Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: HatMan Look, up in the sky! - 03/29/08 04:25 AM
It's Superman! No, wait. Mighty Mouse! No, that's not it, either. That super-powered rat from "A Bolt From The Blue"? No, probably not. Rocky the Flying Squirrel? No, it's a generic flying rodent in red and blue spandex who in no way violates any copyrights (and, in any case, is clearly a parody and thus exempt).

It's Super M !

The bad guys have kidnapped his wife yet again, and it's up to you to help him fly through the city without smacking into any buildings so he can rescue her (and they can kidnap her again for the next level).

Move the mouse with your... uhm... mouse. Try to avoid flying into things and going splat. It's... super!
Posted By: Crazy_Babe Re: Look, up in the sky! - 03/29/08 05:48 AM

So funny! It's really fun too a good way to learn hand eye coordination which I don't have a whole lot of.
Posted By: sammie Re: Look, up in the sky! - 03/29/08 12:49 PM
aww i only got to 400. hmm ill try again, this is fun, gives me something to do when im bored at work :p
Posted By: malu Re: Look, up in the sky! - 03/30/08 06:41 PM


Posted By: StarKat Re: Look, up in the sky! - 03/30/08 11:38 PM
I got to 1200. Yesterday. Today, I couldn't get over 400. <sigh>

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