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The actual announcement - whatever they are going to say - will be on Wednesday.

Shameless self promotion: How often does the Higgs boson appear in LnC stories?

I know of one laugh The Return of Ultra Woman (Look in Chapter 6)

I saw that story too this week and the first thing i thought of was Return. Hey, now doesn't it give
your muse some inspiration to write a sequel to Return? Can't you imagine Bernie getting a lot of
attention and prizes if he published the research on
Originally posted by Patti:
I saw that story too this week and the first thing i thought of was Return. Hey, now doesn't it give
your muse some inspiration to write a sequel to Return? Can't you imagine Bernie getting a lot of
attention and prizes if he published the research on
I'm embarrassed to admit that I never thought of that. I don't have an idea for a full-blown story, but perhaps a short. Hmmm...

All I need is to find the time and try to tempt my missing muse out of hiding.

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