Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: LabRat XP/WORD problem - help? - 04/16/04 02:45 PM
Hi, guys. smile

I've had a problem with WORD ever since I installed XP. Whenever I open a document I get an immediate popup which says "X.doc is being used by LabRat. Do you want to make a copy?"

There is no other copy of the document open at the time. This occurs with every document I open in WORD and I have to hit 'no' before I can do anything.

It's not a major problem, but it is irritating and so if anyone out there knows what I need to do to get rid of it I'd appreciate a pointer in the right direction as it's rapidly becoming one of those niggling things of no importance that really grates on the nerves. goofy


LabRat smile
Posted By: SuperRoo Re: XP/WORD problem - help? - 04/16/04 09:59 PM
Have you found the location of this document? Have you at anypoint failed to save anything or maybe accidently hit something....X is close to Alt. Weird things have happened to me like that.

It sounds like a back up copy...maybe?!

If I get a chance to ask my brother-in-law, I will ask him. He is a wiz w/ computers.

Any Folc out there have a clue?


'Computers hate me' Roo
Posted By: LabRat Re: XP/WORD problem - help? - 04/16/04 11:52 PM
have you found the location of this document
Roo, there is no other document. No copy, nothing else open other than the document I've just opened. The document I've just opened can be the only thing open in the entire system and I'll still get the message.

I suspect this one is down to the settings on the pc involved with having more than one person working on the pc at the same time. It seems to think there's more than one person using the document at the same time. It's probably something I need to click somewhere that will stop it confusing me with me. <G> But so far dashed if I can find it.

LabRat smile
Posted By: SuperRoo Re: XP/WORD problem - help? - 04/17/04 12:12 AM
oh dear. sad Computers do know how to frazzle pple! cat
Posted By: Elena Re: XP/WORD problem - help? - 04/17/04 01:48 AM
Rat, I found this . Not sure if it's what you're looking for and if you're using WORD 97, but it's worth a look. smile

Elena smile
Posted By: LabRat Re: XP/WORD problem - help? - 04/17/04 05:17 AM
Elena - thanks! That does look as though it might solve the problem. Being a complete idiot when it comes to things techie, I'll wait till Stuart gets home and ask him to do the necessary <G>. But looks very hopeful.

Even more inspired to get it fixed now because last night when I tried to save the new bit of writing I'd done on my current WIP it kept telling me I couldn't save it because X.doc was being used by LabRat. dizzy I could only save to backup disk. Cue one freaked out author....

LabRat smile
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