - it was fun!

Posted By: woody Re: Music Video -- Birdhouse In Your Soul - 11/03/07 12:39 AM
Have to say I loved how this fit so well with Wells. Blue Canary...who watches over you. As far as the I'm your only friend, I'm not your only friend...not actually your friend, but I am. During SoulMates, that's probably how LnC felt about him.
Posted By: HatMan Re: Music Video -- Birdhouse In Your Soul - 11/03/07 05:22 AM
Thanks, Bethy. smile Yeah, they do a lot of fun songs. Glad you liked the vid. smile

Woody, that's how I was hoping people would see it. Thanks! smile
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