Lois & Clark Forums
Help from someone who knows about computers! I accidently pressed some kind of key on my keyboard and now my screen is displayed sidways on my monitor. It's too late to go asking anyone I live with, so can anyone here tell me what key combination I might have pressed?
Do you have Windows? (Although I think the following will most probably work on any OS).

Maybe this help page can help

Basically try pressing ctrl + alt + any of the direction keys

Maybe you pressed ctrl + alt + <up> to make it sideways...

Hope this helps wave
Yes it worked! Thanks so much!
Actually that's very useful - I have a widescreen monitor and I've been thinking of rigging it to pivot so I can use it to lay out a full page at more than full size, but there didn't seem to be any easy way to change the screen setup without messing around with the control panel. This looks a lot simpler. All I have to do now is work out how to keep the icons etc. tidy when I do this.
I could definitely see the uses for this on a desktop PC, but I was having a very hard time using my laptop like that!
I use it all the time on my Tablet PC... laugh
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