Lois & Clark Forums
1. You called your daughter "Lois" and that's not her name.

2. You go away for three days and on one of them only three threads had new posts! (People, please, I know I'm a post-slut, but you've got to help me out some. grumble Now, I've got to bring the laptop with me on my vacation in July or LabRat will have a heart attack from lack of posts.)
3. When you come back from 3 days off and get a message like this: (from the You Know You Need A Vacation When... thread)

Originally posted by Sydney:
2- When you're addicted to a story: I kept checking the boards to see if Virginia was back, because I SO wanted to read Part 9 of "Wrong Clark". blush
Thanks, Sydney! You made my day. hyper
5. When you're rewatching the Lois and Clark episodes with your family on the Hub and start beating the characters to their lines... all of their lines... and your family starts to look at you like you're clinically insane. cat
Hey! I would love to post more often! But work, family and summer are keeping me from doing so.

My hubby is going away on business, so maybe some serious work will be done.

Unless I get invited to another 'Girls Night Out'...
Originally posted by Morgana:
Unless I get invited to another 'Girls Night Out'...
Hey, I want one of those! I had one recently, well, last month and I can say, 'yeah, that's fun stuff!' clap Enjoy!
I've lost count... are we on 6?

6. Because you no longer recognize the person who looks back at you in the mirror.

7. You want to do something that doesn't necessitate waiting in lines, and is free! dance

8. You miss the heck out of this place. wink
9. You're wishing you took summer courses because V is taking sooooooo long to send you wonderful things to read! laugh

*jumps up and down* V's back laugh -finalllllyyyy-
Originally posted by MrsLuthor:
9. You're wishing you took summer courses because V is taking sooooooo long to send you wonderful things to read! laugh

*jumps up and down* V's back laugh -finalllllyyyy-
Awwww. Gee, thanks, Mrs. L. blush
8. You miss the heck out of this place. [Wink]
*sigh* I know I do...I really do.

Okay, don't read mine unless you've seen Spiderman - I don't want to be accused of spoilers...

Spoiler space

Spoiler space

You have been warned...

10. You go to see Spiderman and rejoice when he out and out tells the girl he loves who he really is and then you almost vocally say to the theatre screen "now why couldn't Clark just do that?" - LOL blush
11. When you've checked out the fall line-up and decided there's better fiction here on the boards!

Come on, people, where are you??!! (I can't be the only one without live TV in the world, now can I?)

Queenie, nice to see you de-lurking to pop in. Got any new stories / vignettes for us?? hyper
Originally posted by VirginiaR:
11. When you've checked out the fall line-up and decided there's better fiction here on the boards!

Come on, people, where are you??!! (I can't be the only one without live TV in the world, now can I?)
wave I'll be here every night after 11 pm. blush Sorry. Still in the testing period for new shows and catching the new season starts on old faves... things will probably go back to normal in TV-land for me in a week or so (which means I'll be back to only watching HIMYM, Castle, Revenge and Survivor...). I'm shocked there's no great new shows so far. I thought there would be a lot of hits from last year's newbies, but all the ones I liked ended up getting cancelled!!! mad

But it'll at least mean more time for the boards. Ish. If time were money, I'd be living on the streets out of a cardboard box. laugh

12. When you compare all other characters in shows or movies you're watching to those in Lois and Clark...

(e.g. 'Castle' because a lot of their characters are very similar and have that same great chemistry. In other shows it's more of a lack of similarities than anything else. As in, "gee, why can't <insert random character of your choosing> be more like Clark?" :rolleyes: )

Edit: Just realized that "after eleven" for me means after a lot later for you guys. Three or more hours, on average. blush Whoops.
(I can't be the only one without live TV in the world, now can I?)
Nope. I don't have it either.

I've just been fairly quiet because I've been busy. Work hasn't (yet) become as insanely hectic as I had feared, so I have been semi-lurking, but I haven't had much time for writing, and the little writing I have been doing has involved de-L&C-ifying my autism-related stories in order to submit them for a school publication. (Clark's character is now a firefighter, all character names have been changed, the one L&C quote has been replaced by something comparable that I created, and the Superman character Todd obsessed over in Echolalia has become VitaLad.)

I do have an idea for a short vignette, but I don't have a handle yet on how to present it.

Originally posted by Lynn S. M.:
(I can't be the only one without live TV in the world, now can I?)
Nope. I don't have it either.
Neither do we. We've been buying series we like. For about the same price as the two of us going to the theater we can buy a whole season of something and watch it at our leisure. No commercials, no bad reception and no cable bills and ten times the content for the same price.
No commercials, no bad reception and no cable bills and ten times the content for the same price.
That's a great idea because I live with a channel-hopper (my lovely bride) and she hates commercials with purple passion.

(Like the woman in the paint commercial who wants a purple but not a purple. Every time we see that one she laughs because I have no idea what the woman is describing.)
13. You’ve been struggling for ideas for the sequel to your LnC story that you have always called “Skyfall” and then one of your favorite movie franchises hires one of your favorite artists to make an inspirational video just for you.

If you haven’t watched the video, I highly recommend it.
Skyfall by Adele
And it worked! Words and ideas were flowing this weekend!!! smile1


And I hope that the fact that this was reason #13 doesn't tempt bad luck.
Originally posted by bobbart:
13. You’ve been struggling for ideas for the sequel to your LnC story that you have always called “Skyfall” and then one of your favorite movie franchises hires one of your favorite artists to make an inspirational video just for you.

If you haven’t watched the video, I highly recommend it.
Skyfall by Adele
And it worked! Words and ideas were flowing this weekend!!! smile1


And I hope that the fact that this was reason #13 doesn't tempt bad luck.
14. When you suddenly start talking plot points in a story you're writing from out of nowhere to you husband and he goes, "huh?"
15. When you need a safe place because your life has been tipped upside down.
Originally posted by Christina:
14. When you suddenly start talking plot points in a story you're writing from out of nowhere to you husband and he goes, "huh?"
Really? Are they known for saying anything else? Sometimes, I feel that's my husband's catch-phrase.

AngelRose wrote:
15. When you need a safe place because your life has been tipped upside down.
16. When you need a place to talk to someone over the age of 10.

17. When you want someone to a) read your story, b) give you positive feedback, and c) inspire you.

You guys are the best! notworthy
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