Lois & Clark Forums
Hey gang,

With the premier of the movie at midnight tonight (in the US) I just want to give you all a friendly reminder about posting spoilers for both the book and the movie.

Please be sure that for at least the first week or two that your posts are clearly labeled if they include spoilers that others might not want to see.

I understand that it's up to the individual who doesn't want to be spoiled to try and avoid topics but people can be accidentally spoiled if they click on a tread that's not labeled correctly. Then again, there are those who want to be spoiled. wink

Keep in mind that other countries are both ahead *and* behind the US release so we need to do our part so that everyone, not matter what part of the world they are from, enjoys both releases.

Anyway, please enjoy all things Harry!!!

I won't be going to the midnight show but I will be heading to see the movie right after work tomorrow.

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