Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Mister Data Lady in the moon (from a comic no less) - 01/15/08 02:15 PM
ok, I am going insane.

Many years ago, in a Superman Comic book(had to be in the 80's) Superman remarks to someone (I think a kid) in a hospital about The Lady in the Moon.

As I am thinking about it, the moon had be replaced with a duplicate and Superman had noticed that the 'dimple' or 'the point of her nose' was off a little, which was what put him on to the moon-napping.

Anyway, I have told Elisabeth about the Lady in the Moon for years and for years she has politely smiled and told me I am nuts.

The image in the comic had a image of a lady looking right with her hair flowing down behind her and flairing out a little.

I have found many images of a 'lady in the moon' showing a woman looking left, but I can't find any showing her looking right.

Can anyone find this for me and send me the image?


Posted By: TOC Re: Lady in the moon (from a comic no less) - 01/16/08 03:13 AM
This might be the picture you have seen, James.

[Linked Image]

This is the edress: http://www.netaxs.com/~mhmyers/cdjpgs/ladymoon.jpg

Posted By: coolgirl Re: Lady in the moon (from a comic no less) - 01/16/08 07:20 AM
Actually I can see a lot of *ladies in the moon* in different angles! lol But that's probably just me! blush
Posted By: coolgirl Re: Lady in the moon (from a comic no less) - 01/16/08 07:27 AM
Here's one I spotted out using MSPaint... smile
[Linked Image]
Posted By: LaraMoon Re: Lady in the moon (from a comic no less) - 01/16/08 07:29 AM
*giggles* I'd so be tempted to tell you it's me...

/runs away before people start throwing things at her.
Posted By: Saskia Re: Lady in the moon (from a comic no less) - 01/16/08 07:35 AM
Well, Lara, when I read this in the morning (I'm so not a morning person, btw), I thought to myself, what the heck are you doing on the moon?? wink

Posted By: coolgirl Re: Lady in the moon (from a comic no less) - 01/16/08 07:48 AM
Which one's you Lara?

BTW the other one's me! laugh
James, my humblest apologies. Blame coolgirl. laugh

Posted By: coolgirl Re: Lady in the moon (from a comic no less) - 01/16/08 08:29 AM
James, my humblest apologies. Blame coolgirl. laugh
Is the girl on the moon (the picture on top) you, gr8shades? laugh
No, it's not cg. I haven't worn a triangle for years! goofy
Posted By: coolgirl Re: Lady in the moon (from a comic no less) - 01/16/08 08:33 AM
No, it's not cg.
I know it's not CG! CG hasn't worn triangles either! rotflol

Anyway cute pic, gr8!

I'm gonna call you gr8... gr8shades' too long to type and I'm lazy...
Posted By: TOC Re: Lady in the moon (from a comic no less) - 01/16/08 10:29 AM
LOL Coolgirl! rotflol

I subscribe to Sky & Telescope and Astronomy, and I have seen, a couple of times, that they have asked their readers to go out when there's a full moon and try to spot the lunar lady. Maybe you should send your picture to one of these magazines (or both of them) and challenge their readers to try to spot your Lady in the Moon? (What's her name, by the way? Lady Cool? Cool Lara? Lara in the Moon?)

Posted By: Eva Re: Lady in the moon (from a comic no less) - 01/16/08 10:31 AM
I haven't worn a triangle for years!
lol very good, g8shades

CG and g8shades, it's amazing what a powerful application MS-Paint becomes in the right hands wink *goes and deletes photoshop

Sorry, James, but I don't have anything helpful to say on the matter.

Good luck,

Eva, humming "Man in the Moon" now

P.S. I find this "Rabbit in the Moon" very convincing:

[Linked Image]
Posted By: LaraMoon Re: Lady in the moon (from a comic no less) - 01/16/08 10:43 AM
Oooh! rabbits now? Heeee! Well, then I definitely wanna be the lady in the moon!

Which, btw... in French, there's an expression that says "ĂȘtre dans la lune" (literally: "to be in the moon") which means to be distracted, or often, to be lost in a daydream. So that lady would SO totally be me. I live in a daydream, I'm *always* "dans la lune." laugh
Yes, Eva, very convincing! laugh

Here's a better pic of the moon hare.

[Linked Image]

It would appear to be holding some sort of egg... Well, I guess that solves that mystery. goofy

(sorry James, I'll go back to my corner now)
Posted By: nepenthe Re: Lady in the moon (from a comic no less) - 01/16/08 11:10 AM
It's the Easter bunny!
Is this her?

[Linked Image]

Ok, I'm going, I'm going.
Posted By: TOC Re: Lady in the moon (from a comic no less) - 01/16/08 11:35 AM
I can see she's holding out a box of chocolates(?) to a Disney-like character... who is it?

Posted By: coolgirl Re: Lady in the moon (from a comic no less) - 01/16/08 11:36 AM
Oh great, gr8!

I couldn't help this one... Don't kill me...

I've titled this CK proposes to LL laugh

[Linked Image]

But what the hell is she having in her hands? Does she have a ring too? Gonna exchange rings? Mutual proposal?
lol God, that makes me laugh! She's called 'the bookworm', but let's pretend she's holding a box of double crunch fudge bars.

And I think you're very clever to have drawn that! I got mine off a website! Lil' miss triangle dress is as good as it gets here, I'm afraid! frown
Posted By: coolgirl Re: Lady in the moon (from a comic no less) - 01/16/08 11:43 AM
Oh and it happens right after Lois sings 'Fly Me to the Moon!'

CK flies her right off and proposes to her... can you see the black patch behind her? That's where her oxygen tank should be... but I decided not to draw that because you can't exactly call kissing with an oxygen mask romantic, can you? laugh
Posted By: coolgirl Re: Lady in the moon (from a comic no less) - 01/16/08 11:46 AM
ok, I am going insane.
You have company, James! laugh
Posted By: LabRat Re: Lady in the moon (from a comic no less) - 01/16/08 01:14 PM
Okay. In the interest of superior rodents everywhere, I demand that if there are going to be moon hares, there should be at least a moon rat. Fair's fair. :p

LabRat smile
Coolgirl's is the closest, but not quite.

The other one is the one that I have been finding.

Really, I think we need a Superman Comic fan to find this one...

I will try my own hand at rendering it...

ok, this is my horrible rendition...

[Linked Image]
Posted By: HatMan Re: Lady in the moon (from a comic no less) - 01/16/08 01:38 PM
The moon rats are on the other side, Lab. That, and inside the craters. Eating all the cheese where we can't see them.
Posted By: Eva Re: Lady in the moon (from a comic no less) - 01/16/08 01:45 PM
Originally posted by LabRat:
Okay. In the interest of superior rodents everywhere, I demand that if there are going to be moon hares, there should be at least a moon rat. Fair's fair. :p

LabRat smile
Sorry, LabRat, but that can't be allowed and I will employ the millennia-old rules of logic to explain why:

Fact 1: rats eat cheese

Fact 2: the moon is, as everyone knows, entirely made of cheese

Conclusion: the moon (space?) rat would start nibbling the cheese

Consequences: the moon would lose part of its mass, thus the delicate balance between earth and moon would be destroyed; there would be floods, disasters and the earth would tumble into space.

And if that should happen, I say good luck with shouting "Superman to the rescue."

Solution: no rats beyond the stratosphere

Sorry, LabRat, but you can't defy logic wink


"It's cheese, Gromit, but not as we know it"

Well, I took a look a few months ago but I didn\'t notice any ladies present...
Posted By: coolgirl Re: Lady in the moon (from a comic no less) - 01/16/08 05:51 PM
Consequences: the moon would lose part of its mass, thus the delicate balance between earth and moon would be destroyed; there would be floods, disasters and the earth would tumble into space.
Hmm... I'm not sure that's completely true... you see I think I read somewhere (must be in that Physics class when the professor sent me out but I peeked in through the window to see what fun they were having without me)

If the MoonRats (no LabRats there, unless we send a rocket there and bring some down to the Earth laboratories for research) were to eat some/ the whole moon (without the core) then you see, part of the moon's mass would go into the MoonRat's stomach and so the moon wouldn't lose its mass. It's mass would be within the MoonRat's stomach... something to do with the concept...

The total energy of the Universe is constant (as is the energy of an isolated object)

Is there such a law, or am I imagining it?

Okay, anyway I consider the moon to be as isolated as the Earth, even if it is made of cheese (But wouldn't the solar heat melt it! ) confused again!

I'm in a quasi-scientific mood today! *sigh*
Posted By: Eva Re: Lady in the moon (from a comic no less) - 01/16/08 06:20 PM
Originally posted by coolgirl:

If the MoonRats (no LabRats there, unless we send a rocket there and bring some down to the Earth laboratories for research) were to eat some/ the whole moon (without the core) then you see, part of the moon's mass would go into the MoonRat's stomach and so the moon wouldn't lose its mass. It's mass would be within the MoonRat's stomach... something to do with the concept...

The total energy of the Universe is constant (as is the energy of an isolated object)

Is there such a law, or am I imagining it?

Okay, anyway I consider the moon to be as isolated as the Earth, even if it is made of cheese (But wouldn't the solar heat melt it! ) confused again!

I'm in a quasi-scientific mood today! *sigh*
yes, the law does exist, but: the SpaceRats would digest the moon cheese and then fart some of the energy into space, thus changing the energy content of the moon, thus disturbing the balance, etc. ... wink

And no, moon cheese is naturally impregnated with anti-solar-melting-fluid, didn't you know ...
Ah, the power of google:

[Linked Image]
The Moon Lady Reading A Book

I can't find the comic, sorry. All I know is that it's one of the many I haven't read. huh
Posted By: coolgirl Re: Lady in the moon (from a comic no less) - 01/16/08 07:33 PM
the SpaceRats would digest the moon cheese and then fart some of the energy into space
rotflol rotflol rotflol

I'm sure this wasn't what James expected when he started this topic.

Okay, moon cheese lost into space in the form of gas wink ? But won't the moon gravity hold that tiny bit of air around it. I know moon doesn't have enough gravity to hold an atmosphere like that of the Earth. But the escape velocity of MoonRat's fart would be so less that it would create a layer of gas (will cheese break into elemental nitrogen and ammonia? Quasi-Scientist in me again!) which, no doubt, would stink!

So, matter won't be lost... it'd just be revolving around the moon, preventing anybody else from entering.
Posted By: woody Re: Lady in the moon (from a comic no less) - 01/16/08 07:48 PM
LOL. Well, I'm sure the MoonRats would be glad to know that "In Space, No One Can Hear You..." fart.

Oh, by the way, how much mass does a fart really have? And what about when men landed on the moon? That didn't throw off the moon's orbit, I don't think. Besides, wouldn't moondust float off from them running around? Also, just how do the rats breathe, how many do we have to have, and if the moon really is made of cheese, why haven't we started importing it yet for goodness' sake?! Yeesh.
Posted By: coolgirl Re: Lady in the moon (from a comic no less) - 01/16/08 08:08 PM
if the moon really is made of cheese, why haven't we started importing it yet for goodness' sake?!
Oh no! We can't do that... you see, the mass of the moon will reduce at a rapid rate, and that would cause all those environmental disasters Eva mentioned such as cyclones, tsunamis, earthquakes...

Besides that mass would be additional on Earth and will have a great impact on its velocity (assuming its Kinetic Energy is constant) and we would have days longer than 24 hours...

EDIT : (oh! that's rotation) ... actually an year would be having 370 days? Are there any scientists here?

BTW did you know that initially, when the Earth was still an infant, one *day* on Earth was equal to almost 22 hours.
Posted By: TOC Re: Lady in the moon (from a comic no less) - 01/16/08 08:11 PM
I guess the astronauts' space suits would contain their farts, wouldn't they? And then the astronauts wouldn't be launched off the the moon by their own biological "jet pulses". But I know Terry wrote a terry-fic piece called "In Space, No One Can Hear You...." where Lois served Clark rumaki, and Clark had to flee into space in order to...relieve himself of some gas. I guess he would be bobbing up and down as he farted, as the farts would certainly leak through his suit, thus giving him a push in the opposite direction! (I mean, imagine if his suit actually contained the farts: it would swell up so that Clark would eventually look like Balloon Man! Literally full of gas!)

But James, seriously: the picture I showed you is the astronomically accepted Lady in the Moon, the one amateur astronomers are told to try to spot, when they want a "moon challenge". It's possible, of course, that the comic book people had heard of a Lady in the Moon, but if they didn't know what feature that really was, they may have drawn another lunar lady. But in that case, unless you can find your comic book again, don't expect to be able to identify it.

Posted By: shimauma Re: Lady in the moon (from a comic no less) - 01/16/08 08:25 PM
Anyone who's ever read Watership Down, by Richard Adams knows the rabbit in the moon is El-ahrairah...but I don't think he farts...
Posted By: HatMan Re: Lady in the moon (from a comic no less) - 01/16/08 08:41 PM
What I want to know is where all the milk came from to make that giant hunk of cheese.

Passing herd of giant space cows?
Posted By: coolgirl Re: Lady in the moon (from a comic no less) - 01/16/08 08:45 PM
Oh, don't you know? It came from the Milky Way!

There is a whole galaxy of milk existing on the Universe ever since its birth... sadly nobody knows how it came to be... (probably during the Big Bang, the golden egg burst and spilled milk all over!)
Posted By: TOC Re: Lady in the moon (from a comic no less) - 01/16/08 09:04 PM
[Linked Image]

This is the source of the Milky Way. The Greek god Zeus had fathered an illegitimate child, Hercules (or Heracles). Hercules' mother was a mere human, but Zeus wanted his son to drink some mother's milk from a goddess, so he laid his son by his wife Hera's breast. When Hera noticed what was going on, she tore away Hercules from her breast, but her milk pumped out like a jet stream all across the heavens, creating the Milky Way. (Well, that's obvious, isn't it?)

Posted By: coolgirl Re: Lady in the moon (from a comic no less) - 01/16/08 09:30 PM
That's what mythology says! smile
My quasi-scientific mind mixes all theories up and comes up with something more hilarious than that, which my husband doesn't want me to reveal for he's afraid I might... well he's afraid!!! laugh

Well, that's specific indeed! laugh
Posted By: shimauma Re: Lady in the moon (from a comic no less) - 01/16/08 10:08 PM
Here's the sky myth MY hubby likes:
Do you know the myth of Earth-that-was?

Not so much.

That when she was born, she had no sky, and was open, inviting. And the stars would rush into her, through the skin of her. Making the oceans boil with sensation. And when she could endure no more ecstasy, she puffed up her cheeks and blew out the sky.

...course that don't explain how El-ahrairah got up there...
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