Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: SuperRoo Which web site do you read your fic at? - 06/05/04 07:09 PM
After reading other people's polls my mind started to wonder where does everyone read fanfic.

Say "Lois' Adventures" is in this message board, Zoom's simutaneously where do you read it?

I find myself reading fic here. Even if I saw it somewhere else first.

Maybe posting this poll here may bias this poll. So many factors exist to skew this poll....sigh.
I can't really answer this poll. I don't read on the list or on the other message boards. I do read here and on the archive -- actually, I find myself reading more on the archive than here lately because of time constraints. I don't have time to follow works in progress right now, but I will eventually have time to read them when they are posted to the archive.

- Laura smile
Posted By: ChiefPam Re: Which web site do you read your fic at? - 06/06/04 04:38 AM
Ooh, fun poll smile I think it's definitely biased towards these boards (as is mine) -- people who don't read here on a regular basis probably won't see the poll! But what the heck, the results look impressive, so as a Boards Admin, I'll just pat myself on the back and take credit for it wink

I will admit, though, that if I see a story first on the fanfic list, I tend to read and reply on the list. Nostalgia for the old days, I suspect smile Either that, or I have an undying love of courier font! goofy

I work on a not-very-organized basis.

When I log in, I open both Zoom's and these boards and check them simultaneously, topic by topic. So, I sometimes read from Zoom's and sometimes from here (that is, when the story is on both boards).

I check all threads, except for most How To's and the story parts for stories I haven't started reading. I always read the one parters on the boards. Longer stories I sometimes read on the boards and sometimes I read on the Archive.
Actually, I use the Archive on three occasions: When I have some spare time until it's time to log off the PC, when there's something I want to read and it's been a while since it was posted, or when I have a lot of time, at which case I go looking for something long to save on my HD to have reading material.

Interesting poll!
See ya,
Posted By: Tank Re: Which web site do you read your fic at? - 06/06/04 07:59 AM
Since this is the first site I go to whenever I log on, it's safe to say that this is where I'll first read any fic I'm interested in.

I do check out Zoom's boards semi-regularly and do some catch up on threads that aren't available here (ie: Teri Hatcher). If I do manage to find a fic being posted there that isn't or hasn't been posted here, I will check it out.

The archives is THE place to store fic for whatever posterity is involved. It is the final resting place for 'finished' stories, but I don't read much from there. As I've said in the past, I read stories while being logged on and don't ususally have the time to read a long story in any one sitting. I don't generally download a story from the archives to read later (except in the case of ML Thompson who seems to shy away from the message boards yet I know how well she writes so I have to check her stuff out). I find it easier to read the stories in smaller bites timewise.

The unfortunate thing is that I sometimes find that when I have the least time, is when there are the most stories being concurrently posted. And when I'm looking forward to an evening of reading fic because I have nothing else to do, there aren't any new parts.

The last time the fic list moved I didn't rejoin because I felt that there really wasn't anything going on there that wasn't also available here.

I guess like many people, I do jump around to the different sites, but tend to only sample those things that are different on each site and concentrate on the 'favored' site for those items which are similar.

Tank (who only posts his fic in progress on this site, then sends most of them to the archive, because he figures that if anyone is actually interested in his stories they know where they can find them)
Posted By: Shadow Re: Which web site do you read your fic at? - 06/06/04 11:56 AM
I live and breathe the Archive, especially during summer time when there's nothing to do in a smaller town.

(except in the case of ML Thompson who seems to shy away from the message boards yet I know how well she writes so I have to check her stuff out)

Anyway, so I check the Archive and these boards like it's a religion. goofy Other than that, I use Zoom's boards rarely...usually just to look up an older story or two that's not on the Archive. Or I'll check the Fanfic Index to see if author's have posted stories somewhere (here or Zoom) that never made it to the Archive. (Yes, such travesties do exist!)

Ditto Tank.

Sometimes I stroll through the What's New at the Archive, which led me to CC's wonderful When the World Finds Out , which I highly recommend!

But most times, I only read here.

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