Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: AnnieM Poll for all the writers - 07/28/03 01:15 AM
This is something I've talked about with a couple of people, and I saw a similar poll on another writing web site, so I thought I'd ask here and see what kind of responses we get.

So ... when do you do your best writing? Is there a certain time of day that you find yourself doing the majority of your writing - or your best writing - or are you likely to be struck with inspiration at any time of the day?

Feel free to elaborate. I wonder if "morning people" are more likely to write in the morning, etc., or if people's lifestyles/work schedules are a bigger influence.

Posted By: LabRat Re: Poll for all the writers - 07/28/03 01:27 AM
Somewhere between 8pm and five am has always seemed to be my optimum writing time. I often wonder these days if it's half the reason I have so much trouble keeping up with things: 8 -midnight most nights tends to clash with my irc conversations. goofy

After several storming hours of non-stop, high-speed writing on Masques at the tail-end of last year, when I did a few stints of starting at 8pm and just not stopping (literally!) until five am, it took me so long to get my sleep patterns back under control and normal again that I don't think I'll risk that one again any time soon! wink Although, have to say, sometimes I'm sorely tempted. laugh

LabRat smile
Posted By: YConnell Re: Poll for all the writers - 07/28/03 06:04 AM
It's simple - I write in the evening because I work during the day. At the weekend, I do shopping, housework, gardening, etc during the day, so once again, writing takes place in the evening. Occasionally I'll write in the afternoon at the weekend, but generally I try to stay away from screens (TV or computer) until the evening.

As for which part of the evening - well, oftentimes I sit down to write at 7pm, but inspiration doesn't strike until 10pm, by which time it's getting late and I might want instead to go onto IRC to talk to my friends around the globe. That, in a nutshell, is why I write so slowly: it takes me a long time to crank up the Muse, and then when she's finally firing on all cylinders, she has a pretty short window of opportunity before I want to go and do something else <g>.

Posted By: Saskia Re: Poll for all the writers - 07/28/03 07:49 AM
I get most of my writing done in the afternoon. That's the time when I'm awake enough to make sense of what's flowing through my head and I can type in decent enough English. Writing in the evening usually works as well, if only I wouldn't be doing lots of other things at the same time.

And I like spending my afternoon's writing (provided the muse is with me and I don't have homework). And I've written a lot in class as well, often so boring that I got distracted and had to do something to stay awake. And somehow I usually started to write, or plot a story. Now if only I would actually get back to all that and finish it...

Posted By: samik Re: Poll for all the writers - 07/28/03 10:31 AM
For me right now I write anytime I can. I work for my father answering phones, so I write when I'm at work. And I'm taking a philosophy class, so I write during philosophy class. (We'll see tonight how that effected my grades because we get our first in-class essay back.)

When fall semester starts, the writing I'm going to be doing is critical analysis oriented for my literature classes (I'm taking 3), and those I write at the last minute, usually starting at 10 at night and finishing around 12 or 1 the day they're due.

There's something about procrastination and pressure that gets the juices flowing.
Posted By: Anne Spear Re: Poll for all the writers - 07/28/03 12:34 PM
I usually write in the car while I'm stuck in traffic...unless my hubby is there, 'cause then he yells at me for not paying attention.
Posted By: Anna B. the Greek Re: Poll for all the writers - 07/28/03 02:25 PM
I voted for 'anytime the inspiration strikes', although to me it would be 'anytime I feel like writing'. I often think about ideas for my stories and make plans in my mind, i.e. when I'm eating, when I'm showering, during the commercial breaks in the TV... whenever. But it doesn't mean I'm in the mood to type right then, plus I may not be able to write at that moment. But I happen to write the most late at night 11 pm-2 am. I know it's late, but that's when I find some spare time when I have school.
Now that I don't have school, I write whenever the PC is available (I have 2 little brothers, you see!!), including my favorite times 11 pm-4 am (yes, I stay up THAT late sometimes!!).

See ya,
Posted By: ChiefPam Re: Poll for all the writers - 07/28/03 07:55 PM
Well, honestly, at this point I write whenever I can snatch a little quiet time, which is not often. But I think I do better in the mornings; I'm more alert then. If I could get my butt in bed earlier at night, I'd wake up an hour earlier to have some writing time before the rest of the house wakes up...

Posted By: Kitty Re: Poll for all the writers - 07/28/03 08:22 PM
I voted for evening but inspirations hits me anytime. When an idea hits me during the day, I would try to work it out in my head as to diffrent scenerio that can develop. Sometimes I get three developments out of one scenes that can develop form one idea. But Of course, this is done under a minute. By the time I get home at night, I can't wait to write it down.

confused hum, maybe this is why my boss things my ears are broken or a space cadet. I'm totally not with the world when idea's strike me. hum, that would be hazardious for my health. What if an idea strikes me in the middle of the road. eek , I would be turned into a pancake that for sure. Okay, better end this post, too much deep thinking here.
Posted By: YellowDartVader Re: Poll for all the writers - 07/28/03 09:41 PM
When do I do the most writing? Hmmm, definately when I am swamped with other things to do wink . I get the most ideas / write the most when I have a deadline for something else to meet. Ex. If I have a really important paper or meeting or something, there is a very good chance I will have a story idea that begs me to write it.

But of course I usually get most of my writing done between like 11 pm and about 5 am smile .

- Alicia laugh
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