Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: LoveIsForever wireless trouble - 09/08/07 06:14 AM
My connect wouldn't connect this morning. It showed up on the connect utility but it won't let me connect to it. Finally I unplugged the rounter and then plugged it back in and my wireless card picked it up.

Should I be scare that this will happen again?
I have a Dell Inspiron BI30 and I have the wireless card that is built in.
Posted By: malu Re: wireless trouble - 09/08/07 06:56 AM
Probably it was a temporary problem with the Internet connection to the router. I wouldn't be worried, unless it happens frequently. Was this the first time this ever happened, and had you connected earlier today already (or was it the first time of the day you were connecting)?

Posted By: Shadow Re: wireless trouble - 09/08/07 07:03 AM
Should I be scare that this will happen again?
Depends. I don't have a network in my house to attest to, but my folks do, and I've seen them unplug it from time to time. I think it's just electronics being electronics, but the internet always does start connecting again...I wouldn't worry too much, unless it's happening every day or something.

Posted By: LoveIsForever Re: wireless trouble - 09/09/07 06:22 PM
I went away over night and unplugged my rounter and when I came back and plugged it in and turned on my laptop everything worked right so hopefully it won't happen again.
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