Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: BanAnna Vid Archive - 12/10/04 03:51 PM
I'm a member of a LiveJournal community called vidding, which is for people who make music videos for various fandoms. A day or so ago somebody asked a pretty simple question, and it got a bunch of us involved in a very complicated project. Here's the question:

Is there a vid archive anywhere for all fandoms? Something like the BMVD where vidders enter their vid information and it's searchable by vidder, fandom, music, character, etc. If not how hard would it be to get one started? Would this be feasible or just a stupid pipe dream that's impossible? Anyone interested in getting one started?
The dominos fell and now some of us are trying to get a mult-fandom vidding archive up and running. We're in the *very* beginning stages, but I'm trying to get the word out and find people who are willing to help in anyway they can. The archive won't actually host vids, but it will have some sort of search function, and a list of vids with links to the page where they can be downloaded.

If anyone is interested in more details, or wants to help out, or just make a comment or two, there has been a LiveJournal community set up solely devoted to discussing this idea. You don't have to be a member or even have a LiveJournal to comment on other people's posts. Or if you don't feel comfortable over there where you don't know anyone, you can post here and I can relay your comments, questions, suggestions, etc. smile

I'm pretty excited about this idea, so I really hope we can get it off the ground.

Posted By: LabRat Re: Vid Archive - 12/10/04 03:58 PM
Wow. Big project, Anna. But it would be very handy. There's a site called Kawoosh! which has gathered together a huge section of Stargate videos (actually links to videos) and it was an absolute goldmine for me when I stumbled across it. Made life so much simpler.

I'm sure your project will be equally helpful for music vid enthusiasts. smile

Good luck!

LabRat smile
Posted By: Trenna Re: Vid Archive - 12/24/04 08:43 PM
I wonder what the internet ramifications are of having all the videos searchable in one place.

Another fandom website that I visit has deleted all video links that aren't directly linked to a commercial site. You can link to an interview online, but not to something that a fan creates, even if it is from a TV interview. The reasoning being that the owners of the rights are starting to get serious about shutting down sites that are doing a lot of sharing of files.

They also mentioned that WB was one of the more lenient studios.

I feel comfortable here sharing video and songs, but we really are in violation especially the songs.

Am I wrong?
Posted By: LabRat Re: Vid Archive - 12/24/04 10:56 PM
Depends on the fandom. goofy

Some like to keep tighter reins on their copyright. I tend to think that those who do mostly just don't understand creative fandom and don't realise fans aren't trying to rip them off or cash in on their product. Although there are others who keep a lockdown for creative reasons. Anne McCaffrey, for example, who is notoriously voracious about closing down sites with fanfic based on her books.

When it comes to shows like LNC, I think you have less of a problem because copyright holders tend not to be so concerned about shows that aren't running any more. So they tend to be a little more lax.

Getting specific, the Stargate PTB are one of the most lenient I've known through the years, not only not getting wound up about fan activities, but actively getting involved in them, posting to forums, the cast and crew being very aware of everything that's going on etc.

I think the lesson is, tailor your projects to your fandom.

LabRat smile
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