Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: lovesuper97 what happen? - 03/10/08 02:22 PM
what happen to my post???? the daily wonder
Posted By: CheeseoftheMonth Re: what happen? - 03/10/08 02:26 PM
It's on page 2?
Posted By: LabRat Re: what happen? - 03/10/08 02:54 PM
Or, if you're talking about a brand new post you made today - I've noticed you've made more than one post with variations on the same header - it could have been the same glitch that I encountered earlier.

I had a post replying in a thread and when I hit reply it simply vanished into thin air. Never appeared on the thread, no trace of it.

If that's what you're talking about, then I'm afraid the only thing for it is to make the post again. It didn't happen a second time to my post, so it should be okay, I think.

No idea what caused it and it hasn't happened to me since.

LabRat smile
Posted By: Wendymr Re: what happen? - 03/10/08 03:21 PM
lovesuper, please check your email.

As a moderator of this forum, I deleted your post because you were discussing a non-PG topic in an open part of the MBs. Apart from the rating aspect, I'd have to add that this really isn't an appropriate place to be asking for advice about your intimate relationships. huh

I'm sorry that I didn't have time to email you immediately to explain why your post was removed, but you do now have an email waiting for you.

Wendy smile
Forum Moderator
Posted By: lovesuper97 Re: what happen? - 03/10/08 07:34 PM
oh im sry just wanted an opinion sry.
blush peep
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