Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: rivka Kerth Voting: When - 03/20/05 04:58 PM
I'm feeling a bit smug.

The other times I've voted (for Kerths, alt-Kerths, and in other fandoms), I've barely voted in time. Procrastiantion for fun and profit, that's me! goofy

However, this year I got confused, and thought today was the deadline. But I was all organized, and as of Thursday was almost ready (with a file of my top choices, even). Printed out the last few stories to read over the Sabbath, and was ready to vote last night.

Hah! quoth I gleefully. A day early!

And then I found out that I was a WEEK early! [Linked Image] @ myself

So, I was wondering what sort of schedule other people vote on.
Posted By: KSaraSara Re: Kerth Voting: When - 03/20/05 08:10 PM
Yeah, I'm the one who picked other on question two. smile1

Oops... did I ramble on that long? blush My point is I don't remember how and when (or if goofy ) I voted in past years.

Anyway, all that makes me so much more excited to participate this year!! hyper

Sara (who wonders if she gets bonus points for being an old fogey folc... and... guess I'll have to ask CC where to cash those points in... laugh )
Posted By: RL Re: Kerth Voting: When - 03/23/05 10:30 PM
This year is only my second year of voting, so it's not quite a good sample yet. But I am in trouble this year. I've read so few that I didn't even nominate this year, though I did last year.

And this year, I've only decided one category and am halfway through reading the stories in a second category. The really bad news is that the decided category is super-shorts. frown

I may end up abstaining in most of the categories while voting at the last second.
Posted By: Shadow Re: Kerth Voting: When - 03/23/05 10:46 PM
I'm actually going to attempt to keep up with stories this year. I say every year I'll do it, and then I forget, but I'll say it to myself one more time instead of foolishly thinking I'll read a bunch right before nominees and voting commences. Anyway, I vote whenever people remind me. :p There could be two or two hundred threads about Kerth stuff, but when the actual time comes, I'm off in outer space. So as soon as I saw this thread, I went ahead and voted for what I could...which turned out to be almost impossible! Stop writing so many darn good stories, everyone!

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