Lois & Clark Forums
not sure if I'm allowed to post this here, but I thought for all LnC fans and Smallville fans this might be of some good news....

if you do watch Smallville and prefer not to be spoiled do not read this...

From Ask Aussiello - CW Spoils new season of Smallville
“Season 10 promises the classic reuniting of the timeless romance between Clark and Lois, and brings Clark face-to-face with his destiny as he overcomes his final trials and forges the iconic identity that will be known for all time.” (FYI: Cassidy Freeman (Tess) is included in a list of returning series regulars. Hmm…)


Looks like we get to see another Lois/Clark pairing! FINALLY!

now if only they make a movie for Lois and Clark instead of Lois and Superman...
Posted By: Artemis Re: Smallville - Lois and Clark (SPOILERS!) - 05/20/10 05:15 PM
That's interesting! They called time of death on Tess, so I figured she was the one who died. So if not her, was it Green Arrow/Oliver Queen? Someone was supposed to die for real. If it's Oliver, Chloe's been bereaved twice. First Jimmy, then Oliver. Anyway, I'm hanging around for season 10.
Posted By: bobbart Re: Smallville - Lois and Clark (SPOILERS!) - 05/20/10 11:39 PM
I ended my holdout and watched the rest of S9 including the final episode. They seem to have set the stage for a good Lois + Clark = Superman in S10 but I don’t trust these writers.

What I’m hoping to see are a few episodes to clean up the loose ends from S9 and then have him come clean to Lois and they can move forward together. What I’m expecting to see is more backtracking and stupid denials by Clark.

I mean really!!! Lois loves Clark for bring Clark. She likes “The Blur” but is very happy to have him be Clark. Clark knows he should tell her and he knows his secret is coming between them. On top of this, a whole bunch of people know his secret already. Including a lot of bad guys! What can be the possible down-side to admitting to Lois what she already knows? His biggest problem will be when he tries to defend keeping her in the dark when Chloe (and Oliver!!!) have known for years.

Sorry, but if they want to keep his Kryptonian background a secret, it needed to be a real secret. You can’t have so many people know.

So, all that said, I’ll probably be watching S10 just to see if he finally comes clean. Despite my hopes, I’m betting on more duck-and-dodge. Who knows, they’ll probably bring Lana back. razz wallbash


BTW: Here is a link to the CW press release. The stuff about Smallville is near the bottom. CW Press Release for next season
Posted By: Artemis Re: Smallville - Lois and Clark (SPOILERS!) - 05/21/10 11:26 AM
more space needed la de dah, hum de hum so it doesn't show up on the tracked topics
em de em
I'm having trouble
getting this to not
show in the
active topics

um, Bob, did you miss the part in finale where Lois found out the Blur was Clark? The writers even had Lois stand by the magic phone booth and say "Clark" to make sure the audience understood she saw and recognized him.
Your other points I agree with. I like Ollie's speech "Clark, you owe her that much." i.e. telling Lois he's the Blur before he goes to the new planet forever.
Betcha he learns to fly for real before the beginning of Season 10.
Oh, and this:
duck-and-dodge. Who knows, they’ll probably bring Lana back. [Razz] [Wallbash]
Bite your tongue!!!!!
Posted By: bobbart Re: Smallville - Lois and Clark (SPOILERS!) - 05/21/10 07:24 PM
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final episode of S9.

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final episode of S9.

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final episode of S9.

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final episode of S9.

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for those that haven't seen
final episode of S9.


Ok. I have the episode on DVR and re-watched that scene when I got home. Here is the source of my skepticism:
1.Clark never says a word.
2.His face is almost always in shadow
3.At the end of the kiss, when his face isn't in shadow, Lois's eyes are closed.
As near as I can tell, she only knows it's him by recognizing the kiss.

The kiss should be enough, but his lack of an overt admission sets the stage for more bad (stupid and implausible) denials by Clark. I REALLY hope that doesn't happen, but as I said, I don't trust these writers.

As for the flying, you're on. No flying until the end of the season. Probably not until the final episode. Again, I hope I'm wrong but I don't think so. The writers will drag this out as long as possible.

I actually don't watch Smallville, I used too, but lost touch with it...

I might watch S10 just because it is going to be the FINAL season.

Also, not sure if anyone is heard, but Alison Mack (Chloe) has decided not to come back as a series regular for the finale season. However she will be in a few episodes here and there. TPTB will give her a proper goodbye.

my source is ASK Ausiello.
Posted By: Artemis Re: Smallville - Lois and Clark (SPOILERS!) - 05/22/10 07:02 AM
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I used malu's idea now.

You said Clark didn't say anything during the kiss and his face was in shadow, which is true. I had my doubts too since he finked out in an earlier scene in the barn.
However, at the end of the kiss, some light lands on his face. It looks like Lois has her eyes closed too. That's why it was important that Lois stand by the phone booth and say "Clark" like she has just discovered the Blur's real identity. But maybe I'm hoping too much. They can always change it up. I watched it real time, suffering through all the unending commercials for Gossip Girl and One Tree Hill, and it was a dramatic moment when it came.
Chloe not having much of a role in season 10 tells me that it is Ollie that was killed and Watchtower is down. But we'll see!
Posted By: LabRat Re: Smallville - Lois and Clark (SPOILERS!) - 05/22/10 10:02 AM
The thing that really bugs me about Smallville is that it got 10 seasons and LNC - a far superior show in my book laugh - only got four. :p


LabRat smile
Posted By: Artemis Re: Smallville - Lois and Clark (SPOILERS!) - 05/22/10 10:10 AM
I agree on all counts, LabRat. The secret was that Smallville is on the CW, a much smaller network that gets smaller ratings. It basically has been holding the network up financially. I didn't watch the early seasons, but once Clark more or less grew up, I started watching. The older it's gotten, the more similar it has gotten to LnC. Even some of the plot twists are right out of LnC. It was the only current game in town, so that's why I started watching.
Dean even made a good appearance on it.
Posted By: LabRat Re: Smallville - Lois and Clark (SPOILERS!) - 05/22/10 12:10 PM
The secret was that Smallville is on the CW, a much smaller network that gets smaller ratings. It basically has been holding the network up financially.
Plus, it's my impression that CW tends to support its shows more than some of the bigger networks do, being more likely to renew them.

LabRat smile
Posted By: bobbart Re: Smallville - Lois and Clark (SPOILERS!) - 05/22/10 08:05 PM
You know, as bad as much of Smallville has been, the very fact that it's been around for so long means that there have been some good stories mixed in.

There were a few good stories early on, but these were strongest when they focused on the early Lex and Clark. The fact that they were friends for so long and watching Lex turn dark made for some superior story telling.

However, it was Lois appearing at the beginning of S4 that made the series really interesting. (At least, that's when it became interesting for me. laugh ) There were still years of Clark and Lana but even then there were gems among the dross.

I enjoyed the first half of S8 and much of S9. I'm not saying that I forgive the writers for the unbelievable liberties they've taken with the mythos and I get frustrated with the story decisions, but overall I have managed to stay with it for the good elements in spite of the bad.

And, as Artemis pointed out, it's the only game in town.

The WB which is the network that actually start Smallville, I was well lets just say that I loved the WB, I watched almost every show on there.

When they switched to CW, most of the shows on WB either ended, or got dropped.

I hardly ever watch the CW now. I always keep an eye out for what is happening on Smallville, but to be honest here at first I was a Clark/Chloe fan, then they brought on Lois but by that time I wasn't watching.

I did catch the Justice League episode, and I thought that Lois and Clark on this show had pretty good chemistry as well. However I knew we would be strung along, so again I never did watch it. Plus at the time I was busy with college and work and did not have much time for television.

I am surprised that the Smallville lasted as long as it did. However most shows that were on the WB last pretty long. i.e 7th Heaven, Charmed, Gilmore Girls...

I will probably keep a closer eye on Smallville this season since it is the last. I remember watching the series premiere when it first came out, and watching the 1st and 2nd seasons. So it's only right that I watch the series finale. Hopefully we get what we want!

Still it won't be Dean & Teri! (Wished Teri made a appearance on Smallville, that would've been cool, I did see Deans episode and he was great!)
Posted By: Tank Re: Smallville - Lois and Clark (SPOILERS!) - 05/23/10 07:19 AM
The WB started life as a small time broadcast network run more like a cable channel. They focused on a young demagraphic with shows that were designed to appeal to teen age girls and young adults.

Smallville was originally supposed to be 'Dawson's Creek' with super powers.

Operating as it does, the WB needs only cable like numbers for its shows survival. Smallville has been popular enough to be one of the top rated shows for the network, but on its best day the viewership it gets wouldn't allow it to survive a full season on one of the major networks.

The ironic thing is; the numbers that Lois and Clark drew back in the day which allowed it to be a middle of the pack show would make it a major hit now days. Television viewership has changed significantly in the interveining years.

Tank (who thinks that even after nine years Tom Wellling is an, at best, mediocre actor but hangs in because of the saving grace of Erica Durance)
@Tank: Smallville just really pales in comparison to our favorite show. smile *runs to DVD cabinet for LnC and fires up the player*
Posted By: MLT Re: Smallville - Lois and Clark (SPOILERS!) - 05/23/10 08:28 AM
not sure if I'm allowed to post this here, but I thought for all LnC fans and Smallville fans this might be of some good news....
Thanks for the update. I haven't watched Smallville since the first season. However, if when the series ends, Lois and Clark are together, I figure I might go back and watch it - or at least watch the relevant seasons. So please, keep us posted.

ML wave
Posted By: bobbart Re: Smallville - Lois and Clark (SPOILERS!) - 05/23/10 10:52 AM
Originally posted by MLT:
However, if when the series ends, Lois and Clark are together, I figure I might go back and watch it - or at least watch the relevant seasons.
There is a VERY relevant scene in the S9 final episode so...

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final episode of S9.

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final episode of S9.

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final episode of S9.

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But I want to be nice
for those that haven't seen
final episode of S9.

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This feels silly
But I want to be nice
for those that haven't seen
final episode of S9.

The opening scene is a Clark dream sequence that is clearly a glimpse of the future.

1. Perry White is editor of The Daily Planet
2. Lois has become a top real-news reporter.
3. She is wearing a wedding ring.
4. There is an emergency outside and Lois turns to see Clark's chair spinning due to a hasty departure.
5. She smiles knowingly, then rushes to the window.
6. A flying figure in red and blue saves an out-of-control plane and flies away with it.
7. The expression on her face clearly suggests that this is her husband.

Ok, it's circumstantial, but one can always hope. smile

They called time of death on Tess, so I figured she was the one who died.
I have read some speculation on other websites. When Tess was busy "dying" in the hospital, there was a person (all wrapped up in clothes like a street person) knitting, in the hallway. Some have suggested that this is "Granny Goodness" .

My only knowledge of Granny Goodness is from watching three seasons of "Superman: The Animated Series" , but she was a nasty character.

Perhaps this means that Season 10's villain on "Smallville" will be Darkseid , who I found to be quite a fascinating bad guy.

In the animated series DVD, there were a few episodes with director/writer commentary, and the writers and directors said that they really hadn't tried to get into the Darkseid backstory - they just couldn't, given time constraints. So presumably, if Darkseid is the S10 villain, there will be a lot of comics material to use.

Of course, the "Smallville" writers will probably waste it all. (Note to self: must stop now, before going on impassioned rant about the numerous aargh-inducing properties of the "Smallville" writing team.)
Posted By: Artemis Re: Smallville - Lois and Clark (SPOILERS!) - 05/26/10 07:31 PM
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I just rewatched the finale on tape, and now I think Lois recognized that Clark was the Blur from his kisses. Earlier she knew that Zod wasn't the Blur by touching his hand.
With regard to Darkseid, maybe he and his minions are the ones who took down Green Arrow. He just said they weren't Kandorians. The other possibility is that they are cyborgs. On TV.com, a character named Cyborg is credited in the cast, but he never appeared on screen. Maybe in the second half of the story in the fall.
Posted By: DSDragon Re: Smallville - Lois and Clark (SPOILERS!) - 06/06/10 05:07 PM
Actually, Artemis, Cyborg did show up in the S9 finale--he was played by the guy who did The Famous Jett Jackson on the Disney Channel years ago--and he showed up when Chloe was arguing with everybody in Watchtower over the screens.
Posted By: Artemis Re: Smallville - Lois and Clark (SPOILERS!) - 06/06/10 05:38 PM
Oh, I wondered what that suit was he was wearing. Well, I guess we'll find out what happens next season.
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