Lois & Clark Forums
I heard a song on the radio today which immediately struck me as perfect material for a NK angsty video. Yes, for once, I actually listened to the lyrics of a song! Amazing but true. laugh Anyway, the song is I Find Your Love, by Beth Neilsen Chapman. It's on her 'Look' album, and is from the film Calendar Girls (great film, btw!).

No doubt someone's going to tell me there's already a video of this, but if there's not, then I'd love to see one...Lynn, Pel, are you out there?

Oh, and you can apparently download a Real Audio version of the track here.

Yvonne smile
Oh, sorry, didn't see this post till now.

Me, making a music video? Wouldn't that be like, ahm, asking a local farmer to rebuild the twin towers? Oy. I have absolutely no idea on how to make those at all. None. Zero. No talent *at all*. So I'd rather place my bets on Lynn, or Andrea, or one of the newer video makers.

I agree with you, Yvonne. It is a great song!! So I hope someone will do it.

Maybe I'll try music videos sometime... There's a first time for everything, but I still have nightmares about the time I made one for Hall & Oates's "I Could Fall". Yikes. Love love love the song, though.

So, anyone?

Oh, I'm sure you could, Pel. Go on...just for me? Please? Pretty please?

You've no idea how unusual it is for me to ask for a video, you see. So you'd really make me a happy bunny if you gave it a try. Mind you, maybe that isn't the motivation you need...

Okay, you'd probably make a lot of other people happy bunnies as well. How's that?

(who is not sure how well bunnies and pelicans mix, but is remaining optimistic)
Oh you make me laugh Pelican! I love your stuff. I'm sure you could do it!!!!!!
Hmph. You know, there are crazy people, and there are...well, even crazier people. And despite the facts that I drink milk with pizza and still decorate my bed with teddy bears and have this disgusting habit of noisily chewing bubble gum and blowing bubbles, I prefer to think I belong in the first category. For me, making a music video would certainly put me in category no. 2. Granted, I'm sure the party in there will be a whole lot fun, with Elena being the head host and everything, but still..I'm not *that* crazy... this is where you all agree.

Serisouly, I have no talent whatsoever in making music videos. It would be utterly humiliating, to say the least. And especially if you have high expectations for this song's music video.. Yikes. Terrifying.

Pelican (though the mere image of Yvonne as a happy bunny is tempting.....)
I'm not *that* crazy... this is where you all agree.
We do?

El smile1
PS: I've got a birthday coming up soon. I'm just saying, you know...wouldn't expect anyone to take note, especially. Just thought I'd mention it. A public service announcement, if you will.

Pel, to echo you; Hmph. How many times have you told me that you "can't" do something, that it's "impossible"? And how long has it taken me on each occasion to wrangle a trailer/fic out of you? And how many times have I been proved right, so far? And here you're telling me yet again that you "can't" do something because you "have no talent"?

Am I sensing a trend here? wildguy wildguy wildguy wildguy wildguy wildguy wildguy wildguy wildguy wildguy

Sara [suppporting Y and El wink ]
I'll look at the song,see if anything hits me. I'm always looking forward to doing another one, and I love doing ones to the Arcs. Like I did "How Do I Live?" to the wedding/clone one and "When You Come Back To Me Again" to the NK arc.

I redid those, they look almost exactly the same just clearer and sound better, need to put those up again.

Well anyway I'll look at the song b/c i love arcy videos:)
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