Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: SuperRoo What does this mean? - 12/08/07 02:36 PM
"We both mock type as we speak."

I was watching CNN and somebody said this about herself and her sister.

What does this mean?

I can take this two ways - literal or some sort of ____. Once again I'm lost for the proper word.

But I'd just thought I'd ask because I've never heard of this before.

It would be great if someone would enlighten me.

Posted By: carolm Re: What does this mean? - 12/08/07 06:18 PM
Not having seen it... the first thing that comes to mind is an actor pretend [mock] typing as s/he speaks. Not *actually* typing anything but pretending to. I will admit to typing [actual typing but nothing in particular] to fein busyness to get someone off the phone [hear that - I'm typing - I'm so busy I have to type and talk to you at the same time until you decide to let me go].


Just a guess...
Posted By: coolgirl Re: What does this mean? - 12/08/07 09:45 PM
"We both mock type as we speak."
I think it's something similar to what Carol said : pretending to be busy while being idle!!! goofy

1. They pretend to type (work) when actually all they're doing is talking over microphone/ directly to the person

2. They actually type some junk stuff like "ndgjkjhdksjFKGkfHKgdfhgdkjfkj" so that ther others hear the sound of the keys being pressed and assume they're very busy

3. They both are on online chat, where they have facilities to speak even as they type :

SHE : Hi (then she says "Hi" over the mic)
SIS : Hi (sister also greets)
SHE : Whatcha doin? ( she asks something else like "Hows your hubby?"
etc. etc.

It's just a wild guess, bcoz that's what I do (mock type while chatting over some Messenger Software) blush
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