Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Wanda Detroit Childbirth: WWLD? - 06/06/04 06:56 PM
This topic came up in the feedback thread for "Three." The question is, *IF* Lois was pregnant, which would she choose: natural versus medicated childbirth? Does fearless Lois Lane want to experience every birth pain first hand, or does she want to utilize medical technology and go the medicated route?
(Note: This is not necessarily what would happen, this is what she'd PLAN initially--prior to being in labor. She is free to change her mind later.)
Just curious! --Wanda
Posted By: ChiefPam Re: Childbirth: WWLD? - 06/07/04 05:22 AM
I can't decide. Lois is the type of person who wants to be there when things happen, experience history while it's happening, etc, so I don't believe she'd want to get totally knocked out.

Also, I think a *huge* factor would be how worried she was about her (Clark's) baby being identified as not-entirely-human. Babies born in hospitals get all sorts of tests on them right away, etc. Not to mention worrying about what chemicals pumped into Lois would be transmitted to the baby.

If they were worried about those things, they might go for a home birth. If not... well, I think Lois would want to start out natural and keep the option of an epidural or other local anesthetics as a reserve.

So I guess I'll vote "natural."

Posted By: Vicki Re: Childbirth: WWLD? - 06/07/04 06:15 AM
I voted "medicated".

When I read Lois' answer to the question (in the story), I laughed out loud and thought, "That is SO Lois!"

Lois had doubts early on as to whether she even wanted to be a mother. I just can't see her choosing to suffer childbirth pains if she doesn't have to. She's a modern woman, and I see her going the medicated route for sure.

My own children were born without medication, back in the days of Women's Lib, when women were rebelling against birthing procedures whose sole purpose was to make it easier for the doctor, regardless of the risks to the mother. The days of the book "Our Bodies, Ourselves", etc. - By the 1990s, I think the tide had turned, with more women opting for medication. (I don't have any statistics to back this up, so I could be totally off here. Mostly I'm judging from what I've seen on the Lifetime network show "A Baby's Story". They all seem to be medicated births. But maybe that's just because it's being filmed for TV?)

- Vicki

PS - Pam has a point about home birth. If they were worried about the Super-aspects of the baby, they might opt for home birth. However, since Clark apparently got his powers gradually, over time, that might not be an issue.
Posted By: Mister Data Re: Childbirth: WWLD? - 06/07/04 07:06 AM
With possibility of medical testing and so forth, I just don't see them doing anything other than home birth, but I can see them getting Dr. Klein involved...

Posted By: YellowDartVader Re: Childbirth: WWLD? - 06/07/04 09:45 AM
I don't know about the home birth. I think it all depends on how different Clark's physiology actually is from a normal human. I also think there are several ways you can go on this one.

1. Clark is an alien with physiology that is completely different from a human. Then you ask the question -- how did he impregnate her in the first place?

So if he was able to impregnate her, the physiology has to be somewhat similar.

2. There are just slight differences between Clark and a human. Would those differences really show up on the tests they do to a newborn?

If they do . . .

then homebirth might be your best option. However, if they don't, I think Lois is the kind of person who would want to go with modern conveniences. I think that was established in the show, but I can't remember where.

Also there is a question on whether to bring in Dr. Klein. That might get a little uncomfortable for everyone involved. He doesn't really have the clinical training to be a woman's obstitrician. Even if the baby is a superbaby. But he is the person who knows the most about Clark's physiololgy. And then there also is the question about telling Dr. Klein at all.

It's really complicated. Good luck, Wanda smile .

- Laura
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