Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: kmar Who Will Die on Smallville - 01/21/06 02:30 AM
Who do you think will die on Smallville. We know it is someone close to Clark.
Posted By: kmar Re: Who Will Die on Smallville - 01/21/06 02:31 AM
I forgot to say feel free to express your opinion of why the person you chose will be the one to die.
Posted By: Dave Re: Who Will Die on Smallville - 01/21/06 04:06 AM
I haven't watched Smallville in... forever, but I voted anyway.

Person: Chloe.

Reason: Duh.
Posted By: TOC Re: Who Will Die on Smallville - 01/21/06 04:40 AM
Well, I haven't voted yet, and maybe I won't, but I agree with you, David. If anyone dies, it's almost certainly going to be Chloe. Why? Well, what would happen if it is Lois? Hey, Lois has been part of Superman's life since 1938. That's when she and Clark were first seen working together as colleagues - and adults, I may add - at the Daily Planet. And she has been a part of Superman's life ever since. So how is that going to be possible if Smallville shows us that Lois died while she and Clark were still kids? Lana doesn't have a nearly as illustrious career as girlfriend material, but she has still been around for many years both in the comics, in movies and even in ABC's Lois and Clark. But Chloe doesn't belong anywhere except in the Smallville show. Nobody who doesn't watch Smallville is ever going to miss her or wonder what happened to her, if she dies. Want to kill somebody on Smallville and take the easy way out? Kill Chloe.


P.S. Considering that the Christopher Reeve movies showed that Jonathan Kent died when Clark was about as old as he is in the Smallville show, I guess that it would be possible to kill Jonathan, too.
Posted By: ChiefPam Re: Who Will Die on Smallville - 01/21/06 06:23 AM
I think (hope) it'll be Lana. Supposedly, Clark will Tell All, and that's usually a death sentence (Chloe notwithstanding).

I'm not swayed by the canon argument either, Ann. These guys are not big on following canon.

Besides, Lana's my least favorite of the potentials goofy

We'll see next week!

Posted By: MLT Re: Who Will Die on Smallville - 01/21/06 08:25 AM
You mean there's a chance Lana will die? (Please, please, please) Maybe I'll actually have to watch Smallville next week. laugh
Posted By: TOC Re: Who Will Die on Smallville - 01/21/06 08:42 AM
Well, I'm not trying to say that Chloe should die. I don't know if I'm that wild about the idea of killing any of the main characters - I'm not too much into deathfics, you know what I mean - but if somebody has to die, I don't mind if it's Lana. I'm not too happy with that girl since she slept with Clark - not that he didn't have something to do with it, too! Why do we always want to take revenge on the woman when our favorite guy can't keep his pants on???

Anyway, if someone on Smallville actually has to die, and I could choose who it would be, let me tell you Lex Luthor's days would be numbered!

Posted By: groobie Re: Who Will Die on Smallville - 01/21/06 08:50 AM
I had read that the producers said a person in the opening credits every week would die. My guess was Lionel. What does canon say about the death of Lex's dad? However, when they showed the previews, that was pretty much thrown out the window - Clark would not be grieving over Lionel's grave. Bye bye, Chloe.
Posted By: Tank Re: Who Will Die on Smallville - 01/21/06 08:55 AM
The Audience?

Tank (who has watched very few Smallville episodes but being a member of the MBs finds it impossible not having a fairly good grasp of the ridiculous storylines of that show)
Posted By: BanAnna Re: Who Will Die on Smallville - 01/21/06 10:23 AM
Although I wish it would be Lana, TPTB are too enamoured with her to kill her off. If anything, the death was probably thought up with the sole purpose of giving Lana a reason to cry more.

I think it's a toss up between Chloe and Jonathan. I know (God, don't I know) that they don't follow cannon, but they do seem to have an affinity toward the Chris Reeves movies, which would indicate that they'll kill Jonathan. On the other hand, Chloe's storyline is basically non-existant except for being Clark's Krypto hag, which looks a lot like the roll that Pete was playing right before they wrote him off. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if they killed both of them.

Posted By: ChiefPam Re: Who Will Die on Smallville - 01/21/06 11:37 AM
Chloe's storyline is basically non-existant except for being Clark's Krypto hag,
Um... do I want to know what a Krypto hag is?

Posted By: RL Re: Who Will Die on Smallville - 01/27/06 02:39 PM
I actually gave my prediction a few days ago in another thread, the smallville (spoilers) thread in Off Topic. Surprisingly I was right. I'm not usually right about these things.

They actually killed Jonathan in an appropriate way. Canon actually did have Jonathan dying of a heart attack. They tried to fool us into thinking the traffic accident was the cause of death of the one who would stay dead.

Two good things came out of that episode. One, we at least got to see Lana die, even though she didn't stay dead. And two, it seems Clark's highly unlikely to ever risk telling Lana his secret, which means they're finished as a couple.

It's kinda nice that most of us hate Lana. Keep in mind that we couldn't believe that it took two years for Lois and Clark to get together in our favorite show. Yet five seasons of "torture in Smallville" have Lana and Clark still going through the "will they or won't they" syndrome. If we actually liked Lana, we'd have been driven insane three years ago. wink
Posted By: Marcus Rowland Re: Who Will Die on Smallville - 01/28/06 03:27 AM
Don't often pimp my own stories, but this one (a Buffy / Smallville crossover drabble) does seem particularly appropriate to this discussion. Helps if you know the Buffyverse.

Scavenger Hunt

Should add that I'm rather fond of the theory that at some point the Smallville versions of Lois and Chloe will swap identities or brains or something, or that Chloe will otherwise take Lois's place.
Posted By: C_A Re: Who Will Die on Smallville - 01/28/06 04:19 AM
Um... do I want to know what a Krypto hag is?
Pam, it's a play on the term " fag hag ." Chloe described herself as Clark's "Krypto hag."
Posted By: ChiefPam Re: Who Will Die on Smallville - 01/28/06 08:09 AM
So... she's a close friend in whom he has no sexual interest. Sadly, that seems spot-on. Thanks smile

Posted By: SuperRoo Re: Who Will Die on Smallville - 01/28/06 11:31 PM
They actually killed Jonathan in an appropriate way.
I don't watch Smallville but I know all about it...but Jonathan died! Oh dear. I guess I fell to far behind to get into this show now. (I have a habit of that. I got into Sex and The City once it went off the air!) LOL
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