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Posted By: LoveIsForever Digtal Camera - 02/01/08 12:31 PM
Does anyone know anything about Digtal Cameras? I've got a kodak C713 that has alittle like purple shadow when the light from outside comes in the window are the sun light comes but only on the screen not when your take the pictures.

Is this normal?
Posted By: Crazy_Babe Re: Digtal Camera - 02/01/08 07:16 PM
If it were a film camera from what your describing it might have something to do with over exposure, but since we are talking about digital I'm fairly certain that it wouldn't be due to that. It could be a problem with the LCD screen itself I've had similar problems with the LCD screen on a calculator.
Posted By: HatMan Re: Digtal Camera - 02/01/08 08:31 PM
Purpling of the fringes of objects is not uncommon in digital cameras. There's a little bit about it at the bottom of this page . The camera's software probably corrects for it, to some degree, which is why you'd see it on the screen but not the final picture.

Personally, I wouldn't worry about it too much. If the pictures come out okay, then how much does it matter if they don't look quite right on the LCD preview?

OTOH, if it bothers you, it wouldn't hurt to contact the manufacturer. Maybe Kodak (or someone on their user forums) has some suggestions.
Posted By: LoveIsForever Re: Digtal Camera - 02/02/08 07:19 PM
It really doesn't bother me in the pictures because it doesn't show. But when I try to take a video on the camera is does.

I already returned one camera because of this problem. I returned another because the shutter started sticking. I'm not having very good luck with Kodak cameras lol.

And other then those problems they camera are just so easy to use I keep getting news ones. And everyone keeps telling me what great cameras they are lol.
Posted By: Marcus Rowland Re: Digtal Camera - 02/03/08 03:10 PM
I'm trying to think of a way that the picture would be OK with still shots and have a mark when you take video, but I'm not having much success. Is this only when you view the video on your camera, or does it still happen if you download the video to your computer?
Posted By: LoveIsForever Re: Digtal Camera - 02/03/08 07:33 PM
I took the camera back today and got a Samsung. The problem now is after I brought it I went to the wal mart website and seen that people have given reviews stating that the Samsung camera was eating up batteries (which was fine they all do) But what got my attention was that alot of people stated that the camera just stopped working all together after they had trouble with the batteries. And that it fried their Sd cards as well.

The camera I brought today took me three different time getting the batteries in the way it shows before the camera would turn on. Now since this happened I'm scared of waking up one day soon with a broken camera and being out the $100.00 it cost. After all that's what all the reviews said happened to them.

So once again it seems like I'm going to have to return another camera.

Does anyone know of any digital camera for under $100.00 that work right?
Posted By: Crazy_Babe Re: Digtal Camera - 02/04/08 05:27 AM
I've only ever had two digital cameras (well my mobiles do but I see them as a phone not as a camera). I'm not a huge fan while I love the convenience of being able to take as many shots as I want and delete as I please I'm still adament that it takes the fun out of using film. Having been a photography student I love the idea of being hands on with my photos adjusting focus and apeture for the perfect conditions for a photo.

I don't really know what the least is you can pay for a camera, but for me personally I'd stick to brands well known as camera brands for example Nikon, Canon or Pentax. I have a Fuji myself and have yet to encounter problems (other than it getting a flat battery on a night I really needed it). Nikons are excellent cameras, but are rather expensive. I've seen second hand SLR's (Single Lens Reflex) for over $1000 for just the camera (don't get me started on how much the lenses cost). Fujis and Kodak's a relatively inexpensive I got my first Kodak digital for about $200 AUD including print dock/charger which I didn't like using because the on/off swutch was really loose and I could turn it on without realising. My current on cost me $300 AUD and I really love using it though the downside is that it's bulky and I have to put in a camera bag when I take it out.

So my long winded advice to you would be to do a check list of what you want the camera for and how much you want to pay and then shop around for the best deal. For me I'd love a Nikon SLR digital camera with interchangeable lenses however I'd be so scared to carry it around because of the expense and I'd be afraid to have it stolen or lose it somewhere.
Posted By: Marcus Rowland Re: Digtal Camera - 02/04/08 03:04 PM
On the digital SLR front I'd recommend Canon rather than Nikon - Canon's DSLRs retained compatibility with their older lenses (everything with an Eos mount), so there's a lot more around for their digital models, and prices (especially second-hand) tend to be lower. Nikon's DSLRs were basically a new lens mount - the most compact lenses won't work at all on their older cameras, and older lenses don't work very well on the DSLRs.

Three guesses which one I bought, and ended up being annoyed about...
Posted By: kmar Re: Digtal Camera - 02/04/08 07:53 PM
I have an Olypus that was around $100. I haven't had any problems other than like all digital cameras it eats batteries. So most of the time I take along a bunch of rechargeables. As for review my favorite website is www.epinions.com
You can find just about anything reviewed here. I always try to shop and make several choices and then come home and check out the reviews before I actually purchase. You can also go to the websites of the different photo magazines like PCPhoto or Popular Photography & Digital Imaging to find articles on the different cameras.
Posted By: LoveIsForever Re: Digtal Camera - 02/19/08 07:42 PM
I took back my last digital camera the pictures weren't clear. I got it at Wal Mart and the photo shop working told me to tell the service desk not to return the camera to them that it was broke and need to be returned to the maker.

I'm taking a break from cameras for alittle while. I will get a new one, once I get over the digusted feeling I have for them.

Next time I might get one at Best Buy or something place else were I can get a extra warnt.
Posted By: sueKay87 Re: Digtal Camera - 10/08/08 10:19 AM
Originally posted by Marcus Rowland:
On the digital SLR front I'd recommend Canon rather than Nikon - Canon's DSLRs retained compatibility with their older lenses
Actually that's not true...I work in a camera shop, and Canon like to change their mounts every five or so year...I had a woman in with an older Canon EOS SLR looking for a wide-angle lens, and the Canon ones we had didn't fit.

The only camera model still compatible with all it's old lenses is Pentax, and even then you need an adaptor.

Oh, and this is my first post, so hi!
Posted By: Marcus Rowland Re: Digtal Camera - 10/14/08 03:11 PM
Didn't know that about Canon - I was using Canons from the mid-80s up to a couple of years ago, I knew they'd phased out the old FD cameras in favour of the Eos - I had four different FD bodies over the years, all of them using the same lenses - but hadn't realised they'd changed the Eos fitting.
Posted By: LoveIsForever Re: Digtal Camera - 10/16/08 08:28 PM
I finally got another camera a few months back this time I went for cheap lol I was just looking at the cameras at Wal Mart again and found a Polaroid for $60 dollars it was on sale had been $100 and something.

At the time I brought it I didn't even know that it had a ion rechargable battery with it. When I showed my cousin the box right after I brought it she told me one of her friends had the same camera got it for christmas and really liked it.

I have to say I've really enjoyed my m737t Polaroid is it has a touch screen another thing I didn't realize until after I brought it. The only down side is the sound when you tape a video clip isn't too good but other then that everything has worked really well. And for the price I can't really complain lol.
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