Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: YellowDartVader Left or Right Handed - 08/15/04 09:03 PM
Okay, I know this poll is really stupid, but I was wondering if FoLCs are left or right handed.

In case any one cares, I'm left handed laugh . The only thing I do right handed is use scissors -- and not well -- there's a reason I can't cut in a straight line. I used to switch hit in softball, but I had a very bad right arm injury my freshman year in high school from falling down the steps at school and I've never completely recovered. Plus, just this winter, I again fell down the steps and broke my right hand and the knuckles are still dislocated. The funny thing is that I could still type right after my injury because I only use my left hand to type except for one finger on my right hand!
Posted By: Shadow Re: Left or Right Handed - 08/15/04 09:08 PM

Depends on the activity. I mostly write with my left hand. But if I write on a dry erase board or anything standing up, I'll use my right hand just to freak people out.

I play guitar like a righty.

I golf with the lefties.

I use right handed scissors.

I paint with both hands.

etc etc

Posted By: KSaraSara Re: Left or Right Handed - 08/16/04 02:00 AM
Hey, Laura, you didn't have an option for ambidexterous (sp?)! goofy

Not that I am. I'm a righty. I can switch hit in softball too! Unlike many right-handed servers, I carry trays with my left hand. huh

Posted By: HatMan Re: Left or Right Handed - 08/16/04 02:19 AM
I'm mostly a rightie, but I have learned to do some things with either hand. I can write just about equally illegibly with either hand, for example. wink (Thank goodness for keyboards...)

I've also learned to eat equally well with either hand. Dad and I both require a lot of elbow room, so whenever he sits on my right, I use my left hand to eat. I can now not only use a fork, knife, or spoon with my left hand, but I can even use chopsticks.

My brother-in-law, however, is truly sinister. I think he can use scissors with his right hand, but I'm not sure what else. Handshakes, of course, but pretty much everyone does that. <shrug>

Posted By: Anna B. the Greek Re: Left or Right Handed - 08/16/04 04:57 AM
I'm right-handed in everything, except for using the knife. I always use it with my left hand.

Posted By: Simona Re: Left or Right Handed - 08/16/04 01:21 PM
I'm left-handed; I can do some things with my right hand too, like writing (but I'm very slow) or use some tools (scissors, knife, spoon or comb), I could never use my right hand to draw or play handball, and there are some things I can do only as a rightie, like playing guitar, knitting or to crochet, mostly because who taught me was not be able to teach to a left-handed and switch every movements.

Simona smile
Posted By: Carolyn Re: Left or Right Handed - 08/16/04 01:55 PM
I'm right handed. Although like Anna, I use the knife with my left hand.

Carolyn smile
Posted By: Saskia Re: Left or Right Handed - 08/16/04 02:23 PM
I'm right handed, but I can do a lot of things with my left hand as well. Writing, sports, eating... it's all possible with both hands.

One thing I find funny is that my right arm is stronger than the left, but the left shoulder is stronger than the right. No idea how that happened, it's useful when you carry around lots of bags. <g>

Posted By: Meredith Re: Left or Right Handed - 08/17/04 11:42 AM
I'm right handed, but my left arm is considerably stronger because I played guitar for many years (all those bar chords!) smile My husband couldn't believe it when I tested my hand strength at a science museum last year, and my left hand was about 20% stronger!

Posted By: Shadow Re: Left or Right Handed - 08/17/04 12:13 PM
Originally posted by Meredith:
I'm right handed, but my left arm is considerably stronger because I played guitar for many years (all those bar chords!) smile My husband couldn't believe it when I tested my hand strength at a science museum last year, and my left hand was about 20% stronger!

No kidding. I think my right arm is stronger from all the strumming! Or at least I've always felt like I have more control over it...

Posted By: Meerkat Re: Left or Right Handed - 08/17/04 02:47 PM
I'm definitely right-handed, although when I was a kid and was told that parents figured out if their kids were right- or left-handed by the hand they first used to grab things, I thought that it was entirely a matter of chance and was determined to learn to use my left hand as well as my right. I later, of course, discovered that people really do have a dominant hand, shown by the difficulties of left-handies being forced to write right-handed by idiot schoolteachers.

I did, however, switch to left-handed for writing most of the time. I took notes for the last few years of college left-handed, and it's my preferred hand nowadays for writing just about anything. However, I haven't taught myself to write in cursive with my left hand or to sign things. So it's pretty amusing when I fill out my time sheet at work with my left hand, then switch to the right to sign it. I'm also neater with the left hand but faster with the right, so I'll use the right when it's important to get something down lickety-split.

As for other activities... I think that I'm as likely to use my left hand as my right for most things that don't require particular skill, like catching something thrown at me or picking something up. But for things that I learned to do a certain way, like hit a softball or crochet, I haven't really taught myself to switch. And as for arm strength, because my left shoulder is higher (scoliosis), I was told by a doctor long ago to always carry things on my left shoulder or in my left hand when possible, so my left arm is probably at least as powerful as my right. And learning violin will probably make it more so, from what Meredith said (and how it aches after practice)!
Posted By: metwin1 Re: Left or Right Handed - 08/21/04 10:25 AM
I'm right handed through and through. But when I was younger, I took piano lessons, and composers love to put chords or appegios at the left hand, don't they? Because of all the stretching, my left hand was stronger (and bigger) than my right hand, though not as flexible. *Shudders at playing trills with the left hand* However I did just about everything else with my right hand.

After picking up juggling (and dropping tons of balls in the meantime), I've discovered once again, that I actually have a left hand, and many of the juggling tricks require both hands to be equally... erm... handy.

Now, I'm more concious about using the left hand in normal day-to-day stuff, just for the heck of it. Besides, I heard that we should switch to using our dominant hands some time, so that the mind doesn't get bored with routine. *shrugs*
Posted By: EmilyH Re: Left or Right Handed - 08/21/04 12:42 PM
I'm definitely right-handed.
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