Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: LaraMoon And this is what we saw in Vegas... - 12/12/07 09:36 PM

Of course we had to go over to the Palms and see it! How could we not?

[img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v93/CaroT/LasVegasW002.jpg?t=1197520099[/img] [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v93/CaroT/LasVegasW003.jpg?t=1197520311[/img]

And this... is what FoLCs do when they're really very bored. (yes, those are M&Ms)

Posted By: carolm Re: And this is what we saw in Vegas... - 12/12/07 09:57 PM

You guys are having way more fun than I did on my last trip to Vegas!!!

Keep having fun!
Posted By: Shadow Re: And this is what we saw in Vegas... - 12/12/07 10:10 PM
LMAO. Way fun! Clearly I should have done that than lose my money the last time I went.

Posted By: Sue S. Re: And this is what we saw in Vegas... - 12/12/07 10:39 PM
Clearly I should have done that than lose my money the last time I went.
Funnily enough, the only things we've gambled so far are our lives and sanity (and that last one was iffy to begin with). We've had a running wager on which elevator will open first, but that's for pride and not money. laugh
Posted By: jojo_da_crow Re: And this is what we saw in Vegas... - 12/12/07 10:59 PM
Aww I'm glad you guys are having fun out there. ^_^

I have to say I laughed out loud at the M&M's.

Hey now you guys just need to go to The Red Square at Mandalay Bay where vodka lockers are and maybe you will stalk.. errr... meet Dean. lol
Posted By: TOC Re: And this is what we saw in Vegas... - 12/12/07 11:12 PM
Hah! I love it! Worshipping at the altar of Dean Cain... eh, at Dean Cain's star in Vegas! laugh And I loooooooove the M&M 'S' shield - with Dean as Clark on TV in the background!

Thanks for sharing!!! sloppy

Posted By: LabRat Re: And this is what we saw in Vegas... - 12/13/07 05:18 AM
LOL! These brought a huge smile to my face. Glad you're having so much fun!

LabRat smile
Posted By: stephnachia Re: And this is what we saw in Vegas... - 12/13/07 07:41 AM
Man, I wish I was there too!! Now I know what I want my first trip to Vegas to be like!!! Thanks for sharing!!!! smile1
Posted By: Mrs. McLeod Re: And this is what we saw in Vegas... - 12/13/07 08:08 AM
Seems like you're having fun!!

I love what you did with the M&M's (way better than eating them goofy )

Posted By: Matrix Re: And this is what we saw in Vegas... - 12/15/07 12:36 PM




<more laughing>


<giggles, but begins to calm down>

Hee hee, you guys look like you had an awesome time! <frowns> But weren't you supposed to e-mail me the link for these? You forgot! I just happened to come by and check here and stumbled across them - bad, Lara, bad! smile

Thanks for the pics and the smiles. smile

-- DJ
Ooooh I am TOTALLY jealous over the star and the M&Ms!

...Actually, I think I ate most of those... smirk
Posted By: stephnachia Re: And this is what we saw in Vegas... - 12/17/07 07:42 AM
Ha!! I just noticed! Does your shirt say "Squee", Sue!! How awesome!! laugh
Posted By: Sue S. Re: And this is what we saw in Vegas... - 12/17/07 08:50 AM
Uh, that's Lara wearing the "Squee!". I'm sorta bummed I didn't bring the "Ork!" shirt Lara gave me last summer because *that* would have been hysterical.
...Actually, I think I ate most of those...
Better you than me, Cat. thumbsup
Posted By: stephnachia Re: And this is what we saw in Vegas... - 12/17/07 09:22 AM
Uh, that's Lara wearing the "Squee!".
Oops! Sorry. blush I thought I'd seen a pic of you before but I guess I got ya'll confused!
Posted By: LaraMoon Re: And this is what we saw in Vegas... - 12/17/07 09:34 AM
You would think I would have been smart enough to mention who was who on the pics... I'm a bit challenged, I'm sorry. wink

(still in Tucson, but heading home today - stupid snow storms... they're only nice when there's a cabin involved. And a Clark. LOL!)
Posted By: Sue S. Re: And this is what we saw in Vegas... - 12/17/07 09:54 AM
Lara! Frankly it amazes me that you still travel, seeing as how you can't go anywhere without it turning into a nightmare of delays and canceled flights.

For what it's worth, I wish you were still stranded in Denver. laugh

ETA: Funny story (and this is off topic, but hey, at least I'm in the right folder for it). My mom found that copy of "Lost" you left at the house and watched it while I was in Vegas. She said it was one of the weirdest movies she's ever watched (and yet she watched the whole darn thing).

Mom: So when he gets stuck in the mud and he's pushing on the truck, I just had to laugh.

Sue: <giggles> Yeah, he probably wished he really did have superpowers.

Mom: I bet he wished he was wearing his tights and spandex then. <pause> I know I did.

Sue: Mom!
Posted By: TOC Re: And this is what we saw in Vegas... - 12/17/07 06:50 PM
I'm sorta bummed I didn't bring the "Ork!" shirt Lara gave me last summer because *that* would have been hysterical.
Wouldn't it, now!!!! rotflol Vegas, you don't know what you missed out on. laugh

Oh, and... Lara, I hope you're home by now!

Posted By: LaraMoon Re: And this is what we saw in Vegas... - 12/17/07 11:28 PM
For what it's worth, I wish you were still stranded in Denver.
hehehe! Yeah, I wish I could get stuck in Denver more often. wink

Mom: I bet he wished he was wearing his tights and spandex then. <pause> I know I did.

So you can expect to see me more and I'll be able to look after the ficathon more closely, too. laugh
Posted By: EditorJax Re: And this is what we saw in Vegas... - 12/18/07 12:31 AM
OK, after seeing these pics, I am now motivated. We're going to Vegas next month, and I am SO going to find the Dean star, husband be damned. Where in the Palms is it?!?
Posted By: Classicalla Re: And this is what we saw in Vegas... - 12/18/07 01:42 AM
Great pics, guys! So, Sue, did you let Caro vist the 'closet'? You know the one...
Posted By: Sue S. Re: And this is what we saw in Vegas... - 12/18/07 02:17 AM
Yes, Lara saw my fabled closet when she visited last summer. <g>

The star is in the movie theater at the Palms. If you're facing the concessions counter, it's next to one of the big (really big) columns on the left hand side.

Or you can be like us and do a methodical search of all the stars (starting on the right). I knew she had found it when I heard Lara start chortling and tap dancing on top of it. laugh

Oh, if I were you, I'd go early in the day when there isn't a movie playing (we were there around 9 a.m.), otherwise you're going to have your geek moment with an audience. As it was, we had one very bemused girl at the candy counter watching us giggle like thirteen year olds.
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