Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Lynn S. M. A Word a Day - Utopia - 05/10/10 04:25 AM
I subscribe to the "A Word a Day" e-mail list. Today's word is much common than most of the ones they have, and it is one everyone on this MB will know and love. You can see today's mailing here

The reason I am posting this is that I was amused by today's e-mail and thought other FoLCs might be, as well. In addition to defining Utopia, it paraphrases Dorothy's line by saying, "You're not in Kansas anymore." And the quote of the day at the bottom mentions one's "mission on earth". Three things which make me think of LnC all in the space of less than 200 words.

A fun coincidence with which to start the day. Or is this a case of, "You know you are watching too much LnC when..."?

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