Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Sileas Lois: Short or Long Hair? - 01/01/06 05:36 PM
topic name sez it all. wotcha think?
Posted By: LabRat Re: Lois: Short or Long Hair? - 01/01/06 06:05 PM
We needed an 'other' option. laugh

I mostly prefer Lois with long hair - I never thought that they got a short-haired style that really suited her as much as that delightful bob of the first and second seasons.

But there are exceptions to that. There are a few episodes or scenes where I thought she looked lovely with short hair. None of them are coming to mind right now, but I remember there were some. goofy

In too many others though I thought the styles made her look haggard or even ill. Tempus Anyone? is a good example. Love the episode, but I think her hairstyle there is dreadful, far too harsh for her face.

So, my answer would be mostly long-haired, but not entirely. Just to be contrary. laugh

LabRat smile
Posted By: Shadow Re: Lois: Short or Long Hair? - 01/01/06 06:21 PM
In too many others though I thought the styles made her look haggard or even ill.
Or even 40. Stop the Presses, anyone?
I'm still rolling in laughter over that awful hair-do.

I think I liked it when they first cut it in When Irish Eyes are Killing. Was that the ep? She also had a nice 'do' in the credits. Mighta been the fourth season? I can't remember.

Posted By: MLT Re: Lois: Short or Long Hair? - 01/01/06 07:35 PM
Long - definitely. I mean, how can you argue with this:

[Linked Image]

(hope that worked.)

Although, I must admit, I liked her hair in Just Say Noah.
Posted By: BanAnna Re: Lois: Short or Long Hair? - 01/01/06 11:01 PM
Wow, ML, that's a gorgeous pic of her! I've never seen it before, but it's stunning. smile

As for the poll, I liked the short hair better when it was a good day for it, but a lot of the times it looked absolutely hideous. Tempus Anyone comes to mind as one of the worst. The long hair on the other hand, was always nice. Not as stylish and cute as the short hair was sometimes, but at least you could count on it to look decent at any given moment.

Posted By: HatMan Re: Lois: Short or Long Hair? - 01/02/06 12:33 AM
I'm more of a fan of long hair in general, but I don't remember Lois's specific styles. (Then again, I'm not a huge fan of Teri's in the first place.)

OTOH, it's kind of interesting. Maybe we should make this a regular thing:

October 2003

April 2003

Hmm. Guess it's been a while. We were overdue.

Oh, and we're really overdue for Clark ...

Posted By: Julie S Re: Lois: Short or Long Hair? - 01/02/06 03:17 AM
I thought she looked nice in the Pilot.

[Linked Image]

But by the end of the first season it looked pretty bad...

[Linked Image]

Now, S2 and especially right before she cut it, looked great. That's definitely my favourite hairstyle.
[Linked Image]

My favourite looks from the short hair seasons is the style she wore in Brutal Youth and People vs. Lois Lane.

[Linked Image]

While we're at it, I like her longer hair also because at balls and special events, she didn't do ridiculous things to it.

Look how cute she looks in the Pilot!
[Linked Image]
And the the Kerths:
[Linked Image]
And then look at this. cat
[Linked Image]

In short, Lois's hair was really hit or miss throughout the show... but I still voted long. <g> Sorry, Tank. <g>

Julie smile
Posted By: Ultra Woman Re: Lois: Short or Long Hair? - 01/02/06 05:56 AM
Now, S2 and especially right before she cut it, looked great. That's definitely my favourite hairstyle.
Ditto! goofy
Posted By: Anna B. the Greek Re: Lois: Short or Long Hair? - 01/02/06 06:06 AM
I'll go with long. Although she could look good with short hair too, I don't like short hairstyles for women in their twenties.

See ya,
Posted By: Tank Re: Lois: Short or Long Hair? - 01/02/06 08:32 AM
I had this reply all mapped out when I decided to check Paul's links to past Polls about Lois/Teri's hair.

Just check my response on the april 2003 link. That's exactly what I was going to say here.

Tank (who thinks it's interesting that the shorter style that Julie liked the best was the wig that Teri wore while her hair grew out from the super short chop she got for that lame TV movie she'd done between seasons)
Posted By: Sileas Re: Lois: Short or Long Hair? - 01/02/06 12:06 PM
blush i stand red-faced.

truly, it hasn't been my intent to uselessly recycle old issues! blush sad I did a search on polls before I posted this one, but I think I only went back one year. so I guess this one'll be for us newbies here! smile
Posted By: LabRat Re: Lois: Short or Long Hair? - 01/02/06 12:20 PM
truly, it hasn't been my intent to uselessly recycle old issues! [Embarrassed]
No need to be embarrassed, Sileas! It's always fun to revist these old questions and threads, because there are always new members joining who never got the chance to give their opinion first time around!

So, even if it is 'just for the newbies', it's fun and interesting and worth asking, becuase there's always room for new thoughts on it. smile

It's also fun for us 'oldtimers' laugh to revisit the question again. Maybe our pov has changed in the interim. Maybe it's just fun to see what we said at the time.

So it's all cool. thumbsup Keep on asking! We don't mind and, unlike some forums out there, we don't expect you to find the time to read all previous threads before posting here. Who has the time for that, frankly? dizzy

LabRat smile
Posted By: Shadow Re: Lois: Short or Long Hair? - 01/02/06 02:28 PM
It's also fun for us 'oldtimers' to revisit the question again. Maybe our pov has changed in the interim. Maybe it's just fun to see what we said at the time.
And then there's people like me who list talking as a hobby and will answer the same polls three and four times without hesitation. I'm probably in a minority group of 1 here. goofy

Posted By: lovesuper97 Re: Lois: Short or Long Hair? - 01/02/06 06:45 PM
mlt where did you git that pic of her that's nice?
Posted By: Cherry Re: Lois: Short or Long Hair? - 01/03/06 05:41 AM
Well, when I first started watching L&C, I was all for short-haired Lois. Now I can't stand it. XD Definitely long haired. :p
Posted By: MLT Re: Lois: Short or Long Hair? - 01/03/06 12:54 PM
mlt where did you git that pic of her that's nice?
I came across that pic some time ago. It's posted on my website. It's my image of what the Lois Lane in Without A Superman looks like. I kept the pic in front of me most of the time that I was writing that story to remind me that my Lois was a different person, with different life experiences to our Lois so that hopefully they would have slightly different personalities.

ML wave
Posted By: lovesuper97 Re: Lois: Short or Long Hair? - 01/03/06 03:43 PM
wow that nice! smile
Posted By: Capes Re: Lois: Short or Long Hair? - 01/06/06 05:24 PM
It's so hard to say. Lois had some great times with the short hair like in the one where Clark is shrinks down to a tiny person. Yet at other times it was just hideous--that scene on the balcony when they're talking about romantic spacemen comes to mind. She looked leonine if that's the word for "something like a funky lion".

I know Teri Hatcher has had some fabulous long-hair moments. That picture of MLT's is one of them. Her hair is great in those Clairol ads too. Lois never had long, long hair in the show so it's hard to vote.

Practically speaking, Lois Lane, intrepid reporter, makes more sense with short hair. I certainly wouldn't like to chase after leads or fight bad guys with all that extra weight on me. Not to mention prep time when you're in a hurry.

I hate making decisions. Can you tell?
Posted By: SuperRoo Re: Lois: Short or Long Hair? - 01/06/06 09:16 PM
My favourite is the third picture (out of the LnC ones all in one post). Everything in that episode seemed darker (light wise). I like the length/colour. I also like her outfit in the pic. smile

I know it isn't a fact, but I sort of used it as a gauge. She was a no nonsence woman (short hair) and she gradually became less of a ice madien and warmed up to Clark (hair longer)...but still tough.

Then it got cut...weird. That is when I started to loose interest in watching it every week. I lost my way half way through season 3 and then watched now and then and barely in season 4...ok I am wandering off.

In too many others though I thought the styles made her look haggard or even ill. Tempus Anyone? is a good example. Love the episode, but I think her hairstyle there is dreadful, far too harsh for her face.
I totally remember the episode, but I can barely remember her hair! Anyone have a pic readily available?
Posted By: luvin_my_LnC Re: Lois: Short or Long Hair? - 01/07/06 09:10 PM
From what I can remember I voted short hair. It would be interesting to see some of the bad hair-do's you have mentioned. Post more pictures.
Posted By: Tarkas Re: Lois: Short or Long Hair? - 01/15/06 06:56 AM
Like a lot of people, my response to this is confused. Ordinarily, I'd say long (which is what I voted for); I have never seen a woman who looked better with short hair than with it long, and Teri is no exception (she looks great in the Seinfeld episode The Implants)...


...my favourite Lois hairstyle is a (relatively) short one, specifically from the episode "Contact" in early S3. IIRC, that was another of the wigs, but it really suited her and probably made Teri look the best of any style that I've seen her with. I think it was the way that it framed her face and took away from its length; whatever it was, she looked beautiful.

It was a shame that they didn't stick with it in later episodes.

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