Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: alcyone International Blog Against Racism Week - 08/05/08 12:30 AM
Hi everyone,

The third annual IBARW will be held from Aug 4 to Aug 10. For a general description of past discussions and what its about this is a great place to start. Basically, IBARW presents a diverse space in which POC and allies can discuss:

race and/or racism: in media, in life, in the news, personal experiences, writing characters of color, portrayals of race in fiction, review a book on the subject, etc. (Linking back here is highly appreciated!) The optional theme this year is intersectionality.
The visibility that the hosts and participants bring to a number of issues is really wonderful. No, it won't change the world, but it matters all the same.

I heartily encourage those of you with blogs and ljs to post and let yourself be counted!

wave alcyone
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