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Posted By: Mister Data Laid off... - 04/29/09 06:08 AM
After 11 years with Emerson I have been layed off. My position was phased out and they really don't need an 11 year salary in an entry level postion. I can't discuss the details of my severance, just know that at first blush, it looks good.

I have loved working there for most of that time, but the last couple of years have not been a good fit, job wise and so I am looking forward to the next chapter that God is going to open in my life.

I will miss my boss and the other friends that I made over the years, but now with technology it will not be a problem keeping up with them.

I ask that you will ask for God's guidance in finding the job He already has waiting for me.

Know anyone that needs a Hyperion Enterprise Administrator??? laugh

edited to fix spelling in the title; sorry, it was driving me nuts wink --PJ
Posted By: carolm Re: Laid off... - 04/29/09 07:33 AM
Well, there's this townhouse in Metropolis...

Seriously though, God's got something in the works for you!

Prayers for you!
Posted By: Terry Leatherwood Re: Laid off... - 04/29/09 08:14 AM
James, I sympathize with you. Two years ago I had a really nice job - seven years, fully vested in both the 401k and the company pension (yeah, they really had one of those), good working conditions, fun toys for the programmers to play with, and a good team of people. I thought I'd retire from there in another fifteen to twenty years.

Then they dropped the hammer on us.

It took two months to find another job, during which the severance kept me going, but the job was 200 miles from home. I commuted most weekends and my wife and daughter came to see me one week, but after six months I found another job close to home. The people are pretty good, although the whole situation wasn't what I would have preferred and the toys aren't as nice. But if I'd stayed at the out-of-town job, I wouldn't be working right now, because it was at Bank of America. So God does provide for us, and even if it's not what we'd prefer, it's what we really need.

Blessings to you. Y'all have had some tough times lately. Peace be unto you.
Posted By: ChiefPam Re: Laid off... - 04/29/09 10:30 AM
I feel your pain. I'm in the process of working my last few days before I'm officially laid off. It looks now like I'll be working for another week and a half, but there are no guarantees.

Yes, God takes care of us, but it can still be hard waiting to see what He has in mind!

I've really enjoyed my job here... I have an office with a door. They give me lots of work and then leave me alone to finish it. Very flexible hours, so I can be home to meet the bus instead of paying for after-school care. Kind of boring work but not usually too bad. In a lot of ways it was my dream job. But getting this one was totally a God thing, so I'm looking forward to seeing what He comes up with next.

Posted By: stephnachia Re: Laid off... - 04/29/09 12:07 PM
I'll be praying for you James (and all you other layed off FOLCS). *hugs*
Posted By: Wendymr Re: Laid off... - 04/29/09 02:23 PM
My sympathies to you, James, and Pam, and to anyone else laid off. This is not a good environment in which to be looking for work. frown

I'm an employment counsellor, which means almost 100% of my job is working with people who are job-searching (the rest is people trying to figure out what they want to do, which could include education).

I'll give you just a couple of tips if you are looking for work immediately: network, network, network. Call everyone you know who might be able to help you - and that includes former co-workers and managers. Let them know you're looking for work and specifically what kind of work you're looking for. Make sure your resume is up to date and includes a 'highlights' section with your top skills and accomplisments. (Also look at job postings in your field - doesn't matter where in the country the jobs are; it's the requirements you want to see - and make sure your resume reflects those top requirements).

Practice your 'elevator speech' - that's your 30 or 60-second commercial which sums up your top skills and qualities. What can you offer a company? What's your 'unique selling point'? Can you save money, or identify problems and solutions before anyone else, or have you always been the go-to person for something important?

Feel free to email me, by the way, if you think I might be able to help out with anything. And good luck!

Posted By: Darth Michael Re: Laid off... - 04/29/09 02:26 PM
So sorry to hear this frown

Posted By: docward Re: Laid off... - 04/29/09 03:35 PM
I'm sorry to hear that, but there is a lot of it going around. I was "downsized" at the end of March after 13 years. It was getting to the point where I wasn't particularly enjoying it anyway, but it can be quite a shock to the whole family.

Good luck finding something new.


Never talk about miracles, just depend on them.
Posted By: Zoar3 Re: Laid off... - 04/29/09 08:40 PM
smirk I'm sorry to hear that, too.

Posted By: Shadow Re: Laid off... - 04/29/09 09:19 PM
I'm sorry to hear about that, but thanks for the reminder that God will provide! I'm also looking for a new job and just might throw myself into traffic if I have to write one more cover letter. :p But like Wendy said, everyone else I've talked to also said it'll turn out to be somebody you know these days that has a line on something!

Best Wishes,
Posted By: TOC Re: Laid off... - 04/29/09 11:14 PM
So sorry to hear that, James, Pam and others. I hope you will find new jobs soon. Terry, your story was interesting. It was a good thing you didn't try to keep the Bank Of America job, so giving up a job you like can really be a blessing in disguise.

Posted By: ccmalo Re: Laid off... - 04/30/09 04:25 AM
These are demanding times we live in - I hope everyone finds a new job and that out of these 'transitions' good things will come. It will take time, but things will get better.

Posted By: Karen Re: Laid off... - 04/30/09 07:52 AM
Oy, I wish you the best of luck, James. It's a tough time right now, but you can get through it. laugh
Posted By: Mister Data Re: Laid off... - 04/30/09 09:35 AM
Thank you all.

Emerson has an outplacement agency that I will be able to utilize for revamping the resume and the stuff related to that.

Right now, I feel like I am on a pendulum. I swing from gung-ho to weeping at the drop of a hat.

Elisabeth believes in me. I want to, too.

I do know that God isn't surprised by this and He is just waiting for me to follow him to the next chapter of my life.

I just wish I knew where the ink and paper were...
laugh James laugh
Posted By: Sue S. Re: Laid off... - 04/30/09 09:55 AM

Once again your optimism and your faith are an example to us all (and me, in particular). I wish you the very best in your search and I have no doubt that an opportunity will present itself. thumbsup

Posted By: Wendymr Re: Laid off... - 04/30/09 04:09 PM
James, those ups and downs are perfectly normal in the experience of people who have lost their jobs. It's completely to be expected - and I admire you for actually being able to acknowledge that you're going through this sort of emotional reaction, as many men I work with can't and it prevents them from moving forward.

In my field, we call this the emotional rollercoaster of unemployment, and you can read more about it and see a visual representation here . I prefer the diagram I use myself, but it should give you the idea.

Again, good luck, and keep in touch with those around you who can help to keep you motivated and who may be able to give you promising leads.

Wendy smile
Posted By: Vicki Re: Laid off... - 05/01/09 03:38 AM
Oh, I am so sorry to hear this. I have already offered up a prayer for you and your family, and I will continue to pray for you until I hear that you have found your new job. Do not be discouraged; God is good.

- Vicki
Posted By: ChiefPam Re: Laid off... - 05/01/09 07:04 AM
Okay, I now know what my official last day will be. They'd estimated it might be today or Monday, but now apparently they'll be keeping me til next Friday. Which gives me a chance to round out the pay period and get another full paycheck, so that's good. Add the severance, and I won't be missing income until June.

I've known this was coming for a month and a half now. And it's been really weird working around people who are gearing up for and working through a transition when I know I'm on my way out.

It was a great job while it lasted, and they're being generous about the lay off (I took vacation in January, and haven't yet 'earned' it, but they won't be taking it back, etc) so I'm trying to be grateful for that, anyway.

Posted By: Mister Data Re: Laid off... - 05/05/09 03:34 PM
Ok, cobbled together a resume and sent it out to a few friends that are business oriented to give it a good critque. (That includes you, Wendy. laugh thumbsup )

I really know that God is behind all this and so I just need to find out where He wants me to go.

James, who if anyone else wants to trash talk my resume, just email me. wink
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