Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: alcyone Meta-video Thursday - 06/26/08 11:14 AM
Okay, I'm not much of a vid person, but there are some that caught my eye for the way they bring certain aspects of movies, shows and fandom into focus on a higher meta-level. Subtext and all that jazz. I'm fascinated by how creativity can be mixed in with criticism. Yes. I'm a BIG BIG ball of squeeing nerdiness. All of these deal with gender.

So without further ado. Let's begin with something light. Luminosity's decentering of gender in 300 through vogue is JUST what I needed after watching the movie. (This is what I saw when I saw the movie smile , I was just waiting around for someone else to pick the right music to go with it.)

Vogue 300

Gorgeous, wasn't it? I could wax poetic about the female gaze, but I'm not.

Now to more serious and wrenching commentary. The same vidder opened up controversy with her vid on Supernatural last year, I think. Massive warning for violence against women. If you're sensitive this is best avoided, I mean that. It's very, very painful to watch, but it definitely started (a heated) discussion and made lj fandom better because of it. It makes me think about how sex scenes are censored in media, but violence is not (see This Film is not yet Rated) to the same extent. But I'll just leave it at that. This vid makes me wanna go into a corner and cry, but it also makes me that more vigilant of a viewer.
Women\'s Work- SPN

Okay that was disturbing so we need something light next. And what lighter than celebrating all sorts of UST on television shows? One of my favorite bloggers sums it up like this:

Gianduja Kiss's video in fact includes Mulder and Scully, Starsky and Hutch, Kirk and Spock, Jack and the Ninth Doctor, David and Maddy from Moonlighting, Xena and Gabrielle, Inara and Kaylee, and a host of other pairings I can't remember off-hand. It's a joyous pansexual celebration of sexual tension, its frustrations, and its fulfillment on genre TV: it's not limited to male "slash," but contains gay male, lesbian, bisexual, and straight pairings, some canonical and some not (however you're defining canonical).
Emphasis mine as a warning.

A Little Less Conversation

Okay, so the X-Files bit was the highlight for me, I'll come clean. laugh

But the vid overall made me laugh and left me all warm and fuzzy inside at how libratory the act of reading and interpretation can be. Celebrate diversity indeed.

*happy sigh* Hope you found at least one you liked! wave

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