Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Mister Data Screen Capturing from a VOB or MPEG... - 08/23/04 08:09 AM
We recently got a DVD-burner and have been transfering our tapes to DVD-R.

We know that the burner is creating a .VOB which is the same as an MPEG-2, (This from some definitions website...)

ANYWAY...(sorry, adhd moment), we want to capture some screen shots from the file and everytime we try, we just get what ever is in the DVD/media window and when we save it the image comes back black.

All we really want to do is play the darn thing, find the frame we want and then make a jpg out of it. Is that too much to ask!!!

Help please.

cat James cat
Posted By: Julie S Re: Screen Capturing from a VOB or MPEG... - 08/23/04 10:29 PM
You can try to just press the Print Screen key while playing the part you need and paste it in a Paint file. Then save it as GIF or JPG.

Julie smile
Originally posted by Julie S:
You can try to just press the Print Screen key while playing the part you need and paste it in a Paint file. Then save it as GIF or JPG.

Julie smile
That's what we tried and got us the black image. huh
Thanks for the suggestion.

Anyone else have an idea?

Posted By: amciotola Re: Screen Capturing from a VOB or MPEG... - 08/24/04 04:33 PM
Hey James,

What you need is PowerDVD. It will play the VOB file for you (or any other media file actually) and you can make great screen shots!

I used this while making labels for TV shows I put to VCD or DVD.

They save as .bmp and then I would use paintshop or photoshop to convert them to JPGs.

While playing in PowerDVD press the letter C and PowerDVD creates the capture. You can change the directory of where they save to by right clicking on the PowerDVD screen, choose Configuration, then click Advanced on the pop up that shows up.

Hope this helps some.
Originally posted by amciotola:
Hey James,

What you need is PowerDVD. It will play the VOB file for you (or any other media file actually) and you can make great screen shots!

Hope this helps some.
We just ordered it for $9.99. We'll let you know in 10 - 12 days (cheapest shipping rate)


Posted By: Dave Re: Screen Capturing from a VOB or MPEG... - 11/18/04 05:09 AM
Originally posted by mr_d8a:

ANYWAY...(sorry, adhd moment), we want to capture some screen shots from the file and everytime we try, we just get what ever is in the DVD/media window and when we save it the image comes back black.
If you press play on the video then the saved black screen will play the clip, and if you're in paint then you can select sections of the image and paste them onto other sections. The same images will play in the part of the screen you cut, and you can superimpose characters and bits of scenes all over the place.

It's pretty cool - I know this, because I can't cap either, and when I get frustrated I attack the screen with the pointer on my mouse.

I spent about 15 minutes trying to cap the FOLCS message on the teleprompter in 3x19.

Take that! And that! *click* *click* laugh
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