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Posted By: shimauma An American Carol - 10/01/08 10:07 PM
One thing cool about living with the in laws is that we've been able to sock away money that we'd normally be paying toward rent(the in laws won't accept any) and have a little extra to get out of the house once in a while. This Saturday we're going to see this movie, An American Carol .
I've already sent some of ya'll emails, but in the event I missed ya, here's a quick synopsis
A cynical, Anti-American “Hollywood” filmmaker sets out on a crusade to abolish the 4th of July holiday. He is visited by 3 ghosts who take him on a hilarious journey in an attempt to show him the true meaning of America.
If you ever liked Naked Gun, Hot Shots, Airplane, this one might be a corker for you, plus the have an awesome fan page where you can watch trailers and connect with folks that like this sort of film as well. I plan to post a review once I've seen it.

Posted By: Captivated2 Re: An American Carol - 10/03/08 03:14 PM
Looking forward to it!

Posted By: LabRat Re: An American Carol - 10/03/08 04:46 PM
Didn't they do this already with Scrooged? Sounds like they just moved the date.

Oh well - no one ever said Hollywood couldn't revisit a good idea or two. wink

LabRat smile
Posted By: Captivated2 Re: An American Carol - 10/06/08 01:06 AM
We went to see this tonight and laughed ourselves silly.


I'll have to come back when I have time for a proper review... but for now I'll say, no wonder "the left" doesn't like it.
Posted By: shimauma Re: An American Carol - 10/06/08 08:49 PM
Before I took my family to see this (yeah, I took my 10 year old, I was 10 when I saw Airplane so...) I decided to check out some early reviews. One in particular was a critic from the Miami herald who said the movie was racist, boring, and not funny.

I'm glad I didn't pay her any attention; there was a ton of laughs in this movie, my kids and I were rolling, HOWEVER there was also a ton of truth in this movie. It may have been dressed as a spoof, but there were a lot of things in AC that I appreciated hearing and knowing that my kids got to hear and see, plus having the plot surrounded with the humor will make this movie and its point memorable to my progeny.

One scene with George Washington in particular was more poignant than humorous and the point hit home with the whole family. What really gets me is that the actors in this movie believe in this so much they've put their careers, their LIVING on the line; where any hippie wimp director can make a tre'chic anti-American movie, these guys, Kelsey Grammer, James Woods, Dennis Hopper, Trace Atkins, Jon Voight have the courage to tell it like it is. I'm buying this movie and several copies to give as gifts to my family, that is if it isn't outlawed by our new socialist regime after January 19th....

Posted By: Captivated2 Re: An American Carol - 10/07/08 02:33 PM
I read the same "bad" reviews... Not surprised at all that many hollywood types would not find this funny. This exposes many left-winged sacred cows for what they are, and that's bound to make them hostile and angry.

There was some "hit you right between the eyes" TRUTH in those jokes.

As for the theatre I saw it in, the audience was laughing a LOT.
Posted By: Mister Data Re: An American Carol - 10/07/08 08:05 PM
Yeah, it's funny that at Rotten Tomatoes the T-meter critics give it a barely acceptable 14%, the top critics give it a 0% and the RT community give it a 75%.

Can anyone say Hmmm.... boys and girls?

Posted By: stephnachia Re: An American Carol - 10/09/08 01:55 PM
I am gonna have to check that movie out!
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