Lois & Clark Forums
I don't know how, I don't know what program to use...I don't even know where to get the clips to use. I had my sister repeat this song like...three times so I could scribble down notes for ideas for a music vidio...but I honestly don't know where to go from there. I don't even know if my computer will LET me make one!

Please...I have some mental immages, some clips already in mind to use...but I really need a LOT of help. Could someone please, PLEASE help me? I'm...well...clueless.
I don't know if this is any help but this is another person's post asking a similar question.
Topic: How do you make music videos
You need to have:

1) The software to make the video itself. The thread linked to above lists some Windows programs. I have a Mac, and use iMovie.

2) The clips in a usable format. If you have your episodes on DVD, then you need to be able to rip the clips from there, which I think requires some type of shareware program. If you have your episodes on tape, then you need to use an analog to digital converter box to get them onto your hard drive.

3) The song in a useable format. (A tip: if you buy the song from iTunes, etc., you need to burn it to a CD, then pull it back to your hard drive to get around the protection they build into the songs they sell. I don't know whether the swapping sites have these protections as well or not.)

Hope that helps. smile

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