Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: YConnell Which story should I write next? - 09/19/04 04:20 AM
Okay, just for a bit of fun, and because I'm chronically bad at decision-making, I'm give you the chance to vote for which story I write next. I can't promise I'll actually pay attention to the results of this poll (writers will know that Muses are notoriously fickle things), but it might just help me narrow my choices. I also reserve the right to keep writing even if no-one answers the poll. laugh

Here's a brief description of your choices:

1. Fear of Discovery 5 (the last in the FoD series).
2. Brutal Youth Continuation (a story which takes a different view of events after the end of Brutal Youth).
3. Misery Sequel.
4. Mystery Story One (all I'm going to say about this one is that L&C are married and it's a story which challenges a popular convention - and even that's probably giving too much away).
5. Mystery Story Two (a newly-wed story involving both our universe and the alt universe).

Yvonne smile
Posted By: KSaraSara Re: Which story should I write next? - 09/19/04 06:01 AM
razz Oh well, I went ahead and chose FOD 5 because I loved the first ones so very much and I'd love to see the conclusion....quick...you and Kae race to see who gets there first....FOD5 or NWH2! laugh

I'd love to see the others as well, but I guess FOD would have to top my list.

Posted By: Kaethel Re: Which story should I write next? - 09/19/04 06:05 AM
Y, I'm sure you're gonna win that race hands down!

Kae-the-ultra-slow-one smile

ps: voted for Mystery Story 1 - ever since you told me about it I've been totally intrigued by the possibilities. smile
Posted By: Saskia Re: Which story should I write next? - 09/19/04 06:09 AM
I voted for Mystery Story 1, although I really missed the option 'all of the above'. wink

Just write what your muse wants, we'll be here to read it.

Posted By: Karen Re: Which story should I write next? - 09/19/04 06:25 AM
I also wanted a "all" option, but I know that's really hard to do. So I chose FoD5, figuring oldest first. laugh Just make sure the other four get written at some point, too!
Posted By: Tank Re: Which story should I write next? - 09/19/04 07:45 AM
As much as sequels are fun, I really would like to see somenthing new. I also like the idea of a story set in the 'marriage' years. The relationship building is generally the most popular of B plots so we get a disproportionate number of season one and season two settings. It would be nice to see a story with Lois and Clark already married for a change.

This way their 'problems' would be fresh and based on the circumstances of the story plot, both A and B plots.

Tank (who voted for MS1 because that's the one others had already voted for and it gives one of the new stories a better chance)
Posted By: CC Aiken Re: Which story should I write next? - 09/20/04 12:55 PM
Auntie Y, after careful consideration, I'm going to need to see all of these WIPs. I understand they are incomplete- notes, scribbles, outlines, whatever. But I need them in order to make a truly informed decision.

Send me all you have.



Ok...but what if that really worked?!
Posted By: YConnell Re: Which story should I write next? - 09/20/04 02:50 PM
CC: be careful what you ask for. wink

Posted By: Anonymous Re: Which story should I write next? - 09/20/04 02:52 PM
CC's fax number is 952-736....what? what do you mean I can't receive personal faxes here...

(hang on guys, I gotta go wrestle the fax machine away from my boss)

Posted By: YConnell Re: Which story should I write next? - 09/20/04 03:21 PM
Guys, I'm really touched that so many of you have voted. blush I'm less touched that the majority seem to have gone for what my Muse thinks is the wrong fic, but hey, you can't have everything <g>. And at least you chose one of the new stories, which suits me just fine. smile

Yvonne smile
Posted By: traceylynn Re: Which story should I write next? - 09/20/04 05:24 PM
Like everyone else said, I'm a little sad that there was no "all of the above" choice! I thought about this one for a while, and in the end, I went for the Brutal Youth continuation. I thought that ep itself was an interesting one, but I'd love to see your spin on the aftermath.

It was neat to get a sneak-peak at your hd, though, Y smile I hope that the muse is kind to you and that we're able to see some of these stories in the near future!

Tracey smile
Posted By: Supes1fan Re: Which story should I write next? - 09/20/04 07:06 PM
I'm joining the whole lot of ya with #4 as my choice. I think that no matter what I'll love what you write Yvonne!

Posted By: Simona Re: Which story should I write next? - 09/22/04 03:54 PM
like everyone I'm going to love everything you write, so your Muse is free to inspire you with whatever she want, but as your Chief Title Inventor, is my duty to read everything you're writing to come up with The Perfect Title.

Yes, absolutely my duty.


Not very subtle but,like CC said, what if that worked?

Simona smile
(who voted for Misery sequel, because this is one of the most original stories she never read, and she'd like to know how public opinion is going to take not a well-meaning-Superman-who-happens-to-be-an-alien, but an alien who is no more an harmless terminal ill but an healthy man, which very few people really know something about)
Posted By: Julie S Re: Which story should I write next? - 09/22/04 07:23 PM
You forgot option 6: Connected. <g>

I voted for the Brutal Youth one, because I love that episode, but only because Connected wasn't one of the options. How could you forget it?

Julie laugh
Posted By: Kitty Re: Which story should I write next? - 09/22/04 08:13 PM
I didn't read any of them, so I can't vote. But what I like to see Connell write is something like Heliphobia or a short fic about Clark being afraid to be cooped up inside a plane. And make it so funny that people will roller over on the floor laughing.

I also would like to see Carolyn Schnall write another story that is the continuation of her Psychic stories. They were really good...at least for me. Poor Judy, I know how she feels.
Posted By: Wendymr Re: Which story should I write next? - 09/23/04 02:33 PM
Well, much as I'd love to vote for Brutality, goofy I went for FoD V - I can't wait to see more of that!! What you showed me months ago was just terrific. smile Get to work on it!! wildguy

Now... Mystery Story 1? Why don't I know about that one? And what's this about something called Connected? I can see that I'm going to have to bring in my secret weapon here to ensure that I'm kept up to date in future... spider spider spider

Wendy smile
Posted By: Simona Re: Which story should I write next? - 11/11/04 02:31 PM
Nagging time!

wildguy wildguy wildguy wildguy wildguy


Posted By: YConnell Re: Which story should I write next? - 11/11/04 03:24 PM
Wow, Simona! I'm impressed that you remembered this thread. Thank you for the nag - I am working on one of the stories listed, as it happens. Bet you can't guess which one. wink

Posted By: Simona Re: Which story should I write next? - 11/11/04 04:48 PM
Well, at 1:41 of the morning I'll not going to try to guess, the most important thing is that you are working on any story your Muse is inspiring you: the result will be wonderful in any case!

Simona smile

Mistery story one? Or Misery-sequel? Probably not Connected :rolleyes:
Okay, 'Night.
Posted By: Kitty Re: Which story should I write next? - 11/11/04 07:11 PM
I think I wrote one like it too...or not..iffy.
Posted By: Simona Re: Which story should I write next? - 02/09/06 03:11 PM


Posted By: RL Re: Which story should I write next? - 02/09/06 04:18 PM
I'll go with the Clark-torture one. laugh
Posted By: TOC Re: Which story should I write next? - 02/10/06 01:15 AM
Wow, Yvonne, it sounds so great that you are writing again!!!! smile1

Posted By: TOC Re: Which story should I write next? - 02/10/06 05:46 AM
Ahh, hmm, ahh... I didn't notice that this poll was one and a half years old. Well, Yvonne. You wrote "Clark Kent, This Is Your Life", and it's a great story. Anything else you decide to write, I'll just be so happy to read it!!!! thumbsup

Posted By: YConnell Re: Which story should I write next? - 02/11/06 04:19 PM
Oh, boy. Well, many thanks for the renewed interest. Very flattering. smile

I'm sort of half-way through a story, but it's on hold while I try my hand at original fiction. One of these days I'll get back to it. I think.

Posted By: Capes Re: Which story should I write next? - 02/14/06 04:11 PM
I'd take a sequal to Misery, either of the Mystery stories...Frankly, I'd take any of them.

Yeah, I'm a lot of help.

The only thing I will not tolerate is if your Muse falls down on the job. Then I will have to kick it.
Posted By: Lady_Mirth Re: Which story should I write next? - 02/14/06 07:58 PM
FoD Rules!!! Although frankly, I would have asked for a sequel to Purity if that were an option. Now that is one story which I believe is criminal not to have published. Misery though, I did not like. Not that there was anything wrong with the writing, it was just rather depressing.
I'm a long-time fan of yours Yvonne and I look forward to more of your stories. Best of Luck!
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