Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: JoMurf Fathers - 06/05/07 07:24 AM
Oh my...I just spoke with my father who wanted to tell me about watching the latest Hallmark movie with Dean Cain last night. (He enjoyed it, btw. and, yes, they are quite behind in the DVR watching!) But then he said something that made me go still: He said that if he were die, he'd want to come back as Dean Cain! (not that he even believes in reincarnation!) Because Dean Cain is quite nice to look at... Dad thought he was cuter than George Clooney, for whatever that was worth. And then I went on to have a weird conversation with him how he still sees Dean with "Lois" (even though he can't stand Teri's lastest show)...la la la. It went on for quite a few minutes!

Very bizarre...when did my dad become a "fan" of my shows?! And I'll have a hard time next time I want to dreamily look at Dean, because all I'll be able to imagine is my dad's reincarnation!! smile oy!

Sorry, had to share!
Posted By: Lady_Mirth Re: Fathers - 06/05/07 07:46 AM
Your father wanted to be reborn as Dean Cain? Well, I don't have a problem with it, since he's not MY Dad obviously, but if mine came out with something like that I'd feel seriously...disturbed. Um. No. That thought does not process.

Fortunately, my Dad and I have very different standards of beauty in men or women. HE doesn't think Dean is good looking. I remember that he didn't think Teri was anything to write home about either. But then, for the longest time he maintained that Aishwarya Rai was plain. eek :rolleyes:

I think your Dad has good taste, though, for what it's worth. Go LnC! Boo Desperate Housewives! It's well-written, yes, but anybody who can sit through more than two seasons of it is going to stop believing in all good in the world. Susan Mayer in particular gets on my nerves. Wish Teri played Lynnette instead.

And my Dad watches all MY shows. Actually we watch them together. It's a father-daughter bonding experience. We get to annoy Mum at dinner conversations. laugh
Posted By: shimauma Re: Fathers - 06/05/07 10:21 AM
Don't feel too weirded out Jo, my dad wanted to be Curly from the Three Stooges.
Posted By: bakasi Re: Fathers - 06/05/07 10:51 AM
Hey, be glad about your dad. Whenever I watched LnC my father came downstairs to join me. Not because he liked the show, but because he kept nagging me how ridiculous he thought it was. The whole fourth season was horrible, because it was on air on Saturdays or Sundays.
Posted By: Laura S Re: Fathers - 06/05/07 04:39 PM
Me too. I asked my dad to watch it with me and after he said no about a billion and one times, he finally sat down and complained the whole time. "That's unrealistic." "That's unrealistic"

I was like DAD! HE'S FLYING! OF <course> it's unrealistic!

Needless to say, I haven't asked him to join me since, and it's probably best for both of us. wink But it's a pretty funny story about your dad. My dad seems to think he's Ricky Martin. Oh the horror of THAT let me tell you...
Posted By: Lara Joelle Kent Re: Fathers - 06/06/07 01:48 AM
I think my father would even enjoy reading some stuff here - if only he was familiar with English. Maybe I'll show him somehting German one day. Maybe not. He tends to tell my mother - and she has about the same no-fun atttitude as bakasi's father. "It's ridiculous!", "Are you all a bunch of kindergarteners?" and "How old are you?" are the more harmless of her remarks.
Posted By: KatieKate Re: Fathers - 06/06/07 07:05 AM
I think I'd be completely traumatized if my dad said he wanted to return as Dean Cain... *shudders in horror* As it is, my dad looks like Super Mario with his mustache and pasta belly (my dad's a big guy and unfortunately, won't even consider dieting or exercise, nothing will change his mind). My family was on vacation in Florida when I was about 13 or 14 and we were at a mystery dinner show thing where the actors and actresses interact with the audience, and one actress actually called my dad Super Mario. We still bring it up occasionally.

My dad can't understand why I still like Disney cartoons, but then he loves comic book movies and Star Trek (I do too!). I don't remember what specific characters, but he, my younger brother, and I recently got into a debate about comic book characters and my dad kept insisting that one character did/did not do something... and my brother and I were like, "Dad, you stopped reading comics in the late '60s, a lot's happened since then!" He still kept insisting his point.
Posted By: beethoven Re: Fathers - 06/09/07 08:10 AM
what a weird post/thread....

I cannot say that my dad has actually every watched L&C/ or perhaps seen any shows with either Dean or Teri

and I know he is not one to talk about looks and stuff in general (he occasionally points out a "pretty" woman, and says how my mum is soooo much better, because the woman in question obviously has anorexia, ..... but that is as far as it goes),

but I guess he once said something to me about Pierce Brosnan while we were watching die another day
I think he would just love to be a spy, though, and is in love with the whole save the world from both communism and fascism ideas expressed in the BOND films (and books, I think he may have read a couple...)

and because PB/Bond is close to second on my list of (insert word here along the lines of *hunks of beef")
then .... yeah it foes get a little weird....
Posted By: Schnuffichen Re: Fathers - 06/09/07 08:49 AM
Hmm... I think my Dad likes me loving Superman since it's kind of Fantasy/SciFi and I guess, I saw a couple of eps together with him.
Still, my most striking memory is that once I asked him about why Superman looked so different from Clark in the opening scenes when he was flying into the Planet with Lois (scene from the Pilot). Those days, I only watched the third and fourth season (Dean with pretty short hair), so I had no idea that Dean's hair was a bit longer at the beginning.

So he used to tell me that, during the first seasons, Christopher Reeve used to play Superman while Dean played Clark.
Then they would replace Reeve by Dean completely and he would demand more money now "that he had to play twice as much as before".
The only thing that's more ridiculous than this story, is that I actually believed him (mercy, I was only 10).

Just some days ago, he was referring to this story again when he saw an early-Superman poster next to one of Clark&Lois at my desk.
"See, there's a huge difference between the both of them... too bad, they replaced Reeve - at the end of the show it wasn't believable anymore that one could actually not see that it was Clark under the suit."

I was like "Yeah...right, Dad... maybe we should watch the show together sometime..."

Posted By: Sira Re: Fathers - 06/12/07 02:56 AM
Hmmm... my dad has pretty much never said anything about my watching TV... if somebody nagged, it was Mom...

Concerning LnC, I watched it mostly with my Mom, so Dad couldn't say much against it. Maybe he sometimes quietly rolled his eyes and suffered through it cause it aired during dinner time. But he remained pretty quiet on that subject.

Though there's one film, he's always refused to watch: Sissi (no idea if the non-german-speakers here have ever heard about that one...) It's a real old tale about Empress Elisabeth of Austria-Hungary... very romantic and sweet and stuff...

Christmas before last it aired once more, while my grandma was with us. He didn't even get a choice and had to sit through it and watch it. He was clutching his Christmas present (a digital camera) throughout the whole film. It was too funny.

Posted By: Lara Joelle Kent Re: Fathers - 06/12/07 12:19 PM
Yeah, the Sissi movies are some sort of recurring event here in Germany. Every single year around Christmas they're aired once more. My mom introduced me to Sissi when I was still a cute little girl. Around nine, ten years old. wink

Oh, and my four-year-old caught an animated series about Sissi on KIKA (children's channel). She loves it so much I had to buy the DVDs. Unfortunately, in the second box, the title song is changed to English. My daughter was *very* disappointed. But, after she had listened to it, she remarked, "They sing everything in English. It's only Sissi they still sing in German." *lol*
Posted By: Catherine Bruce Re: Fathers - 06/18/07 01:42 PM
I think I started watching LnC because of my dad. We used to watch it all the time the first couple seasons. My mom, too. I don't remember my sister ever being into it that much.

I think he stopped watching it after it got too weird for him. This from a guy who used to make mashed potatoe forts on his plate in the messhall to scare people away from the table!


And man. If my dad came back as Dean Cain, I don't think I'd ever be able to look at another guy again Oo Although I think he'd wanna be reincarnated as Monty Python over Dean Cain, anyhoo. ^_^ YAY ME!
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