Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: HatMan Music Video - Rocky Raccoon - 01/08/05 03:34 AM
Woo-hoo! Okay, this is my first vid (counting Kryptonite , the L&C tradition, as my "almost first vid" wink )!

The song is "Rocky Raccoon" by the Beatles. It's a fun song we used to sing on family bike trips, and, well, one day not too long ago, I thought it'd make for a good L&C vid. Of course, I had no clips and no experience... That's where Psychofurball came in, listened to the song, and told me I had to make the vid! She provided the clips, the encouragement, and a lot of great FDK. This wouldn't have been possible without her.

Like I said, it's a really fun song. I personally suggest listening to it alone first, because I think the video will distract you from some of the lyrical subtleties. Just a thought.

As it happens, the song tells a story. A story which almost, but not quite, matches up with a certain plot from the show. Both plots had to bend a bit to fit together, but I think it works well enough. smile

Anyway, I'm currently on vacation, and stuck with dialup access, which means it takes me hours to send the file anywhere (for some reason, even with a 44k connection to the server, I can't seem to transfer files at more than 2kbps... <sigh>). I had sent a copy to Rach for final beta approval (she did that for me, too...), but then she spotted a little mistake. I fixed it, but she was smarter than me and signed off for the night before I could even consider sending the new version tonight. Silly me decided to upload the thing to my personal webspace, so I could send it wherever it needed to go just by pasting the link.

That took until after 6am. And that's when I decided that as long as I had it up, I might as well share. I'll get it uploaded to the right site later, and then update the link (and maybe make this post make a bit more sense than I can make at 6:30am).

EDIT: The file is now gone from temporary storage, but you can find it at its new home at The FoLC Video Archive . I have now updated the link below to reflect this change.

Rocky Raccoon

Enjoy! smile

Oh... one more thing. I remembered a FoLC who doesn't speak English as her native language saying that she had to look up the lyrics to really appreciate a vid. So, I tried to do something about that with this one. Please let me know if you think it works or if it's just distracting.

Posted By: Kaethel Re: Music Video - Rocky Raccoon - 01/08/05 07:23 AM
Paul, what an original idea!!! It's really fantastic! I love how you turned this into an old movie, sometimes fastforwarding to give it that special flavour of movies from the 30s. Really, really well done! I adore it!

Kaethel smile
Posted By: mmmsquirrel Re: Music Video - Rocky Raccoon - 01/08/05 07:27 AM
wow paul!!! that was freakin awesome! I adore it! GREAT job!!!!!!!!!!! i love how Lois was magill, lil, and nancy! that was awesome i'm off to watch again!
Posted By: Laurach Re: Music Video - Rocky Raccoon - 01/08/05 03:37 PM
Paul could you put up Kryptonite again, the link won't work. I really love that song. Ok now I am going to look at your new one. Laura
Posted By: Laurach Re: Music Video - Rocky Raccoon - 01/08/05 03:43 PM
Woo Hoo! Paul that was fabulous! I loved the old film filter, Where did you get that! and the words going across was great. You matched the scene to the music very well. I also love the beatles so I am glad you did one of there songs. Keep it up boy! Laura
Posted By: HatMan Re: Music Video - Rocky Raccoon - 01/08/05 07:11 PM
Wow, thanks for the comments, guys! smile smile

I'm so glad you like it! I had a lot of fun making it. smile

Laura, although I came up with the idea and chose the clips for Kryptonite, the actual vid was made by Trenna. I had no vid to work with and didn't know how to work with it, in any case. So, it is or was hosted on her site. I'm not sure what happened. Just tried opening another of her vids, and it seemed to work fine. <shrug>

Luckily, I kept a local copy for myself. So, I'll upload it soon and post the new link.

One warning, though: That vid was made with an odd sense of humor. Odder than usual, I should say. wink The song didn't make much sense to me until I saw it from Lex's POV, which made it amusing, in an ironic and evil way. Looking at the comments, I'm not sure how many got the joke. So... see what you think.

Anyway, thanks again for the comments! Keep 'em coming! laugh

Posted By: Karla Kent Re: Music Video - Rocky Raccoon - 01/08/05 07:36 PM
Hi Paul!!

Hi love your vid.
And the lyrics was really a very good idea, thanks for think about us.

All the effects are great.

Posted By: Supes1fan Re: Music Video - Rocky Raccoon - 01/09/05 06:57 AM
Excellent job Paul!

Very original idea executed perfectly!

~Liz thumbsup
Posted By: KSaraSara Re: Music Video - Rocky Raccoon - 01/09/05 02:57 PM
Well, I already told you... THIS VID FREAKING ROCKS!!!!!!! (at least I think those were my exact words. I could look up the log...)

I laughed everytime Lois had a new "name." Inspired work with "Rocky" shooting Lex and then Lex in a wheelchair!! Gideon's Bible was great!! The Lex being "Dan" but also called "Daniel"... that had me cracking up so hard. And you know what... rather than going through this line by line, because it's really just that good... I'll just say that you did a GREAT job with clip/lyric matching, especially considering the song wasn't written for L&C. goofy )!!! I'm really impressed! goofy
Posted By: Queen of the Capes Re: Music Video - Rocky Raccoon - 01/09/05 08:46 PM
I already gave my two cents on IRC, but I'll tell you again. This was great! smile And the credits were hilarious!
Posted By: Psychofurball Re: Music Video - Rocky Raccoon - 01/10/05 11:36 PM
I love this vid, Paul! I told you it was worth posting. And the credits Got me going when i frist saw it before the ok. But I do hope you plan on making more. smile With or without my help. Hopefully with. wink

Posted By: KathyB Re: Music Video - Rocky Raccoon - 01/14/05 08:13 PM
Well, I just found you on IRC, too, but I'll post it here anyway. smile

This was so creative and clever. I loved it ... from the subtitles to the black & white film to the special effects and choppy/fast motion .. .it was just like an old movie. What a fantastic idea. And so original.

Kudos, Paul! I'm very impressed and had a lot of fun with this one. smile

Posted By: CC Aiken Re: Music Video - Rocky Raccoon - 01/15/05 05:49 AM
Com-plete-ly brilliant!

And just when I'm bowled over, the credits run, and the whole thing simply gets...brilliant-er.

Man, Paul. I want a Timmy. The two of you together are amazing.

Wonderful! More, please! No resting on your laurels, (laurels are so uncomfortable anyway), there are millions of songs out there and you've got work to do.


Did I say I loved it? Don't think I mentioned, but didn't want to leave that out of the gushing.
Posted By: Elena Re: Music Video - Rocky Raccoon - 01/18/05 01:20 PM
WOW! Paul, I'm in awe! smile1
Posted By: SuperRoo Re: Music Video - Rocky Raccoon - 01/19/05 04:08 PM
How can I *not* love it?! That rocked. I enjoyed the look of it, the words going across (it gave it a unique look), speed - it all matched the song. I'll second everyone else's enthusiasm.

Thanks ya'll! for your awesome work.
Posted By: HatMan Re: Music Video - Rocky Raccoon - 01/19/05 11:20 PM
Woo-hoo! Lots of great FDK!! Thanks everyone!

I'm so glad you all enjoyed it so much!

/me does the happy FDK dance... dance

Glad to hear the captions worked. It was an experiment, but it sounds like it had good results. smile

Oh, and glad to hear you liked the credits, too. I had fun with them. laugh

Sorry I'm not responding more individually, but there are so many message to respond to (which is really cool!!) and only so much I can say back.

So... Woo-hoo!! Thanks for the great FDK, everyone! I really appreciate it from each and every one of you! Keep it coming. wink

Oh... one more thing... I uploaded the vid to the new, spiffy, and very cool FoLC video archive for more permanent storage. So, you can now find it here.

Posted By: LaraMoon Re: Music Video - Rocky Raccoon - 10/22/07 07:47 PM
OMG! thumbsup
Posted By: HatMan Re: Music Video - Rocky Raccoon - 10/22/07 08:51 PM
laugh Thanks, Lara!

I'm *almost* sad you didn't use Dan as... Dan. wink
I thought of that, of course. But it didn't fit with the story, which was a blend of the song's story with the story of the ARGH.

Besides, there's something amusing about Lex being called Dan. wink

And see? It's the "impossible" vids that come out best. laugh

P.S. Did you take the time to read the credits?
Posted By: woody Re: Music Video - Rocky Raccoon - 10/22/07 10:32 PM
Awesome vid. Loved the credits. The "Yellow Sun" is in movies now.
Posted By: lcfan4ever Re: Music Video - Rocky Raccoon - 10/23/07 03:32 AM
ok, my first thought when reading this thread was: what do they all have with these credits? but after seeing the vid I know it now: cool laugh

Admitted, the subtitles where a bit fast in the beginning (I know it wasn't possible any other way because the singing is very fast), but this way I was with a combination of voice and text at least able to understand everything smile thumbsup
Posted By: LaraMoon Re: Music Video - Rocky Raccoon - 10/23/07 05:39 AM
And see? It's the "impossible" vids that come out best. laugh
You bet! In fact, I'm absolutely going back to that thread to check out more songs to do. laugh

P.S. Did you take the time to read the credits?
Absolutely! A movie is never over until the end credits have all rolled. wink They're just as amusing as the rest of the video clip - I think it's great that you put those in for the added laughs!
Posted By: HatMan Re: Music Video - Rocky Raccoon - 10/23/07 11:54 AM
Ooo, more FDK! Yay! smile

Admitted, the subtitles where a bit fast in the beginning (I know it wasn't possible any other way because the singing is very fast), but this way I was with a combination of voice and text at least able to understand everything
Yeah. Had to have them keep up with the song's speed. But glad to know they helped, and that you were able to get everything. smile

You bet! In fact, I'm absolutely going back to that thread to check out more songs to do. laugh

Absolutely! A movie is never over until the end credits have all rolled. wink They're just as amusing as the rest of the video clip - I think it's great that you put those in for the added laughs!
Hadn't planned it, but it just seemed appropriate. smile Glad you liked, and that you took time to read. I think some people saw the normal "who played what role" credits at the beginning and might have missed the ones at the end.
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