Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Mad Dog Lane MIRC- How to use that? - 09/17/04 08:36 PM
Hi guys.. as Boss suggested notworthy , i´ve downloaded mirc a while ago but i still dont know how to use it... and how to have access to the chatroom FoLCs use there.


Posted By: Karen Re: MIRC- How to use that? - 09/22/04 08:37 AM
Hrm, surprised no one's responded to this yet. There are various IRC threads in this section.. just do a search for IRC in How-To, and it'll bring them up.

Maybe we should have an IRC FAQ stickie...
Posted By: Kaethel Re: MIRC- How to use that? - 09/22/04 09:07 AM
Sorry, MDL! Totally missed this before. blush

I've been using mIRC for a few years and it's fairly simple once you figure out how to connect. So let's see if I can talk you through that one slightly more difficult step.

Okay, once you've downloaded and installed the software, double click on the icon that it placed on your desktop to run the programme.

There should be a window called mIRC options appearing when you get there. If you're in the 'connect' area, first, select an Undernet server (if you choose any other kind of server you won't be able to see any of us).

Fill in the four lines they ask you (name, email - you can make that up - the nickname you want to use and an alternate nickname in case yours is already used by another chatter).

Click on 'connect to IRC server'. You'll see a bunch of things happening in your status window. Don't worry about them. If it can't connect to the first undernet server it tries, it will try with another one and so on until you're actually connected (you'll know you are when nothing more happens in your status window).

Type #nameofchannel password (except you type the actual name of the channel and the actual password laugh ), hit the return key, and you should find us. smile

Now, to get into the fandom's main IRC channels, you'll need to be registered with one or both of them (you don't have to register to both, and registering to one doesn't prevent you from registering to the other - both are totally independent from one another and run by different people, like the two main Message Boards in the fandom).

#loisclark is open to anyone over 13 years old. Check the channel's website to register.

#lanekent is open to people over 18 years old. Check the channel's website to register.

Let us know if you have any more questions. smile

Kaethel smile
Posted By: ChiefPam Re: MIRC- How to use that? - 09/22/04 01:51 PM
just a quick addendum:

Type #nameofchannel password (except you type the actual name of the channel and the actual password ), hit the return key, and you should find us.
Kae, I think she'll need the /join command wink

So, you type:

/join #nameofchannel password

and that should do it. If you apply for the #loisclark password, the reply will cover this stuff, too, with the real words filled in <g>

Look forward to chatting with you, MDL smile

Posted By: Elena Re: MIRC- How to use that? - 09/22/04 02:13 PM
If you want you can check this thread too. There are a couple of pictures that might help.

Elena smile
Posted By: Mad Dog Lane Re: MIRC- How to use that? - 09/22/04 03:41 PM
Thanks guys...

Chief, notworthy , Kae and Elena...

Uh... Lets see... what have i done here?

The things did pretty much by itself. it did roll lots of messages but i didnt worry about them as Kae adviced. then i closed the join thing window and had only one window openned. i clicked /join #lanekent password and another window came out saying: Now talking in #lanekent ... Ihope this is how u do that... but... er... there was nobody there.. did i do it right???

and after subscribing in #loisclark they didnt give me a password.. er.. no one was ther either.

Posted By: ChiefPam Re: MIRC- How to use that? - 09/22/04 05:34 PM
Hey, MDL... we'll get it figured out. First thing, make sure the server name you're using has "undernet" in it somewhere -- that should show up at the top of the mIRC window. If you're on another network and try to join a channel, it'll create one for you, but none of us will be there frown

Second, I'm one of the admins for #loisclark and I haven't seen anything from you... have you clicked here ? There's a form to fill out, which sends a notice to the channel admins, and then one of us replies to give you the password. You can e-mail me directly if you'd like. smile

We'll get you set up!

Posted By: Mad Dog Lane Re: MIRC- How to use that? - 09/22/04 07:29 PM
Posted By: Kaethel Re: MIRC- How to use that? - 09/22/04 10:06 PM
Kae, I think she'll need the /join command
Yipes!! eek Sorry! blush

Kaethel smile (slapping herself)
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