Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: LoveIsForever Can't get into some websites - 01/09/07 08:19 PM
I was just wondering if anyone else who has a Dell computer which they brought sometime last year is having any problems getting into differnt forums because my laptop won't let me get ino two different forums. The first forum I always got on to from my desktop then when I got my laptop couldn't get on it anymore.

Then yesterday my fav roswell site changed servers and now I can't get on to that site anymore. I keep getting taken to a Dell google homepage thing and they have a link to tell you had to stop that from happening but then when you go to progrems to remove it the progrem they've told you to remove isn't there.

I'm just so mad I'm really just thinking at this point of saving up some money this year and then just getting a new laptop this Dell one hasn't been working out. Never could get the usb ports to work.
Posted By: malu Re: Can't get into some websites - 01/09/07 09:15 PM
It seems, according to some sites, that Dell has set the Dell/Google homepage as your Home Page (the one that should default to when you open the browser). Have you tried changing your Home Page to something else, or setting as blank page (in Firefox, go to Tools->Options... and change the Startup option in the Main tab; don't remember how on IE)?

Also, what are the links you are trying to get into? Could there be a problem with the links?

Posted By: Karen Re: Can't get into some websites - 01/10/07 07:23 AM
If the site changed servers, it may take a little bit for your provider's DNS servers (the servers that match word addresses to number addresses) to update. You can update your own DNS cache by going to Start -> Run, and type in "ipconfig /flushdns" without the quotes.

Changing the homepage in IE is Tools -> Internet Options, and it's the first option on the General tab.
Posted By: LoveIsForever Re: Can't get into some websites - 01/11/07 02:19 PM
Tried those didn't work. I hope if I give the site a few days since it's move that it will work again but so far it hasn't.
Posted By: malu Re: Can't get into some websites - 01/11/07 03:33 PM
When you say you found a link that tells you how to stop it happening, did it tell you to do this?

To remove that program, go to the Control Panel Add/Remove Programs. Look for the application named "Browser Address Error Redirector" or it may be called "GoogleAFE". Select "Uninstall."
Something else I found:
Go to “Control Panel”

then “Internet Options”


open “IE”

and click on “Tools”

“Internet Options” then

click the “Programs” tab

Next click on “Manage Add-Ons” (give it a sec to load)

Disable this "CBrowserHelperObject"

In the file column it shows up as “BAE.dll”
Similar to what I just posted, found this also (same files to look for):
It seems that Dell has added several new Google related programs to their new machines. One of which causes a blocked advertisement to return the user to a Google/Dell search page.
The solution (provided by Jill C) is to uninstall Google AFE (older versions) via Add Remove.
Newer versions of the pre-installed Google/Dell add-ons = uninstall - Browser Address Error Redirector
Eric Osborne sends along this tip: If the above Google programs are not listed in Add Remove ...
Go to - Internet Options | Programs | Manage Add-ons | disable CBrowserHelperObject
According to this, it could be that IE is trying to block some advertisement in the forums you're trying to access, and ends up rerouting you to the Dell/Google search page.

Posted By: LoveIsForever Re: Can't get into some websites - 01/12/07 09:40 AM
malu thanks that last tip got me onto a website I haven't been able to get on still I got my laptop but the other website still doesn't seem to work. On the up side I can get to the site from the wayback machine but I can't login that way so I can't post at that forum.
Posted By: LoveIsForever Re: Can't get into some websites - 04/03/07 02:01 PM
I just find this old post of mine and thought I would update everyone and let them know I did get on that site all I had to do was delete my google search history and it let me on. I don't know why that worked but it did so I'm not going to complain lol.
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