Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Lady_Mirth Hug A FoLC! - 09/22/07 05:02 AM
I hereby declare this the "Hug A FoLC" thread! laugh

I have simply been struck by what a utopian fandom this is, compared to my other fandom experiences. We staunchly support and genuinely care for each other. We are always civilised and polite and are prepared to hear each other out and respect each other's views even when we don't agree with them.

And above all, we use good grammar and punctuation! No L33t in this community!

I think that we should have this thread to be completely mushy and openly appreciative of each other. Non-sentimental people need not join in, and will not be thought the worse for it.

1. Use this thread to send a hug to five FoLCs of your choice.
2. Tell them why they're so appreciated and why you're sending them a hug. Try to speak on behalf of the fandom as well.
3. If a single FoLC is "hugged" more than four times, don't choose him/her again. I hope that doesn't sound unfair, but I don't think this should turn into a "count the hugs" competition.

We can revise the rules if need be, of course. blush

Let the hugs begin!
Posted By: MrsMosley Re: Hug A FoLC! - 09/22/07 06:14 AM
Lady_Mirth, I'll hug you for starters! ((((Hasini)))) I appreciate you because you're funny, supportive and just plain brilliant. I think everyone here would agree. smile

As for the rest, there's no way I could limit my hugs to just to four others. I realize I'm breaking the guidelines right out of the gate, but there are so many of you that have given so much to me in various ways, so how about this:


Posted By: TOC Re: Hug A FoLC! - 09/22/07 09:53 AM
Let me, too, give a hug to Hasini for being just brilliant and for giving so much inspiration to others (do you realize that it was Hasini who inspired Sue to write Faustian Bargain?). (((Hasini)))

Let me also give a hug to Lisa, Mrs Mosley, for always being supportive and inspirational in her FDK and for bringing up the idea of a FoLC group hug! (((LisA))) (((FoLC group hug)))

Posted By: Shadow Re: Hug A FoLC! - 09/22/07 11:20 AM
Non-sentimental people need not join in, and will not be thought the worse for it.
*snort* but I'll join in anyway.

Hugs to Ann and Maria for always taking so much time to leave feedback on stories!

Hugs to Lab, Annette, and any other helpers for keeping our little playground so organized and functional!

Posted By: Lady_Mirth Re: Hug A FoLC! - 09/22/07 12:01 PM
Thanks, Lisa and Ann! blush

I appreciate that it's hard to limit your hugs to just four people. Maybe we can just dispense with the four people rule and make it a maxiumum of ten or something.

I decided to wait and see whether the idea caught on, to post my own list, but I guess I should've gone first.

To Labbie, because she's the vigilant godmother of our little kingdom, and because she's a freaking brilliant writer, and has great taste in books and is one of the nicest people on the boards. ((((((Labrat))))) Because I can't imagine the boards without her and also for having the cutest username. We LUV YA!

Consider the individual who is Sue S. Aka Queen of Nfic/ Queen of Evil/ Queen in General. Not only has she helped keep the nfic threads alive and kicking for the past couple of years, and has a seemingly inexhaustible store of top-notch stories locked in her pate, she is also one of the sweetest people of my acquintance. Actually Ann, the only things I ever did for FB was to post the premise, beta two chapters before falling off the face of the earth and then be entirely too lazy to review it even though I loved it as much as any of you. And yet Sue keeps trying to give me partial credit! She is clearly a stubborn and deluded character. laugh

To be sure, considering all the plaudits that are being heaped on her, one would expect a normal person to become somewhat swollen headed. I keep expecting her to turn up one day and proclaim, "Kneel before Sue!" and therefore keep a pin-prick handy for head-deflation purposes. Yet she continues to be stubbornly normal and unaffected and generally the same as always, except for maybe wondering why I randomly keep waving pins at her. In fact, she does not even really believe that she actually can write for a living. We are clearly a singularly unconvincing lot, never mind all that FDK! Try harder, FoLCs!

So here's a gargantuan hug going out to our lovely Sue, just for being her own sweet self. May her FDK threads never run dry!


Classicalla , aka Nancy, has got to be the best Beta-reader on the boards. If you think otherwise, its either because you've never had Nancy beta for you or because these Boards are an even more terrific place than I know it to be. She's thorough and patient as a kinder-garten teacher and brutally honest and generally a gift of a GE. And she is also a godsend of a person, which I know as she just about saved my life a few months ago. So here's a hug to one of the strongest and most caring individuals I know. RL has been rather hard on her recently, as I have heard it, but we FoLCs are all thinking of you Nancy! ((((((Nancy)))))))

TOC, or Ann, as we all know her is an indispensable person for us FoLCs. She is a phenomenal and conscientous reviewer and waking up to her incisive, analytical, insightful and deliciously lengthy reviews is one of life's high points to newbie authors like me, and I think maybe even the oldie authors. I sometimes wonder whether she doesn't take more trouble than all us other fic writers put together; her reviews are always works of art and intellect in themselves, and I think I can glean at least a fifth of my secondary school education if I took the time to read all the reviews she's ever posted. Ann is definitely a teacher through and through, and I wish I had half such an intersting instructor during my own school days. I wonder if we do appreciate you enough, Ann, because I certainly can't imagine the boards without you!
So just to make sure you don't go anywhere, here's a big hug! ((((((((ANN))))))))

Fifth, to one Elisabeth Mosley, who doesn't really exist. We know her as either Lisa or Mrs.Mosley. One of the rising stars in the fandom, she is also a Livejournal buddy of mine who is several kinds of awesome at the same time. Always encouraging and sweet and ready to be somebody's ear. )Plus has great taste in books and movies!) My only quarrel with this lady is that she doesn't post her stories on here nearly often enough for me to get my fix of them. Let's hope a hug will encourage you to remedy the situation, eh? ((((((LISA)))))))

I'm also going to give a shout out to my wonderful LJ bud Anna B.The Greek who seems to have fallen into the bad habits of more lurkage and less postage. Which means that many of you won't have much chance to see for yourself what a wonderful girl she is. So I'm going to tell you now, Anna, get back here and start talking! (((((((ANNA))))))

And finally to Lynn M. although she has left the boards auld lang syne to pursue professional writing. It was a good choice, because even her fanfic was crying out to be published, but I know a lot of us still miss her. I stumbled on her blog a while ago and she's slowly working towards an agent, and she's doing well. Because she gave me some of the best hours of fanfic reading and because she's a real nice lady, I'm sending her a hug too, even if she probably won't be reading this. Good FoLCs should never be forgotten! May her work soon be in print! (((((((LYNN)))))))

Of course, I would go on for quite a lot longer if I could, but I'm sure all the other FoLCs will speak for the rest on my behalf. Also, I believe I've embarrassed enough people for one day. laugh Also, am sleepy. blush So I'm going to emulate Lisa and just hug you all.


Keep those hugs rolling, FoLCs! wave
Posted By: Laura S Re: Hug A FoLC! - 09/22/07 01:30 PM
Okay, I thought this was a really great idea, so I'd give it a shot. I know I'm kind of new here, but I have grown to really appreciate so many of the people here.

So... A hug for

Sheila, who always gives the sweetest reviews and genuinely brings a smile to my face.

MetroRhodes (aka DJ) because her posts and responses always make me laugh.

Catherine Bruce because her stories are either absolutely hysterical or heartbreakingly... heartbreaking. smile

And then one for MrsMosley (aka Lisa) because she dragged me over here from fanfiction.net and told me about this board in the first place.

And everyone else on the boards who have made me feel so welcome here. smile

Posted By: Zoar3 Re: Hug A FoLC! - 09/22/07 09:03 PM
Aw, what a sweet topic! For that, you, Lady Mirth should get a hug, so here you go! (Oh no there is no hugging icon, oh well).

I'll say everyone but especially Labbie, Laura, Editor Jax Dawn (for everything she does for the archive), and all of you fine folcs reading this topic. clap (Well that does cover everyone.

Posted By: symbolicangel Re: Hug A FoLC! - 09/23/07 12:01 AM
First, I want to give out a group folc hug, because after lurking on these boards for so many years, I finally came out of my shell and found out how awesome each and every one of you are. You all have made me feel very welcomed, and I feel fortunate to have this fandom to escape to when life gets tough--which is pretty much everyday. smile

I also want to send out a hug to DSdragon. Even though she's been on hiatus, she's still found the time to BR for me.

And I definitely want to send out a hug to Sheila, for she's been amazing. Not only has her help been invaluable, but her emails brighten my day.

I can think of several others that I'd like to send hugs to. LaraMoon, for her wit, and Laura S, for her wonderful reviews, are two that come to mind. There are just so many wonderful people in this fandom, it's hard to just think of a few.

So here's a hug to all!
Posted By: EditorJax Re: Hug A FoLC! - 09/23/07 01:31 AM
Wow! I feel special for getting a hug since I am not part of the A List over here! Thanks, Mona! I feel so special now!

I would like to give a hug to all the people like me, who post stories or visit the other forums, but aren't well-known and may feel like they're on the outside looking in a lot of the time. It's not easy breaking into or getting to know people in a group as established as this one.

So a big hug to the lurkers and those who don't post often. Hopefully getting a hug will lure them out!

p.s. I have really enjoyed "meeting" everyone who has stopped by IRC ... I hope that more people do!
Posted By: bakasi Re: Hug A FoLC! - 09/23/07 01:43 AM
I'd like to send hugs to

Classicalla I, too, agree here that she's an awesome betareader. She never became impatient with me, even though I tend to make the same mistakes over and over again.

Lara Joelle Kent (formerly known as Olympe) the first Folc I could ever talk to in RL. She also used to give great feedback and still she does.

Tahu who has an incredible talent to cheer someone up

Vanda Detroit aka Babsi who did a great job in giving the German Folcdom a new chance. Let's hope that it'll survive

And last but not least:

LaraMoon who helped me about just as much as Nancy did.

There are some other people that I'd like to hug, but LadyMirth said we should choose five.

So I'll include the rest of you in a groupfolc hug!
Posted By: Lady_Mirth Re: Hug A FoLC! - 09/23/07 02:02 AM
I think, since many people find it hard to choose only five, we should hug a minimum of four and a maximum of seven (?), unless you guys have any other ideas.

I'm also including a "hug back" option, if you want to return hugs, apart from the list of people you've chosen.

Editor Jax, it's surprising and a little saddening to me if we do make people feel excluded. Thanks for bringing that to the FoLCs attention. I hope anyone who feels that way know that there is no exclusiveness, and anything that feels that way is completely inadvertent. I'm not at all a prominent personage around here much less as A-lister (in fact I joined very late and is the lousiest of reviewers blush ) , but I've never felt anything but included and counted in this fandom, which is a part of why I love this place so much. I really hope we can make it the same way for any FoLCs who are too shy to come out of lurkage.

Big hug out to the lurkers too! ((((((LURKERS))))) Come out of the shadows, brethen! rotflol
Posted By: LaraMoon Re: Hug A FoLC! - 09/23/07 09:59 AM
Oooh! This is such a cool idea! smile I'm afraid my list of hugs might be a little long, because there are SO many people here who are special to me and deserve mountains of hugs... Lesse... smile

Jessi because she's always there for me and for helping to keep me sane most of the time. She's the best friend a girl could ever ask for. sloppy

Catherine Bruce because she always knows what to say to make me smile and because her stories never fail to blow me away.

Sue S. because she's wonderful all around - as an author and as a friend. She's always been incredibly helpful and encouraging. She's definitely a Queen!

DJfor being a really awesome beta and for being the first person to ever send me FDK on a story.

JoJo also for being an awesome beta, for introducing me to this really amazing thing called NaNoWriMo -- and... erm... WoW, too. *lol*

Ann for leaving the most incredible pieces of FDK any author could ever dream of. ...and for being one of the few here who totally gets my references to comic books and other characters. I love that!!

Laura S. and Selinde for organizing the ficathon!

Hugs right back to Barbara - thank you! And thanks also for posting a really wonderful story for my birthday, many months ago. I'll always cherish that.

Lots and lots of hugs to a really very special group a girls - they know who they are - because they provide the help and encouragement I needed to start on a path to better living and *staying there*. You girls totally rock!!

To everyone who leaves FDK on stories - because you have no idea how much it makes our day when you do. Really.

To everyone who posts stories, because you provide us with a few minutes of living in a fantasy world every time you post and it's SO worth it.

To the people here who work behind the scenes - the boards, the archives, the kerths - we can't thank you enough for all the work you do every day.

And hugs to Hasini for having this really cool idea for a thread. smile
Posted By: Anna B. the Greek Re: Hug A FoLC! - 09/23/07 11:30 AM

Here's a hug-back to you (((((((((((((Hasini))))))))))))) for trying to wake me up, so to speak :p I'm sorry for not being as active anymore... university life has got me busy!

I'd also like to hug LabRat and Lauren for keeping the Archive up and running. Hugs also to Annette, for maintaining the boards - especially since they seem to have been a pain lately!

And I'd like to send one last "named" hug to Mufasa, my good RL friend who just joined these boards. Hope you'll like it here!

Group hug to all the rest of you guys (((((((((((((((((((((((((FoLCs))))))))))))))))))))))))) - thank you for being such a big and fun part of my life for over 4 years.

Can we hand out more hugs later? laugh

See ya,
Posted By: Mufasa Re: Hug A FoLC! - 09/23/07 01:20 PM
I can see that my name is mentioned *shifty eyes*

Since I only know one FoLC, I can only hug one. I hope that doesn't deprive me from the right to post.

I could hug four totally unknown to me persons, it wouldn't be the first time;(XD) but I don't find it appropriate (yet).

I hug Anna B. laugh laugh laugh . Since she has numberless advantages, I will just say that I appreciate her for what she is, and what she makes me feel when I'm with her. Thank you Anna!

P.S.:I will return the hug another time XD.
Posted By: Caroline Re: Hug A FoLC! - 09/23/07 02:55 PM
Oh, what a lovely idea!

I want to give a hug to every person who has ever GE'd a story for me. When I first came to this fandom, I was dumbfounded by the fact that someone I didn't even know would put so much effort into something I'd written - into helping me not to look like an idiot and into helping the archive maintain its wonderfully high standards. I've written a fair few stories now, and that feeling has never completely worn off.

So, huge FoLC hugs to Sherry, Paul, Nancy, Sara, and Jeanne! It has been a pleasure working with each and every one of you, and I appreciate your efforts more than I can say.

And, like Anna, I have to mention LabRat and Lauren, who do such a fabulous job of keeping the archive running. I've been involved in several fandoms over the years, and I've never seen one that can touch this one for efficiency, quality, and sheer class. Hugs to both of you for all you do to provide readers with such a great, centralized archive of excellent stories.


Posted By: Sue S. Re: Hug A FoLC! - 09/23/07 03:21 PM
Warning - I'm going to break some of the rules Hasini laid down. But I have far too many people to thank and I'm grateful for a public forum to do it in.

Sara (tvnerdgirl) - The only person willing to take a chance on an unknown writer and beta for me. I would not have finished that first story without her encouragement and support. Sara got caught up with school and moved on, but I still think about her all the time and hope that someday she'll come back. I miss her and her sense of humor.

DJ (MetroRhodes) - My beta, my muse, my publicist, my therapist, my conscience, my swift kick in the backside, my biggest fan - I simply don't function without her. I would be *nothing* without her. I know it. I acknowledge it freely.

Jackiek - The first person to leave me feedback. You never forget your first.

Ann (TOC) - The first person to make me think more than twice about what I was writing. When I realized my words were being analyzed, I became a lot more picky. I polish and tweak my stories far more than I would have without Ann and her amazing and extremely thorough reviews.

LaraMoon - Beta extraordinaire. The only FoLC I've met in person and definitely my favorite traveling companion. I thank you for the laughs and for never saying out loud, "Are you insane?" Especially since she knows for a fact that, yes, I am insane.

Hasini - For the hug, which touched me deeply. For the idea that led to Faustian. But most of all for keeping me grounded in a year that really should have gone to my head. There's nothing like a reality check from Hasini.

alcyone - Brilliant beta. An even more brilliant writer. She has inspired me in countless ways but especially to get in touch with my dark side.

People who leave FDK: Be it one line or a dissertation, I want to hug everyone who has ever left me FDK. Especially the gang from the summer of '06 who turned the FDK threads for Faustian Bargain on the Nfic boards into such a party. I can't express to you how amazing that was for me. I hate to list names, because I'm terrified that I'm going to leave someone out, but here are the people who come readily to mind (leaving out those I've already hugged above): Lisa (Mrs. Mosely), Sheila, woody, Jojo, Jen (Shadow), Arawn, Andreia, poussin, SJH, sarahk, Linda (doublel), lovesuper97, SuperRoo, laurach, Maria, groobie, mmprincess, tahu, LolaDane, Nancy (Classicalla), Amy21, MissQ, Lar, ethnica, Vicki and ChaBreh. Oh, please, please, please don't hate me if I didn't mention your name! I know I'm leaving people out and it's killing me! That was such a crazy, wonderful, absolutely magical time for me and it was entirely because of every single person who joined the party. I can never begin to thank you enough.

I know there's a cap on hugging people more than four times, but I have to say thank you to all our admins for creating and maintaining these boards. They've put a staggering amount of work into this venture and I hope that they find it even half as rewarding as the rest of us.

I had to comment on this:
I would like to give a hug to all the people like me, who post stories or visit the other forums, but aren't well-known and may feel like they're on the outside looking in a lot of the time. It's not easy breaking into or getting to know people in a group as established as this one.
No, it's NOT easy breaking in to *any* established group. Just keep writing! I didn't find this site until 2006 and I was a complete unknown. I couldn't even get someone to beta for me. I was absolutely positive that it would be impossible to break into a fandom as established as this one. My first story got only a handful of feedback. It did feel like being on the outside looking in. But I kept at it, worked very hard at writing, and got lucky. It's been my experience that the people here are very supportive and friendly and willing to reward hard work.

Hugs to everyone! sloppy
Posted By: Matrix Re: Hug A FoLC! - 09/23/07 05:49 PM
Okay... if I didn't *read* the rules, then I can't really *break* them... can I? Huh? What do you mean that's nonsensical? It makes perfect sense to me...

*ahem* <refuses to read original or revised rules and if she breaks them, will accept the consequences>

These are in no way in "order of importance" <wonders if she should make them alphabetical order, just to be sure>

Maybe if hug Hasini first, she'll cut me some slack on the rules. <g> [Linked Image]

And I have to throw a jaw drop in there for the hug from Laura S (This is a return hug - I believe I saw something about that not counting <g> And no, that does not mean I read the rules) -- Laura!!! [Linked Image] Thank you! Eeeeee! I'm so glad my fdk could bring a smile to your face. Awwwww!

Ooooh, and another return hug! To Laramoon! [Linked Image]This is great! Lara, you are so wonderful to me in the fdk you give me. I had no idea I was your first fdbker!!! WOW! I'm thrilled that I was. <g> And you get a hug for being such a wonderfully picky beta reader too. Yes, picky can be a very good thing. <g>

And Sue!!!!!! <Yay! I love that I get to count all these hugs as return hugs... hee hee> [Linked Image] OMG! I can't believe you said all those things about me!!! <weeps openly> That was so incredibly sweet of you to say - but you know it goes both ways. How would I be anything without you, either? Hmmmm? How would I even get the nerve to POST?!? And I have so much fun reading all those snarky comments. <g> My friend, my beta, my inspiration... You are my queen! <drops to one knee in humble acknowledgement> [Linked Image] [Linked Image]

Like I said, I didn't read the rules... <insert picture of Pinnochio's nose> and I didn't count the number of times that Labby had been hugged anyway. So I'm gonna hug Labby [Linked Image] as well as all of the admins for the wonderful job they do on our fantastic forum.

Not to be a copy cat cat but I want to hug the person who left me my first fdk on my first story and that hug goes out to FinLi [Linked Image] FinLi, wherever you are - I miss you. I love your stories. They are always so fresh and original. Please don't stay away too long.

A hug goes out to TOC <"Ann" has received several hugs... but I don't think "TOC" has <snort> What do you mean that's a technicality?> [Linked Image] for always leaving me such wonderful fdk. There were times when I was a new writer on the boards, that I would have almost given up and quit posting - because I wasn't sure anyone was reading. But Ann was always reading. <g> She gave me just enough of a boost to keep posting. Thanks Ann!

I also want to hug Nancy [Linked Image] for her fdk, her enthusiasm, and her willingness to always help me out with any medical related question. I miss you, Nancy.

<looks up at hugs... 4... still denies knowing the rules, but 7 happens to be my favorite number - so I'm gonna keep going>

A hug for Lisa [Linked Image] to encourage her to finish that story... laugh and also for all the great fdk she's given to me.

A hug to Jojo [Linked Image] for always leaving me fdk... no matter how big or small or how late it is. I LOVE your fdk.

Darn! Darn, darn, darn! Only one more hug left!!! This hug goes out to Tank. <<<<<<<HUG>>>>>>> Just for being Tank. <g> The boards wouldn't be the same without you or your stories.

Okay, these hugging rules don't apply to group hugs, right? RIGHT? Awww, common! I get one group hug, don't I??? [Linked Image] This is a group hug to encompass all those that I couldn't fit in my other hugs... I want to hug anyone who has ever beta read for me (including my first beta reader - Nan) and anyone who has ever done a GE for one of my stories and this hug also includes anyone who has EVER left me even a single word of fdk - whether public or private and to anyone who has ever made me a trailer (Kelli) or a poster (Vanda) or anything else... and finally this hug just encompasses this wonderful fandom and all you wonderful FoLCs out there. <sniffle> This is a great place!
Posted By: Lady_Mirth Re: Hug A FoLC! - 09/23/07 07:33 PM
Hasini - For the hug, which touched me deeply. For the idea that led to Faustian. But most of all for keeping me grounded in a year that really should have gone to my head. There's nothing like a reality check from Hasini.
Dude! I'm sayin' nothing!
rotflol rotflol rotflol

See what I mean about all those pins? It was DELIBERATE! *cackles manically*

And Mufasa , welcome to the Boards! Quit hanging around Anna and her bad lurking habits and post more often! laugh We already love having you here!
Posted By: jojo_da_crow Re: Hug A FoLC! - 09/24/07 12:07 AM
Thank you all for the hugs. smile I needed them tonight.

I want to hug you all. smile I just want to tell all of you how much I appreciate the friendships I have made. It has been so amazing getting to know some of you ladies (and men!) and to see so many strong people whom I admire. I have come to appreciate writing so much more since joining this fandom. It has actually spoiled me so much that it is hard for me to read other fandom's fanfiction (and some romance novels ^_~).

I'd also love to hug all my new LJ friends. I am slowly getting to know so many of you better through your entries. Thank you so much for your comments on my woes and thank you for sharing a bit of your stories with me.

It is amazing the group of people we have on the boards and amazing how strong and opinionated each of you are. I love hearing your side of things and even when you get in heated debates it is always fascinating to see all of you stick by your opinions and give well informed answers to why you do so. It is really refreshing in a time when you don't find many people this invested in a fandom. ^_^

Posted By: Schnuffichen Re: Hug A FoLC! - 09/24/07 01:40 AM
Geeeez, this is going to be hard...

So, first of all there's a big hug to Laramoon because she's just there in times when I just want to talk to somebody to make sure there actually *is* someone who would like to talk to me (if that makes any sense).

Further more to my girls (oh, I really hate it when other people do this) who know exactly who they are and why I love every single person of them. You truly showed my new perspectives and the fact that no day won't pass without thinking of you never ceases to amaze me.

Then there's Babsi of course, although I don't know what her current name on the boards is, because at least in IRC she used to change it a couple of times. The most recent I knew was Vanda Detroit. Anyway, since that day we "met" I loved to ICQ with her and she was often awake with me in the middle of the night wink

Oh, and Rachel aka Psychofurball because I've admired her wonderful diverse videos since I started here. I always felt a bit intimidated around her because she's such a great role model but when I got to know here "personally", I realised that furthermore she's also very considerate and interested in other people's wellbeing.

I won't forget Paul-Gabriel Wiener aka Hatman because he's so considerate and spends a lot of time in thoughtful and detailed posting, here as well as in LJ.
Plus, his birthday over one year ago was the reason why Sara posted the first music video I ever watched.
So, I have to hug her as well because vidding turned my life upside down, it gave me a new connection to my beloved Dad and a certain reputation at work, a job I wouldn't have gotten without thorough knowledge in doing videos wink

And, of course, there's still enough love left in me ot hug every FoLC there is smile

Posted By: Mrs. McLeod Re: Hug A FoLC! - 09/24/07 06:56 AM
I was reading this and I thought it was just the sweetest thing so I better join wink

I don't know as many people here as I would like, but I would love to give a hug to everyone who writes fanfic or makes musicvideo's or contributes in any other way to keep this fandom alive!! I didn't write any stories so far (I hate it, but I simply don't have any time) but I enjoy reading fanfic so much, please do never stop! A big hug to all of you and thank you for keeping this fandom alive.
And a big hug to everyone who doesn't mind that my contribution to LnC is limited to giving FDK (for the time being goofy !)

A big hug to all folcs in general!! I'm really proud of being a part of this fandom.
I never could've imagined a show being so popular after 10 years!

hugs Camy
Posted By: stephnachia Re: Hug A FoLC! - 09/24/07 10:17 AM
I'm with another folc. I don't know you all nearly as well as I'd like and have never posted a story but these boards are my fave hang out and I enjoy reading all your stories so much!! Hugs to all!
Posted By: Catherine Bruce Re: Hug A FoLC! - 09/24/07 02:06 PM
Awww! Laura S *Big Squishy Hugs Back!!* for giving me some crazy idears and LaraMoon *Big Squishy Hugs Back!!* for being the mostest kickbuttly beta and ego booster a grammar-challenged writer can have! (And also for putting up with my Ambien-induced insanity... girl deserves mad-props for that!)

Now for hugs yay!

KSaraSara for being one of the first FoLCs I met online and for being the first one I met offline

Psychofurball for feeding my starving inner evil self and making me want to be a better vidder

Queen of the Capes for giving me some wicked plot bunnies and wowing me with her writing

TOC for leaving both some of the most wonderful FDK and most controversial fdk, and for making me think harder on some of the stuff I do

And oh cripes, the boss is coming I will be back with more later!
Posted By: Ultra Woman Re: Hug A FoLC! - 09/24/07 05:26 PM
It's hard to make a list because I'd like to hug all the FOLCs. Let me try to name some of them:

Sue - My dear queen, I hug you back! I've been a fan of your incredible talent since your first story. And I could never forget Faustian Bargain, the best story ever! You gave me a chance as a beta reader even though I had never been a beta and English wasn't my native language. I absolutely love your writing! I'd read anything written by you, even a grocery list, because I'm sure that you'd make it memorable. You were the first writer to send me an email because you were missing me. I was over the moon that you'd care enough to send me an email asking what hell had happened to me. peep I admire you and your fantastic talent. You're spirited, vivacious, funny, charismatic and all the adjectives that you can imagine. I hug you and offer you crowns and flowers, my queen. [Linked Image] [Linked Image]

DJ - because you're a very kind beta vidder and an amazing writer. I love your stories and videos. I read even your FDK threads. laugh I've always considered you a very special person. Maybe it's because we've the same age, or because we joined the boards almost at the same time, I don't know why, but I've sympathized with you since the beginning. I hug you because you are *you*! [Linked Image]

Raquel (Quel Lane) and Adam - (does a FOLC couple count as one? laugh ) Raquel and Adam are the only FOLCs I know in RL. I got to know Raquel when she lived here in Brazil, and though she's in the US for almost two years now, I can find her on boards. She's a wonderful friend and I'll be forever grateful for her incomparable promptness (she got me the whole L&C series on VHS when there weren't DVDs). A million of hugs to you, Raquel! I love your videos and stories (by the way, when are you going to write again? It's easier now that you speak English 24/7 wink ). I got to know Adam just on their wedding day but from what Raquel told me and from what I could see, he's a great guy. He's long absent from the boards, but he's a FOLC and I'm sure Raquel's trying to drag him back. wink Twice hugs! [Linked Image]

Some of my favorite writers (Erin Klinger, Jenni Debbage, StopQuitDont or 'Squid', ML Thompson , Caroline and EditorJax) - because you've written some of the most touching stories I've ever read. I love all of your stories. I hug all of you because you gave us The Long Road Home, What It Means to Love You, When You Needed Me Most, The Forgotten, A Gift for Life, House of Kent, Mixed Signals, Not a Day, Purgatory, What Are Friends For, Coming of Age, City by the Sea, Family Man, When Galaxies Divide, Cause and Effect, Lost in Time, Super Stud, Stardust, Field of Dreams, Inside Out... and such others wonderful stories that I love read and reread (those are just some of my favorite stories, there're many others). They're so sweet and moving that I've got them on my hard drive, so that I can read them again and again. All of you make these boards a great place and I can have a nice time enjoying wonderful readings. I should also hug you because my English improved mainly thank to your stories (my English teacher is always stunned that my vocabulary is better than hers). Thank you for your invaluable work and keep writing, please! You are top notch! Hugs to you all. [Linked Image]

Anna BtG - for taking time to watch and comment on my video and for being a very friendly person. It was nice to talk to you on msn. I hope your L&C muse overcomes you Harry Potter muse once in a while, so we can see more of you on L&C boards. wink ((((((((Anna))))))))

Ann (TOC) - Ann, these boards wouldn't be the same without you. Your FDKs are unique; sometimes they're as good or better than the story itself. wink Your passionate defense of Lois is admirable. I know that I could write 'ditto' under all of your posts, because I sympathize with your opinions and ideas. ((((((((Ann))))))))

FOLCs that left FDK on my videos (Another Folc, lcfan4ever, Shadow, Laura S)- thank you for taking time to leave FDK on my videos. It means a great deal to me. Hugs!

My list has seven... items (really, I racked my brain but I couldn't shorten my list). And there're more FOLCs that I'd like to hug, so... a big group hug! ((((((((FOLCs)))))))) [Linked Image]

Posted By: Jenni Debb Re: Hug A FoLC! - 09/26/07 12:08 PM

I want to thank Andreia for remembering me and giving me a hug. smile

I'd like return the hug and also send a hug to all the readers who have stayed loyal to my stories over many years. Your support is so much appreciated, even though it has been quite a while since I've posted anything on these boards. I'm afraid my muse seems to have gone walk about at the moment.

There are many folcs, who like me, perhaps don't frequent these MBs quite as much as we used to, but I still enjoy their friendship... LaurieD who is a wonderful friend and beta reader, Carol Malo and Chris Carr whose stories I have loved to read and even been privileged to beta read. Not to forget StopQuitDont, with whom I co-wrote A Gift For Life.

There are many more, but my list would be pretty long. So, thank you everyone and a big {{{{Hug}}}} from me.

Oh, and I have to mention my friends on Zoom's Mbs and IRC, ChrisP, Cristy, Deb, Lori, Jenn, Rachel and Seema, who are also very supportive of my writing and great fun to chat to.

I'm also happy to say that I have actually met quite a few of my folc friends and have hugged them in person.

I'm sorry, I think I've probably gone way over the set number, but I couldn't leave any of those mentioned out.

Yours Jenni
Posted By: EditorJax Re: Hug A FoLC! - 09/26/07 12:30 PM
Well sheesh. I keep getting hugged, so I guess it's a good thing I don't have a phobia of being touched. laugh I already sent a big ol' hug to the people who also are newer and/or lurkers, but I am in a huggy mood, as inspired by my girl Jenni Debb, so here goes:

I'd like to give a hug to everyone who read and left feedback for my very first story, "Inside Out." I somehow managed to write it in a month and a half with the prompting and support of my readers, especially Sheila, TOC, jackiek, Vanda Detroit, lere, Lola Dane, Laurach, Ultra Woman ... and everyone who read it and didn't leave feedback (I'm just so happy anyone read it that I won't bother to yell at you for not leaving feedback!)

And I want to give a big pink hug to everyone on IRC who has made me feel so welcome in the FoLC community. I had been posting on both boards for more than three years before I got introduced to the chatting aspect of the fandom, and I love it. I couldn't have gotten through the last couple of months without Chris, Lori, Jenni, Deb, Rachel, Seema, Holly, Kate, Barb, and of course, Zoom, the queen of all things L&C ... .

... And a big hug to everyone from these boards who has come to visit over there recently! I've really enjoyed meeting Lara, Judy, JD, Sheila and everyone who has stopped by! Come again!

And yes, I know I have now hugged like 80 people, but too bad, you can't take my keyboard away. razz
Posted By: BJ Re: Hug A FoLC! - 09/27/07 06:34 PM
First time in the off-topic folder in months and look at this fun topic to wander into ... Whee!

I would be remiss if I didn't send a great, big, sloppy cyber hug to KathyB for getting me into Lois & Clark in the first place. She can pimp a fandom like no other. Here's to hoping LnC can woo you back from the Doctor, Kathy!

Also, many adoring hugs to ML Thompson as one of my most favoritest authors. Love to read and reread 'em, ML.

And finally, to JoJo and Framework (aka Patrick) for posting such great challenges in the fanfic challenge folder. It was JoJo's drabble challenge that first got me to write anything LnC related and one of Patrick's challenges that got me to write my first story. Which challenge, you ask? It's not finished yet, but it's moving along quite well. You'll just have to wait and see.

A quick cyber hug to Hatman, for some of the funniest stories and video I've seen. Cracked me up. Another goes out to C_A for her awesome vignettes and the Motivational Posters thread. Thanks for the many, many laughs - they lifted my spirits during a time I really needed. And finally, to Tank, not just for the awesome stories, but for being a FoLC icon. Who else has an ending-type named after him?

There are so many that have provided me with hours of enjoyment, but I think I better stop there before I'm clapped in irons for breaking the rules.
Posted By: Elisabeth Re: Hug A FoLC! - 09/28/07 08:07 PM
I'm going to hug Patrick, Tank, Paul, Terry and James. Because it's more fun to hug guys than girls, of course. And because Hatman and Tank are from the old crowd. And because I married James and I like to do more than just hug him, but since we're in public and all...

I'm going to hug Mufasa to say hello.

I'm going to hug Ann, Classicalla, DJ, Sue, Sheila, LaraMoon, JoJo and Lisa for being so faithful to the community in general.

And Nan and Labbie since they're old friends from back in the days when one set of boards was big enough for everyone.

who only counts five on that list--and certainly none of them was hugged more than five times
Posted By: SJH Re: Hug A FoLC! - 09/29/07 05:46 AM
Thanks for the hug Sue. Now I wont have to er... hug myself.
Posted By: alcyone Re: Hug A FoLC! - 09/29/07 12:59 PM
Well, I'm not the huggy sort, but I do feel that certain people have made this fandom really special for me and I don't think all of them know it. I'm sure some suspect (or flat out know) but...let's just bring it out there... smile

I would have never gotten into this fandom or stayed if it weren't for Sue . I'm stating this as a reader, first and foremost. Most of the beta work, I've done for her felt like a gift, like previewing a story before its premier. Its almost like cheating how as writer I am constantly learning from her. smile

Then there's Lisa who was one of the first people to read something I posted. Her comments were so interesting and the stories she's posted so insightful, that I asked her to beta. That was a really great experience for me. I learned a lot from her critiques as well and well, that's what I love more than anything.

On to the usual, because I agree about our admin extraordinaire. I really like how Labrat intervenes at times as the voice of reason. I feel like she's integral to the environment of this fandom, greeting newbies, providing info and so on. And she's always been just so nice when I've PM'ed with a question. smile

I also want to send warm fuzzies to Terry. I was impressed with not only the quality and fearlessness of his writing, but his eloquence and insight in his nonfictional stuff.

Also, the same applies to TJ. It's almost selfish of me, but I can't say enough how glad I am that she's back in this fandom and how much I appreciate her presence here.

I'm forgetting so many, I know, but when DJ, LaraMoon, JD , C_A, Maria or Hatman post, it just makes me smile. You might not know it, but I feel your being around makes this place great for me.

And of course, my nfic folder mates at the dark side of the boards (ethnica, Laura, jackiek, Sheila, Tahu, groobie, and the rest of the gang, both the old and new members). The nfic side might not get as much action (ironic isn't it?) as the regular side, but when it does-- even the fdk threads are ridiculously fun thanks to these ladies.

It's the bomb reading and writing fic with you guys smile

Posted By: Wendymr Re: Hug A FoLC! - 09/29/07 07:17 PM
What a lovely idea! smile

Even though I'm not around much any more, I'm gonna jump on this bandwagon. wink So, hugs for:

Annette, our Administrator in Chief, who set up these boards, maintains them, handles all the business of paying the bills, gets bugged by dozens of FoLCs every time there's a problem with the server, and so on and so on. You deserve it, Annette! sloppy

KathyB, who was Editor-in-Chief of the Archive when I first started writing and who was incredibly encouraging to this newbie author. She also took me on as a GE and I learned a huge amount from her. sloppy

Yvonne Connell, who was my first beta-reader, who helped and encouraged me through more stories than I could possibly count, and who needs hugs right now. sloppy

Group hug to everyone who gives up their time to BR fic for authors or to GE for the archive. It's a really time-consuming and sometimes thankless task. BRs can make such a difference to the quality of a fic - I know mine have. And GEs help to ensure that the stories which hit the archive are as free from errors as we can make them. And sometimes that is a really time-consuming job!

And a final group hug to everyone who has donated over the years to keep L&C fansites going. These boards, the Archive, Annesplace, the Kerths and altKerths websites, FoLCVideo: they all cost money, and it's only through fans' donations (as well as the hard work of their maintainers) that they stay up and running.

Even if I am spending most of my time in another fandom these days, FoLCs are still among the most fantastic online communities there is. sloppy

Wendy smile
Posted By: Elisabeth Re: Hug A FoLC! - 09/29/07 08:20 PM
Always great to see you, Wendy.

<<Hugs>> for coming back.

Posted By: Anna B. the Greek Re: Hug A FoLC! - 09/30/07 12:03 PM
I'm back laugh And I'd like to hug everyone who's posted on this thread and I haven't yet hugged individually:

Lisa, Ann, Jen, Laura, Mona, symbolicangel, Jax, bakasi, Lara, Caroline, Sue, DJ, Jojo, Jana, Camy, Steph, Catherine, Andreia, Jenni, BJ, Elisabeth, SJH, alcyone and Wendy

for participating in this WAFFy thread that makes me smile every time I see new posts in it. smile

See ya,
Posted By: Vanda Detroit Re: Hug A FoLC! - 10/05/07 08:03 AM
Wonderful idea!
Thanks a lot for the hugs I got and thanks for all the group hug. That the first thing I wanna do too - HUG YOU ALL! ((((group HUG))))

It's such a nice place here and it is a pleasure for me to come in here and read so many great stories! dance

Jana also known as Schnuffichen, who was the first German speaking person I got to know here and we had a lot of fun on ICQ in the middle of the night.

Barbara also known as bakasi, who had the idea to the German board. Without you and Mellie it wouldn't have been possible to start a new German LnC Board. Thanks for your help!

Mellie also known as Lara Joelle! Without her I wouldn't have started writing fanfictions. At the moment I write in German but I'll translate them when I have a bit more time wink And thanks a lot to Mellie for helping me on my German board!

Jenn also known as Editor Jax, who is a great friend on IRC and is willing to help translating my stories to English.

Shayne, thank you so much for helping me with your ideas when I wrote myself in the corner.

And thanks to all the others, who are writing so many great stories, I really enjoy to read. I was enjoying House of Cards (by DJ) so much, that I made a FFP - the one and only FFP I made so far. I really hope I'll have time to make some more wink
Posted By: Trinity Re: Hug A FoLC! - 10/05/07 08:36 AM
Ooh! smile1

I would like to hug everyone who leaves me such positive FDK on my nFic stories, but more specifically:
Gr8shades, Sue, TOC, and Laura S. wave

Writing nFic can be a shy and embarrassing thing, but you guys help tremendously to make it easier. laugh
Posted By: Mrs. McLeod Re: Hug A FoLC! - 10/06/07 12:47 PM
Thanks Anna!!

*hugs back*

Posted By: Lara Joelle Kent Re: Hug A FoLC! - 10/08/07 02:42 AM
Hugs? Oh, there are many hugs I'd have to give. Well, maybe not that many, but to some people who have become very special to me during the last year.

First of all, there's Nancy (classicalla). She has become a friend rather quickly, and I desperately miss her constant company. I just hope you get to read this and find some time again. smile

Then, there's someone who's only lurking on this English board but our hotshot on the German board. Anne, who is responsible for most of our gfic and nfic. I'm glad to have you as a friend as well, and I'll never forget our meeting. That was priceless.

A hug to Vanda Detroit. We had lots of lovely chats, and I sorely miss those intense late night chats . But I could still kiss you (chastely on the cheek, of course!) for setting up and managing the German board. clap

Another big hug to bakasi. I like her sense of humor and, of course, her countless great fics. And let's not start with your contributions to the RRs we have under construction... Pity you don't have that much time any more. Still, I hope I'll be able to give you that hug in person sometime soon. smile

A very special hug to Ann (TOC) and her very thorough, very inspiring, lovely, lenghty, awesome, insightful and simply priceless feedback. I don't think I'd have been able to write a single full story without it. Ann, you rock!

To name someone who hasn't been mentioned yet (and seems to be pretty much on hiatus): A few hugs to Woody. You've made me laugh so often with your unique sense of humor. Just... *Where* are you?

Someone else unfortunately on hiatus: Darcy (DSDrqagon). Here's a hug for setting me straight on some false assumptions. (You know what I'm talking about...) It was an eye-opener. Thank you for that!

Last but not least, another group hug for all the wonderful people who keep this board alive, be it with their amazing stories or with the hard work they put into it. Thank you very, very much for your care!
Posted By: Matrix Re: Hug A FoLC! - 10/08/07 05:33 AM
Awwww, this thread is just so darned sweet.

Sorry, I had been out of pocket for a while and hadn't had a chance to look at this thread for a bit.

Now I'm all sniffly. To those of you who've hugged me, consider yourself hugged in return. [Linked Image] What a nice waffy moment to start my morning with.

-- DJ
Posted By: stephnachia Re: Hug A FoLC! - 10/08/07 07:46 AM
Thanks Anna! ((((((anna)))))) *big hugs* smile1
Posted By: lovesuper97 Re: Hug A FoLC! - 10/08/07 11:47 AM
Thank you Sue and here is the big hug
(((Lisa, Ann, Jen, Laura, Mona, symbolicangel, Jax, bakasi, Lara, Caroline,DJ, Jojo, Jana, Camy, Steph, Catherine, Andreia, Jenni, BJ, Elisabeth, SJH, alcyone and Wendy and last but not forgotten Labrat))) hyper sloppy to everyone else i didn't mention you are in there too. I love hugs.
Posted By: Classicalla Re: Hug A FoLC! - 10/09/07 04:58 AM
Hugs, Hasini!! ((((Hugs!))))
Classicalla , aka Nancy, has got to be the best Beta-reader on the boards. If you think otherwise, its either because you've never had Nancy beta for you or because these Boards are an even more terrific place than I know it to be. She's thorough and patient as a kinder-garten teacher and brutally honest and generally a gift of a GE. And she is also a godsend of a person, which I know as she just about saved my life a few months ago. So here's a hug to one of the strongest and most caring individuals I know. RL has been rather hard on her recently, as I have heard it, but we FoLCs are all thinking of you Nancy! ((((((Nancy)))))))
Ah, gee, thanks, Hasini!! And thanks for emailing me about this thread so I could see all these great hugs!

Hugs, Bakasi! ((((Hugs!))))
Classicalla I, too, agree here that she's an awesome betareader. She never became impatient with me, even though I tend to make the same mistakes over and over again.
Thanks, Barbara! And thanks for putting up with me when I’ve been a very bad beta... And thanks for talking to me!

And she is also a godsend of a person, which I know as she just about saved my life a few months ago.
Thanks, Hasini. I was just returning the same favor that Lara Joelle did for me.

And hugs back to Sue, DJ, Elisabeth, and Caroline.

A hug to Lara Moon because I’ve been such a negligent friend. (You know what I mean.)

First of all, there's Nancy (classicalla). She has become a friend rather quickly, and I desperately miss her constant company. I just hope you get to read this and find some time again.
(((((((Hugs, Mellie!!))))))) I’d especially like to give a BIG HUG to Mellie who has been there for me during a very rough year. She has listened to me say the same things over and over and has always listened and encouraged me. She’s also one of the few folcs I’ve got to talk to!

I’d also like to send a hug to Ann (TOC) for giving me my very first feedback and for always giving great feedback.

A hug to LabRat for the great job she does (and for putting up with me as a GE).

And hugs to everybody else on this great board!

And so... I sent too many hugs... Oh, well....
Posted By: LaraMoon Re: Hug A FoLC! - 10/09/07 05:45 AM
A hug to Lara Moon because I’ve been such a negligent friend. (You know what I mean.)
Awww! *hugs back* You know I still love 'ya, girl! smile It's real good to see you around these parts, btw!!
Posted By: stephnachia Re: Hug A FoLC! - 10/09/07 07:46 AM
Thanks Lovesuper! And here's a big hug back to you!!! ((((((((lovesuper97))))))))) sloppy

And I noticed you're a fellow Houstonian as well. Double hugs for you! laugh
Posted By: jojo_da_crow Re: Hug A FoLC! - 10/10/07 12:52 PM
o_O woah I got some hugs since I was last in here. ^_^

Thanks again guys! *hugs you all back*
Posted By: woody Re: Hug A FoLC! - 10/16/07 01:38 AM
Thanks Mellie. Yeah, I've had more limited internet access over the summer, so I wasn't always able to read or participate in as many discussions as before.

As far as hugs...

Sue/DJ for producing so much fanfic to keep us readers from getting bored. And for actually inspiring my first fic, a mini-extension of a part from FB.

Mellie, for being the first to ask me to beta for them, which I was glad to do, thus giving me a view into that aspect of ficmaking.

Doranwen, for introducing me to FoLCdom. (She's my sister)

QotC, for making me laugh, time and again. All the comedy fic writers, actually, but I think some of Mary's was the first I saw.

To all of those that have been here for so long, keeping the flame alive and passing on the torch.
Posted By: Aromassa Re: Hug A FoLC! - 10/19/07 08:01 PM
Let's see... can I hug the entire folc community ? laugh Okay, I'll try to cut it down.

Lara Joelle Kent: for being such a great beta. And an extra hug for your birthday. *huggles*

ChiefPam: for enjoying my saga so much that you actually wrote a section for me. *kiggles* (The Smallville scene in Part Thirteen is practically the same as when she sent it to me. If I didn't give credit, I am *so* sorry.)

symbolicangel: for offering to beta for me. I'm sorry that I didn't get to take you up on your offer. *huggles*

LaraMoon: for making me feel so welcome in the lj community (the folc section, anyway laugh ) *glomps*

jojo_da_crow: for introducing me to NaNoWriMo. I keep alternating between planning for it and stopping myself from actually starting the writing part of it. *kiggles*

And a big group hug to my many regular fdk'ers, whom I won't list for fear of forgetting somebody, but you know who you are. *huggles* *squee* (Sorry, I had to do it. *squee*)

Oh yeah, and a big hug to LabRat for accepting my registration in the first place. ^_^ *glomps*

I think that's everybody...
Posted By: symbolicangel Re: Hug A FoLC! - 10/20/07 11:56 AM
Thanks for the hug, Sammy! Right back at you! (((Sammy)))
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