Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Saskia Alt-Kerth Ceremony Time - Take 2 - 06/07/06 01:41 PM
From the last poll, we gathered that holding the ceremony during the evening for Europeans wasn't such a bad idea. So the ceremony will start some time during the evening for us on this side of the pond. The question is, what would suit *you* best?

I'll go with Paul's suggestion, so you can chose several options, because yes, more than one option can work fine for you. For the rest, you know the deal...

The Alt-Kerth Committee
~Anna, Rachel, Sara and Saskia
Posted By: Doranwen Re: Alt-Kerth Ceremony Time - Take 2 - 06/07/06 10:42 PM
The worst problem isn't the time of day, it's which *weekend* it is. It's the last Sabbath of camp meeting, which means there will be visitors, and I have to work after sundown till almost midnight, so . . . I'd be free after midnight, but I have a feeling midnight Seattle/Los Angeles time (PST) wouldn't suit very many people. (g) I can log it, but in the morning I'll be at church, and in the afternoon I'll probably be busy with visitors, my best friend, really important stuff like that. I *so* had wanted to be really *present* at an Alt-Kerth Ceremony, though. mecry
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