Lois & Clark Forums
Just wondering which season was everyone's favorite?
Mine was S2 I think...
Definitely Season Three. Minus the Argh! mad oh and minus after they break up, it was a pretty good season for me. Lois knows the secret, they're a couple, yadda yadda. Oh and minus all those ridiclous haircuts...maybe I should have picked season two instead. goofy

I know I am probably the only only person who will say this, but my favorite season is season four. I know the A plots aren't as good, but I just love the romance, sloppy the fact that their relationship is relatively stable and the fact that she knows he is Superman. In short, I know I might be the only season four fan, but I love it anyway! wink

Just thought I should add that I also love season one because of Jack, but he is only in four episodes. huh

You're not alone, Jana! Season 4 (minus Toy Story and Family Hour smile1
This was a difficult choise, Season 1 or Season 2. In the end, I choose for S2, because of the romance. They both realize they are in love, they are dating and all that stuff. And Lois finds out the secret.

But I still like S1 a lot too. Just all the a-plots and Lex Luthor are outstanding good. Too bad we couldn't choose two options. wink

I'm going to be very boring and say I really couldn't choose between them. I like all of them for different reasons. S4 is perhaps my least favourite and the one I revisit least - but there's still plenty to enjoy in there too.

LabRat smile
You left out my usual answer -- "the first half of season three and second half of season 4!" goofy Can't imagine how you came to overlook that option wink

I loved the beginning of S3, all the way up to the ARRRRGH, which sucked. IASWAA was okay, but not great. The NK arc started out interestingly but went downhill, IMO. And at the beginning of S4, they didn't seem to have any idea of how to write L&C as a married couple -- they had a honeymoon in Brutal Youth but then went straight to "old married couple" -- in love and comfortable, sure, but no steam. However, once they got that straightened out... I thought the late middle of S4 was fabulous, starting around Lethal Weapon. The John Doe eps were terrific, I thought the Lex Files was very well-done (they actually had *gasp* continuity! between episodes! and they kept making it more interesting). AKA Superman is probably the funniest episode ever <g> and even there, it's got a sweet b-plot. IGYUMS was a fabulous premise ruined by lousy acting from the guest star. Toy Story and Family Hour were just incredibly bad.

On this poll, I voted for S3, but it was close.

S1 -- emotional torture for L&C, and it's all "apart angst"
S2 -- dry as dust at the beginning, frustrating as hell toward the end wink
S3 -- started out great, then went down the toilet
S4 -- took a while to find itself

And as others have said, there were wonderful moments in every season -- in darned near every ep, there were a few seconds of greatness shining through wink

Actually, my favorite season may be Season 6 wink but then, I may be biased.

I voted for Season 2, but I actually liked both Season 2 and 3 (well except for the whole breaking up part).
Okay, I want to amend my previous opinion. <g>

Exactly what Pam said for S4. goofy

Although I still hold mainly to my moments criteria, even on bad episodes, generally speaking I agree entirely with that assessment of the season.

LabRat smile
Pam said:

S1 -- emotional torture for L&C, and it's all "apart angst"
Precisely why it's my favourite. wink

Kaethel smile
It was a tough decision, but I voted for season 1. (It was a choice between that and S2.) Why? I think because, when it was first shown, it didn't matter that it was 'apart angst'; what mattered was the potential for Lois and Clark to get together.

Moreover, this was the season with the most 'human' Superman, at least in my opinion. This Superman had doubts and insecurities; he was still learning how to be a hero. He had none of the arrogance he displayed in S4. (I'm particularly thinking here of Sex, Lies and Videotape, and his determination to tell the 'truth'. Now, I have nothing against honesty -- quite the reverse -- but I don't like the idea of Superman being so certain that he is on the moral high-ground.)

Oddly, I find Lois's conversation in the courtroom in WWW one of the most cringe-worthy moments in the show. She says Superman is on a pedestal, above everyone else, but later professes to love Clark.

In S4, it is almost as though Clark has bought into Lois's perception of Superman, although she, herself, has adjusted to the idea that the man on the pedestal is Clark.

I'm not sure that I'm explaining this well.

Okay, so the romance in S4 isn't bad -- some of the episodes are awful, though -- but I didn't just watch the show for romance. I watched it for wider (but still character-driven) reasons. I was routing for Clark-the-outsider to find the normal life he so desperately wanted. I was routing for Lois to learn to open up to another person.

And I was routing for them to bring Luthor down. Yes, I prefer first season Luthor to second or third season Luthor... despite Lois's relationship with him.

Okay, so maybe I liked S1 for the 'apart angst', but hey... Nothing wrong with that! wink

Besides, that is the season with my two favourite episodes in it -- Strange Visitor and, more particularly, GGGOH.

Wow, I didn't expect this answer to be so long!

It was out of S1 or S2, I chose S1, I'm not really sure why.
I voted for "I liked them all," even though I think that I liked Season 3 slightly the best. Even with the Clone and Ark. smile1 rotflol
Just incase anyone was wondering why I picked S2, it was because I just love the romantic tension between Lois & Clark. I absolutely love romance, and I pretty much just think the whole series went downhill after Lois found out Clark's secret. I mean I liked WHALTTA, and a few other S3 & S4 eps. but not very many. I also really liked S1, but Lois & Clark just weren't as close then as they are in S2.
I love all the seasons, but I finally decided on S2. It was great to see the incredible bond forming between the two in eps like The Prankster and Season's Greetings. Like Blayne, I thought the romantic tension was fun to watch. While S2 characters like Mayson and Dan are easy to hate, they really did make L&C realize how much they cared for one another. twins

Season 2 and no not cause it got the most votes smile
I love Lois hair in that season and she is the most spunky than in any other season.

~L.L Wanna Be
Umm...I'm probably the only person out there who actually *likes* this part but I'm gonna go ahead anyway...I actually liked the clone arc - I groaned along with everybody else when it was first shown, but it all had a lot of angst in it, which I love and such a perfect WAFFy ending! It was one of my favourite parts of S3, but I have to admit that I voted for S1, mainly because of the Lex thing. I hated him just as much as the next person, but he made S1 great - every series needs an evil villian and he was the one to beat all others wink

I suspect that part of why I voted for S1 was because most of my favourite episodes are in it - Pilot, Honeymoon in Metropolis, PML, TGGGOH and of course, BaTP/HoL which are my all-time favourite eps - ever :p

S2 had some great eps. in it as well - The Prankster, WWW and ATAI being the paramount ones in my mind.

However, I didnt particularly like S3 - Ordinary People = uck, Contact = OMG and *especially* When Irish Eyes are Killing - might be just me, but being Irish myself, that ep. had some very insulting blows to Irish people. razz I'd like to take this moment in time to verify that

#1 - Neither I nor any of my friends think that we're ancient Druids
#2 - Neither I nor any of my friends would attempt to sacrifice the one we love
#3 - Neither I nor any of my friends think we have a leprechan named Erin that sits on our shoulder and gives us advice
#4 - Neither I nor any of my friends eat truffles on a picnic <eg>

I would also like to say that neither I nor any of my friends are in A Hospital for the Criminally Insane but ***cough*** that cannot be confirmed at the present time razz )
#1 - Neither I nor any of my friends think that we're ancient Druids
#2 - Neither I nor any of my friends would attempt to sacrifice the one we love
#3 - Neither I nor any of my friends think we have a leprechan named Erin that sits on our shoulder and gives us advice
#4 - Neither I nor any of my friends eat truffles on a picnic <eg>
LOL, Sara!! thumbsup for defending the Irish!! I was born in Galway <g> (Granted, I lived there for like 10 days before moving to California LOL. Now I'm in Chicago.) I also hated When Irish Eyes Are Killing, for all your aforementioned reasons.

Slán go fóill

oh smile1 oh smile1 oh smile1 oh smile1

I want to vote. My favorite episode was the time when Clark got effect by the red Kryptonite and lost control of his powers. My favorite two scene was the kitchen fiasco and the time when Lois came home to a messy home because Clark had hiccuped.
Umm...I'm probably the only person out there who actually *likes* this part
Nope. <G> There are a few of us Arrggggggh fans around. I must confess that I've always had a thing for plots where there's an evil double or the hero loses his/her memory - even been known to watch episodes of show I'd normally avoid like the plague if that's the plotline of the week. So I was delighted that my favourite show gave me lots of opportunities to indulge. goofy

And, as I have a tendency to watch the moments in the show rather than viewing it as a complete episode (sometimes just a particular look or smile or line of dialogue or one scene can make an episode a favourite even if the rest of it royally sucks) I just thought there were loads of moments in the Arrrrggggggggh that either had me laughing out loud or sighing happily at the waffs or enjoying the angst. And those all more than made up for the strange glitches in character.

So, yup, it was a definite hit for me.

LabRat smile
What Labby said! laugh

Each episode has some scenes in it that I like.

quote :
Nope. <G> There are a few of us Arrggggggh fans around. I must confess that I've always had a thing for plots where there's an evil double or the hero loses his/her memory - even been known to watch episodes of show I'd normally avoid like the plague if that's the plotline of the week. So I was delighted that my favourite show gave me lots of opportunities to indulge.

Yay! I must admit, I was getting worried that I seemed to be the only one who enjoyed that arc...thanks so much Labrat and Xanabee for putting my fears to rest goofy

Sara <who's just after realising that DCU has Internet access dance >
...or the hero loses his/her memory -
Hum, I wonder what would the episode be like if clark had lost his memory after Lois and clark got married instead of before. Just curious.
Sara, do I hear you with respect to WEIAK! And Caroline, thanks for the support. razz ) SoulMates.

Me? Seasons 1 and 2, definitely!!

Wendy smile
Ooh, I forgot about the accent bit! Arrrrrrgh... I do *not* talk like that...I've been told that my accent sounds like I'm from Donegal, which makes no sense because I live in Tipperary and have actually never been to Northern Ireland...also, my accent is a little weird now because my best friend up here is from Philadelphia - I heard myself on tape a while ago and went, "Okay, spending waaaaaaaaaay too much time with Erin... and no, I'm not kidding, she's actually called Erin razz razz razz razz

Sara jump

EDITED after new idea struck: Also, you know Séan McCarthy in "Resurrection?" Yeah. I don't talk like that, either.
Ooooh!! Tipperary!!!

It's a long way to Tipperary,
It's a long way to go.
It's a long way to Tipperary
To the sweetest girl I know.
Goodbye Piccadilly,
Farewell Leicester Square,
It's a long, long way to Tipperary,
But my heart lies there.

El [Linked Image]

P.S. Anyone know a song about Ballycastle?
And that, boys and girls, is why Elena is Evil. laugh
Why thank you, Elena, for that lovely song. laugh

For that other song you asked about, you can try this link:


Hoping that's what you meant. That's what I found with a quick search.

Well, I voted for S4, but I would have voted for S3 too if I'd been allowed. Basically, I like them being together, with Lois knowing the secret. Why? Because I like seeing Lois supporting Clark, acting as his confidante, etc. It also gets me away from that whole "will they/won't they" thing, which almost every show with a male and female lead eventually gets to and then does ad nauseum. The downside is that Lois has less spunk in S3/S4, but on the other hand, Clark looks particularly yummy in these two seasons. wink

I'm like Labrat - I watch the show for its special moments, rather than whole episodes. It doesn't bother me, therefore, if the plotline stinks or there's the occasional out-of-character moment. I'm so un-episode orientated, in fact, that I'm not even sure if they *were* actually together in S3 - and don't ask me to name episodes or give you their plots in a nutshell. I'm on the 'Friends' level of episode identification, as in: I like the one-where-Clark-gazes-sadly-at-the-crib-his-parents-sent-him, or the one-where-Lois-and-Clark-are-sweeping-up-leaves-and-talking-about-what-keeps-their-relationship-going.

Originally posted by Elena:
Ooooh!! Tipperary!!!

It's a long way to Tipperary,
It's a long way to go.
It's a long way to Tipperary
To the sweetest girl I know.
Goodbye Piccadilly,
Farewell Leicester Square,
It's a long, long way to Tipperary,
But my heart lies there.

El [Linked Image]

Gee, Elena, you really *are* evil
evil evil evil


ahem.../me switches off rant mode...

So I'm the sweetest girl you know??? evil evil

What can I say, I have my moments too <eg>

Why thank you, Elena, for that lovely song.
My pleasure. cool

For that other song you asked about, you can try this link:


Hoping that's what you meant. That's what I found with a quick search.
Thanks, Saskia! Now I only need to convince Wendy to stop singing Corrs' songs and sing this one for me instead. [Linked Image]

So I'm the sweetest girl you know???

What can I say, I have my moments too <eg>
Keep going, Sara! I like what I'm seeing. thumbsup

El [Linked Image]
I voted a long time ago but never actually wrote anything here. I picked season 2 because that's where the relationship was starting up. I'm the type who likes to watch or read about fledgling relationships, rather than firmly established ones.
Thanks, Saskia! Now I only need to convince Wendy to stop singing Corrs' songs and sing this one for me instead.
Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! The Corrs are the best! evil .

Ha. As if :rolleyes:

Sara jump
My favorite season is definately 3 exept for the clone eppies aargh!!!!!!!! but I loved the rest of it, esp when she gets her memory back and punches the lights out of Deter. I love this season because their finally together, Lois knows the truth and Clark doesnt have to hide from her no more, oh and all those kisses blush blush blush .

Season one is closely behind I loved all the flirtyness and banter and the angst towards the end of it.
Oh my goodness, I just caught up with this thread, and not only does El's razz reply makes me laugh , but the fact that there's an actual song on Ballycastle is too much! ROTFLMAO! rotflol I cannot believe this! And while I disagree with you on the Corrs, as I'm perfectly happy with Wendy keeping her habits to sing along with them, I wouldn't mind hearing a bit of the Ballycastle song as well. Too bad it's not the story of a, um... well, you know... butterfly. laugh

As for what I voted for (since I realise that I forgot to say so when I voted), I went for Season 1. I had to think about it, because Season 2 used to be my very favourite. However, that was before I started to write fanfic, and for some reason, fanfic writing shifted my focus. What first attracted me to Season 2 was the blossoming romance between Lois and Clark, but then I realised that it was already there in Season 1, with some aspects which I found much more interesting. First, and I won't surprise anyone here by saying that [g], there's Lois and Lex's relationship and the love triangle, if not quatuor, with Clark/Superman. Then there's the strange similarities (in everyone's eyes but Clark's) between Superman and Lex. And of course there's Lois's relationship to men in general, which results in her occasional hostility to them. All characters calmed down a little in Season 2, working towards smoothing out what kept them apart, and while I watched avidly Lois and Clark getting together, I think it missed some of the spice it could have had if it had happened in Season 1.

Kaethel smile
While S1 and S2 have their moments, I have to say that I love S3 and S4 best. I love it *after* Lois knows the secret and *after* they're committed to eachother. I've never been a fan of apart angst (it's for that reason that I don't like TOGOM) and both S1 and S2 have it in spades. <bg> Give me Lethal Weapon or the John Doe arc any day. Heck, *any* episode with Tempus is good.


(Who thinks that Tempus is the best L&C villian)
Season two of course..that's when they got together thumbsup
I share LauraBF's opinion! hyper

Seasons 3 and 4! clap
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