Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: LabRat What the...? UFO over England? - 08/06/09 05:58 AM
I'm fairly ambivalent when it comes to UFOs (as connected to aliens), but this is something that I can't immediately find a sensible explanation for. All I know is it's pretty dang weird looking. I don't think it's anything supernatural, but I'm curious as to what natural phenomenon it could be.

Assuming that it's real and not some news techs little CGI joke :rolleyes: ...anyone out there got any guesses as to what it might be?

What the...?
Posted By: DSDragon Re: What the...? UFO over England? - 08/06/09 06:46 AM
I tried to watch the vid, but it just went through an advertisement and then froze.
Posted By: Karen Re: What the...? UFO over England? - 08/06/09 07:01 AM
It has the trajectory and speed of a paper airplane. Sounds like someone's idea of fun and a joke.
Posted By: Artemis Re: What the...? UFO over England? - 08/06/09 07:44 AM
I'm with Karen on that. Or else simple light on a string in front of the camera. After all it was a set background it was in front of. The broadcast purports that that's a live shot of London in the background, but most often they are fixed posters on walls or blue screened in. The trajectory didn't match with anything in the picture. If it had gone under or over a bridge, that would be different.
Posted By: LabRat Re: What the...? UFO over England? - 08/06/09 10:20 AM
Hmmmm. Not sure I'm buying that one. I'm inclined to go for it being a set-up, but paper plane just doesn't look right to me.

Not sure if it's a glitch of slowing down the film or not, but in slo-mo it seems insubstantial, smokey, wispy, with no clear lines to it.

And the trajectory to me doesn't match paper plane either, nor the speed. Although, they could have tampered with that, of course. With all of it, in fact.

LabRat smile
Posted By: Artemis Re: What the...? UFO over England? - 08/06/09 10:33 AM
I looked at it again full screen. I see that it is a real picture and not a poster in that the traffic is moving across the bridges. But the thing is closer to the camera than the bridges and is a straight line. So no paper airplane.
However, a guy wire on the roof where the camera is would be a straight line at an angle and a light on it would be fuzzy. Whether someone intentionally did that or it was a happenstance of a helicopter with a light on it overhead or something leaves it still a mystery.
huh huh
Posted By: cookiesmom Re: What the...? UFO over England? - 08/06/09 03:06 PM
To me it looked like a reflection on the webcam lens, with a moving source.
Posted By: Artemis Re: What the...? UFO over England? - 08/06/09 03:16 PM
Yeah, that's a good explanation too.
Posted By: TOC Re: What the...? UFO over England? - 08/07/09 03:02 PM

I found this image on the internet. The caption said, "1960 Chevy Hubcap thrown from the upstairs bathroom window. Taken when I was 13 years old with an Argus 'Instamatic' camera. 126 film Kodachrome "


Carl Sagan used to say, "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence". We humans send an incredible amount of thingamajigs flying in the air. Commercial airplanes, helicopters, military aircraft, blimps, what-do-you-call-them one-person little air-sailing craft, kites, weather balloons, satellites, various flying prototypes, what have you.

So you see a thing flying in the air that you can't identify. What are the chances that this is something man-made after all? Those chances are pretty good, I'd say. What are the chances that you are actually seeing an alien spacecraft carrying aliens that have travelled here from a planet at least four light-years away? In view of the fact that in spite of circa forty years or more of intense scrutiny of the cosmos for signals from ET, absolutely nothing has been found?

Hey, I'm not saying that ET, or other aliens, don't exist. But what are the chances that they have come here? What are the chances that they have managed to find the Earth in the galactic haystack in the first place and then actually travelled here across the light-years? If so, what are the chances that they have managed to avoid discovery as they approached the Earth, in spite of all the hordes of amateur astronomers diligently watching the sky, and then plunged through the atmosphere without absolutely anybody noticing? But when they came down to a couple of hundred feet above ground, they were suddenly spotted by YOU? Or by some other person with a camera?

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. When astronomers spot something weird entering the solar system on a direct course for the Earth, and when they follow this weird spacecraft as it passes the orbits of Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, Jupiter and Mars until it descends through the atmosphere of the Earth, and when the TV cameras show us the aliens live as they land in New York, London, Beijing or another great city, and when we can see the aliens actually stepping out of their spacecraft (that's a small step for an alien, but a giant leap for aliens), then I'll believe. Unless credible astronomers tell me that it was probably a hoax after all.

Posted By: LabRat Re: What the...? UFO over England? - 08/08/09 09:10 AM
Sorry I faded out on you there for a spell - server issues. razz

Anyway, thanks for the interesting posts. Like I say, I don't think aliens were involved wink but it is curious. I think I was kind of hoping for some kind of cool natural phenomenon, although I think that was probably a bit optimistic because the thing seems to have a bit too much purpose in its course and speed to be natural.

Ah well - guess unless someone fesses up, they'll leave us guessing....

LabRat smile
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