Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Classicalla Yahoo problems? - 10/17/08 02:00 AM
Has anyone experienced a problem using Yahoo mail with Mozilla Firefox? I don't remember ever having a problem before, but since my computer was in the shop (for major virus removal), Firefox shuts down every time I try to use Yahoo mail. I have to use Internet Explorer to use Yahoo.
Posted By: Hana Re: Yahoo problems? - 10/17/08 06:27 AM
yes, in the last month or so, i've been having problems with yahoo almost every day. I can enter to the account, but i can't send mails (i didn't try with IE, though). I hope it gets fixed soon.

Posted By: Ultra Woman Re: Yahoo problems? - 10/17/08 07:24 AM
I've been having problems with Yahoo, too. razz
Posted By: Lara Joelle Kent Re: Yahoo problems? - 10/17/08 08:56 AM
Well, reading mails and even downloading files works well. But sending mails? Not a chance. I tried once with IE, but it didn't work any better. (I gave up after about a minute, though.)
Posted By: Zoar3 Re: Yahoo problems? - 10/17/08 04:25 PM
yahoo mail for the last few days has been really slow for me as well, especially when trying to delete a message after replying.

Posted By: QueenOfAces Re: Yahoo problems? - 10/17/08 07:59 PM
Yahoo itself has been fine for me, but the latest version of Firefox has been a complete disaster. It won't allow me to log in to Yahoo, and it freezes on certain webpages. Older versions of Firefox work fine.
Posted By: Classicalla Re: Yahoo problems? - 10/17/08 10:35 PM
I'm glad to know it's not just me. I may try for an older version of Firefox. But how do I do that? The last time it upgraded, it didn't give me a choice - it just did it and that aggravated me. I wonder if that even may be the reason that a virus got past my antivirus program.
Posted By: QueenOfAces Re: Yahoo problems? - 10/18/08 10:18 AM

I wish I could tell you how to go back to an older version. The only reason I know that older versions work is because I learned my lesson and refused to "upgrade" to the new Firefox on my laptop. If you figure out a way to get the old version, let me know. smile
Posted By: Lara Joelle Kent Re: Yahoo problems? - 10/18/08 01:48 PM
Well, it can't be the new version of Firefox, I think. Mine hasn't been upgraded for three months (due to a sorry lack of internet connection), but it still didn't work with yahoo. And, of course, it didn't work after the upgrade (which happened after my first time online), either.
Posted By: Jess Re: Yahoo problems? - 10/18/08 10:59 PM
That's very interesting.

Yahoo has been working fine for me. And since I never knew you didn't have to upgrade firefox, I do have the newest version.

I did just upgrade my RAM so maybe that helps with whatever problems yahoo is having!
Posted By: bobbart Re: Yahoo problems? - 10/18/08 11:17 PM
I use Yahoo mail and am a long-time Firefox user. I have noticed that since the latest Firefox upgrade it seems to crash over and over. This has been going on for two weeks or so.

When it stays up, I can access Yahoo mail but Firefox has been crashing so often that I have started using Explorer as my primary browser.

This is using Vista Home Premium.

Posted By: carolm Re: Yahoo problems? - 10/19/08 01:54 PM
I have upgraded firefox and love it - no problems at all.

But I don't use yahoo mail... Gmail all the way [okay not ALL the way, but mostof the time].
Posted By: Classicalla Re: Yahoo problems? - 10/19/08 09:55 PM
I'd go to gmail most of the time, too, but darn it all so many people have my yahoo address that I just don't think I'd want to try to contact them all with a new email - and I don't want to just send an email to everyone. I've got so much stuff stored at Yahoo, too. And isn't gmail still limited as to the amount of data storage?

I use Yahoo mail and am a long-time Firefox user. I have noticed that since the latest Firefox upgrade it seems to crash over and over. This has been going on for two weeks or so.
Yes, me, too. And I'm wondering again if this might be the reason why my whole system crashed.

When it stays up, I can access Yahoo mail but Firefox has been crashing so often that I have started using Explorer as my primary browser.
I'm thinking of going back to IE all the time. But is there a way to use tabbed browsing with it? I love the tabs in Firefox. I don't have the latest version of IE. I had it and hated it. I'm still using XP and plan on avoiding Vista (at least until they get some more bugs worked out).
Posted By: Jess Re: Yahoo problems? - 10/19/08 10:08 PM
I'd go to gmail most of the time, too, but darn it all so many people have my yahoo address that I just don't think I'd want to try to contact them all with a new email - and I don't want to just send an email to everyone. I've got so much stuff stored at Yahoo, too. And isn't gmail still limited as to the amount of data storage?
gmail has so much memory you wont know what to do with it. I have had it over 2 years never deleted a single message and get almost 100 emails a week (if not more, total i have 1664 in my inbox) and I am only using 2% of my memory. You can also forward your yahoo mail to gmail so that you don't have to sign onto yahoo but can see your email you get from yahoo on your gmail account.
Posted By: Classicalla Re: Yahoo problems? - 10/19/08 10:13 PM
How do you forward your email to gmail? And, also, before Yahoo upgraded to unlimited storage, I was using about 75% of the storage space. I think it was 2 GB.
Posted By: Jess Re: Yahoo problems? - 10/19/08 10:35 PM
With gmail i have 7253 MB.

I was playing around with yahoo and I can't seem to figure out how to forward your yahoo mail to another account. I can do it on gmail. Does any one know if there is a way to it or if yahoo doesn't offer that option?!?
Posted By: Lara Joelle Kent Re: Yahoo problems? - 10/20/08 01:41 AM
I tried upgrading to Firefox version 3.0.3 and Yahoo still didn't work. It didn't work either with IE. (Both of which I tried yesterday.)

But - surprise!!! - with Iceweasel, it works just fine (right now). wallbash
Posted By: Ultra Woman Re: Yahoo problems? - 10/20/08 05:17 AM
I found an option to get yahoo working (receiving and sending email) with an Email client (I use Outlook Express 6). It's annoying, but it worked. I had to install a free software called YPOPs! and reconfigure the yahoo settings in my Outlook Express. It's working now.

About YPOPs!

It works with most Email clients:

Configuring Email Client

If somebody really needs yahoo, this can be a solution.
Posted By: carolm Re: Yahoo problems? - 10/20/08 08:07 AM
I'm just guessing at 15K emails in my gmail account [I get tons of crap that goes to my inbox and I delete it regularly - as in every few months wink , several very busy list serves plus personal emails - all those are automatically divided into folders]. I'm using 15% of my space. I also like that you can chat with it [including using AIM and automatically log them] as well as the document features etc. I never really used yahoo but love gmail anyway wink .

Posted By: suez Re: Yahoo problems? - 10/21/08 06:15 AM
I have had absolutely no problems with Yahoo mail. I do use Mozilla Firefox. However, I never upgraded to the NEW Yahoo mail. I still use the old one. Plus when Firefox wanted to upgrade, I didn't download the new upgrade for the first few weeks.

Probably now that I have said this Yahoo mail will crash the next time I open it. LOL
Posted By: Marcus Rowland Re: Yahoo problems? - 10/21/08 04:20 PM
I use Gmail for most business stuff. The only problem I have with it is that three times now upgrades for the Opera browser I prefer have started off partially incompatible with Gmail - either it doesn't work at all, or it's very slow. There's a work-around, which is to start off with the basic HTML version of gmail then switch to the regular version once logged on, but it's a bit of a pain.
Posted By: carolm Re: Yahoo problems? - 10/21/08 06:00 PM
Marcus - I have to do that sometimes too but mine's a... connectivity issue I guess. My internet is pretty slow [cable lite] and has problems connecting when I first open FireFox but then is fine. It doesn't do it all the time - only during... peak hours or if I'm opening several tabs at once.

Could it be something like that?

Posted By: malu Re: Yahoo problems? - 10/22/08 12:36 PM
I don't have problems in using Yahoo Mail with Firefox.

As for having your Yahoo Mail forwarded to a different address, if you have the basic e-mail (not the paid version Plus), you are not allowed to have it forwarded.

Now, as for GMail, you ARE allowed to forward the messages. What you COULD do is create a new GMail account, have it forwarded to your Yahoo Mail acoount in the beginning, and in Yahoo Mail change the Reply-to email address (see the Mail Options->General Preferences), and make sure you mention to the people you are sending messages to of your new email address. Just a thought.

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