Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Mister Data TP Poll - 12/08/05 10:04 AM
How do you put the Toilet Paper on the roller?
Posted By: Mister Data Re: TP Poll - 12/08/05 10:07 AM
My personal preferance is having the sheets come from OVER the roll. Elisabeth's is from UNDER the roll.

If this just a male thing? An American male thing? or just a regional thing?

To me it makes more sense to have it come from OVER the top. It's easier to find the end sheet, it's easier to count out just what you need, and it seems easier to tear it off that way.

Posted By: ChiefPam Re: TP Poll - 12/08/05 10:23 AM
I'm with you, James (sorry, Elisabeth!). It just seems to make more sense that way. My hubby agrees, and he grew up in Ontario, so it can't be entirely an American thing...

Posted By: Wendymr Re: TP Poll - 12/08/05 10:43 AM
I prefer under... think it just looks tidier that way... wink

Wendy smile
Posted By: groobie Re: TP Poll - 12/08/05 10:47 AM
I'm kind of a freak when it comes to this. In my view, toilet paper must come over the roll. In fact, when I go to my mom's house (where she throws it on any old way), I will actually turn the roll around if it's on "wrong." Oddly enough, though, we had a maid service come in before Thanksgiving to do a major house cleaning. And after they left, I noticed that they turned every roll of TP in all of the bathrooms to roll under. confused Susan
Posted By: Krissie Re: TP Poll - 12/08/05 12:18 PM
You know, I'm not going to vote, so I guess I'll never know what the answer is.

I probably would go for 'over the roll' if I ever gave the matter much thought. (In some hotels I've seen the ends very neatly folded under the paper to produce a nice, pointed downward arrow. Very neat.)

In practice, I just put the paper out, and it comes whichever way it comes. Kind of like flipping a coin, really.

Actually, now I think about it, while this house has toilet roll holders, my last place didn't, so I just put the rolls on their end within easy reach.


P.S. Edited to say that the poll caught my attention because of the TP in the title. 'Town planning'? I thought. Surely not!

Of course, it wasn't. But, hey, you got me here, so I thought I might as well answer.
Posted By: Mister Data Re: TP Poll - 12/08/05 12:45 PM
Originally posted by Krissie:
Actually, now I think about it, while this house has toilet roll holders, my last place didn't, so I just put the rolls on their end within easy reach.


Whoops, I didn't even occur to me that people would care?!?!? shock shock

Seems I need to get out more...

Posted By: KSaraSara Re: TP Poll - 12/08/05 02:43 PM
LOL! I'm with Susan all the way. Must go OVER, and I'll switch it if it's not. goofy It's a pet peeve of mine, a silly one, yes. blush

That said, we actually don't put the rolls on the holders anymore; we just leave them as Chris said she does with hers. If we don't do that, the entire roll ends up as a nice fluffy kitty cat bed. :rolleyes:


EDIT: And a suggestion for you, James and Elisabeth: If one or the other bothers you, why not install the holder vertically? smile
Posted By: YConnell Re: TP Poll - 12/08/05 02:48 PM
I'm with Sara and the others. Must go over the roll because, quite simply, it looks tidier that way (hello, Wendy laugh ). And yes, I'll turn around offending rolls in my bathroom if someone else puts them on the wrong way - it's just one of those silly, petty things that bugs me.

Posted By: Anna B. the Greek Re: TP Poll - 12/08/05 03:00 PM
The timing of this poll is funny.

I don't usually change the roll in my house, my mother does. But the other day I was at the toilet and noticed we were out of toilet paper, so I took a roll and slipped it the way I had grabbed it, thinking it wouldn't make much difference whichever way.
It ended up with the sheets coming from UNDER the roll... which, for some reason, just looked totally wrong. I took it off and put it with the sheets coming from OVER the roll. That felt right laugh

I'd never noticed it before. I don't know if we make a habit of putting it this way in our house, or it just struck me somehow. But it's over the roll for me.

See ya,
AnnaBtG. smile
Posted By: Wendymr Re: TP Poll - 12/08/05 03:31 PM
And yes, I'll turn around offending rolls in my bathroom if someone else puts them on the wrong way - it's just one of those silly, petty things that bugs me.
Ditto. It's amazing that rolls in my house don't end up being switched back and forth several times daily when you stay with us! goofy

Wendy smile
Posted By: LabRat Re: TP Poll - 12/08/05 03:38 PM
or that there wouldn't be a roller.
Um...don't have a holder. <g> Used to have one, years ago, but frankly it irritated me. Now, we have a shelf next to the loo and I just put three out in a nice little pyramid on that.

When we did have a holder - can't say I gave it any thought either way. laugh

LabRat smile
Posted By: Kaethel Re: TP Poll - 12/08/05 03:43 PM
Under, under, under. Absolutely under.

And when people are staying at my house and happen to be changing the roll, if they put it the wrong way around it looks wrong to me. I won't go as far as changing it back, but it looks wrong anyway. laugh

/me wonders if Sara switched it when she stayed here for a couple of days...

Kaethel smile
Posted By: Shadow Re: TP Poll - 12/08/05 03:55 PM
Definitely OVER the roll. I put a new roll on yesterday and had a freak attack when I put it on wrong. goofy Although I have to admit I get pretty lazy sometimes and don't stick the TP on the roller when it's time for a new roll. However, that really doesn't fly with my best friend who happens to share a bathroom with me on our side of the apartment, and she's also an over the roll kinda girl.

Posted By: KSaraSara Re: TP Poll - 12/08/05 04:06 PM
/me wonders if Sara switched it when she stayed here for a couple of days...

I tend to leave it if I'm in someone else's house because I know, as sad as it is *sigh*, there are people that don't agree with me. laugh

Posted By: Karen Re: TP Poll - 12/08/05 04:37 PM
I can't answer the poll. Frankly, as long as the roll is on the holder, and I can find the end, I don't care. laugh
Posted By: jackiek Re: TP Poll - 12/08/05 05:49 PM
I'm with you Karen. I've never noticed which I tend to do more.

Posted By: YConnell Re: TP Poll - 12/08/05 06:27 PM
My bathroom, Wendy. I wouldn't dream of interfering with someone else's loo rolls. goofy

Posted By: LabRat Re: TP Poll - 12/08/05 06:52 PM
I wouldn't dream of interfering with someone else's loo rolls.
Think you can get arrested for that in certain parts of the country.

LabRat smile
Posted By: Kaylle Re: TP Poll - 12/08/05 11:37 PM
That said, we actually don't put the rolls on the holders anymore; we just leave them as Chris said she does with hers. If we don't do that, the entire roll ends up as a nice fluffy kitty cat bed.
My cats do that only on very rare occasions (although, if you throw a piece of tissue in the trash they'll certainly dig it out and try to eat it... huh We need a grossed-out smiley <g>). But I read somewhere, recently, that they won't if the roll is turned under. Anyone know if that's true?

That said, I prefer over so it probably would come down to a battle of wills between me and the cat wink But I don't care so much that it would bother me at someone else's house, etc.

Posted By: sheilah Re: TP Poll - 12/09/05 01:27 AM
I put toilet paper on with the end coming from over the roll, but when I put up paper towels, I always make them come from under the roll. Tearing sheets off one-handed is easier when the towel can press against the rest of the roll, which only happens when the paper comes from under the roll.
Posted By: MLT Re: TP Poll - 12/09/05 01:31 AM
That said, we actually don't put the rolls on the holders anymore; we just leave them as Chris said she does with hers. If we don't do that, the entire roll ends up as a nice fluffy kitty cat bed.
When I had a cat, if I put the roll on with the paper coming over the top, the cat would get his claws out and make a kitty cat bed, too. So I learned to put it on with the paper coming under. That way if he decided to get the roll rolling, the paper would stay on the roll.

But I read somewhere, recently, that they won't if the roll is turned under. Anyone know if that's true?
So in my experience, that's true.

Now though, with a dog, I put the paper on with the paper coming over the top again. She couldn't care less about the paper. She just likes the big water bowl. (And that said, something tells me this whole topic comes under the heading: Way Too Much Information laugh )

ML wave
Posted By: RL Re: TP Poll - 12/09/05 02:16 AM
For me, it's definitely over. I'll turn it if it's on wrong, at least in my house.

I've noticed differences in holders, though. While in Scandinavia, the toilet roll holder is upright, like a kitchen paper towel holder with several toilet paper rolls stacked on top of each other. It was quite a difference from the short, horizontal ones we have here in the States. I've been to Greece, Spain, and the UK, too, but I don't quite remember what the holders are like there.
Posted By: LabRat Re: TP Poll - 12/09/05 02:32 AM
While in Scandinavia, the toilet roll holder is upright, like a kitchen paper towel holder with several toilet paper rolls stacked on top of each other.
You can buy those over here, too.

LabRat smile
Posted By: kmar Re: TP Poll - 12/09/05 03:27 AM
I put it on going over when I put it on sometimes I don't bother. Guess that came from having a cat for 17 years. As for over or under with the cat with mine he didn't care. He would get that sucker going and I would have toilet paper all over the place so I had to keep it in the cabinet that was right next to the toilet. My sister had to get a can to put it in because not only would her can unroll it no matter which way it went like my cat but hers also could open drawers and cabinets and would still things and hide them behinder her entertainment center. Rolls of toilet paper, pot holders and the pieces from her needle point manager scene.
Posted By: IreneD Re: TP Poll - 12/09/05 07:04 AM
Yvonne, since you and I disagree about so many things, I find it very funny that I agree with you about this!! laugh

Posted By: SuperRoo Re: TP Poll - 12/09/05 08:08 AM

I voted over the top.

It is visually more appealing.

I've had bad experiences with it the other way. If it is under, I find it is very difficult to get the paper out. This also depends on the ake of the toilet roll holder, expecially if it is sunk into the wall.

I once grabbed for a bit when it was 'under' and I banged my nails against the metal holder. My nail got so mangeled. There was blood. Well luckily by then I had torn off the roll had plenty of TP for my cause.

I also don't like it under b/c sometimes the tail ends up laying against the wall and that seems gross to me. I like my TP to touch nothing. goofy

With that being said, the following goes against it. I'm lucky if the new TP roll makes it on to the roll. I've had too many roll away from me...I guess when that happens it is rolling from the under way.

That whole 'under' TP movement is out to get me.

So out of personal saftey I go for roll over.
Posted By: Wendymr Re: TP Poll - 12/09/05 11:38 AM
So I'm in the minority. I don't care. goofy

This entire thread, and the fact that so many of us actually care about something like the hanging of toilet paper... goofy
Posted By: SuperGEM Re: TP Poll - 12/09/05 12:03 PM
Definitely has to be over! wink
Posted By: Tzigone Re: TP Poll - 12/10/05 10:03 AM
Don't have a holder (my TP sits on the back of the toilet), but I prefer over. If it's done under it seems more likely to tear incorrectly - though that may just be with the big, industrial, cheapo TP.
Posted By: Dave Re: TP Poll - 12/10/05 03:39 PM
Okay, the title caught me eye too.

TP? There's a poll on Toilet paper??

I don't really care either way, but I did go and check... switched the roll around a few times... Under the roll looks better, but it's just... wrong. Over the roll is just right.
Posted By: KSaraSara Re: TP Poll - 12/10/05 04:26 PM
Good answer, Davey. wink

Posted By: YConnell Re: TP Poll - 12/10/05 05:33 PM
Am I the only one for which the abbreviation 'TP' meant nothing at all until I read the poll?

Posted By: LabRat Re: TP Poll - 12/10/05 06:55 PM
Am I the only one for which the abbreviation 'TP' meant nothing at all until I read the poll?
Nope. I think TP is mostly an Americanism. I have heard it bandied around from Americans - usually in connection with TPing trees and houses on Halloween. But I didn't make that connection until I came into the thread and the header meant nothing to me until then.

This entire thread, and the fact that so many of us actually care about something like the hanging of toilet paper... [Rotflol]
Yeah...having read this thread I'm wondering if I should just have bought the kids in the family a six pack of loo roll and a holder for Christmas. goofy Think of all the hours of fun they could have. Especially if there's more than one kid in the house and they have different views on the right way up. laugh The fun would never end!

I think the marketing bods have missed a trick here. They could be promoting this as the latest entertainment fad. evil

LabRat smile
Posted By: Crazy_Babe Re: TP Poll - 12/12/05 05:32 AM
I can't answer the poll. Frankly, as long as the roll is on the holder, and I can find the end, I don't care
I answered under, but to be honest I don't pay particular attention I figure that if there is paper on the roll and like Karen I can find the end, it doesn't matter I mean at the end of the day it's heading straight for the sewrage plant right?
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