Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: stopquitdont Outlook Express problem - 06/14/04 09:27 AM
Following absolute computer catastrophe around here over the last week, I need a little help.

I had to wipe out my hard drive and restore the system. Now my Outlook Express is giving me fits. It takes forever for it to load and now I've been unable to save an attached file from someone. Was able to do that Saturday and Sunday, but not today.

Any ideas? Suggestions? Considerations on the type of gun to use when I shoot this dang contraption?! dizzy

Posted By: Anonymous Re: Outlook Express problem - 06/14/04 09:40 AM

Sorry I can't help you on this. I'm really not a techie nerd.

As far as guns are concerned, I was about to suggest a water-shooting one. But I guess you want a more 'expeditive' while handy type of arm. So, maybe a Glock 17L, 9 mm, semi-automatic will do the tric? <jk>

Carole smile1
Posted By: stopquitdont Re: Outlook Express problem - 06/14/04 09:48 AM
Posting again because I just found out that OE is denying access to my attachment because it says it's unsafe. ????


Posted By: YellowDartVader Re: Outlook Express problem - 06/14/04 10:04 AM

My dad has a similar problem with his attachments using OE. The problem was related to the level of security we had it set to both in OE and in Symantic antivirus. I'd suggest checking your security settings and possibly lowering them.

- Laura
Posted By: Elena Re: Outlook Express problem - 06/14/04 01:45 PM

select "Options" from the "Tool" menu, click on the "Security" tab and uncheck the box that says "Do not allow attachments etc...".

Elena smile
Posted By: HatMan Re: Outlook Express problem - 06/14/04 04:25 PM
Hmm. This wasn't easy, but I think I've diagnosed your problem, SQD.

You're using Outlook Express. Also known as The Glitchiest Mainstream Email Program In Existance.

As with most Microsoft products, OE is riddled with flaws, and must often be creatively tricked into doing what it's supposed to. It is also, to my knowledge, the mail program most vulnerable to viruses. There have been entire crops of viruses tailored specifically to work on OE.

I recommend using a different mail program. Personally, I like Eudora (my school has a site liscense, but even the free version is good), but go with what works for you. It probably won't help you get the stuff back that you lost (it may be able to import the old messages), but it will serve you much better in the future.

<shrug> That's my $0.02.

Posted By: AmyN Re: Outlook Express problem - 06/15/04 03:55 PM
Elena's solution should work. OE6 automatically defaults to that security setting. Microsoft just neglects to warn you when you upgrade. Can't tell you how many times I've had to change that setting. Ironically, all documents created in Microsoft applications are considered unsafe by OE6 eek

Posted By: Karen Re: Outlook Express problem - 06/16/04 06:08 AM
Elena's suggestion will work. Just make sure you close OE and open it before you try the attachments again. It won't work until you restart OE.
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