Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: woody Funny town names - 04/15/07 11:09 PM
If you think your town name sounds weird, take a look at these.
Posted By: stephnachia Re: Funny town names - 04/16/07 08:54 AM
Ha! Woody, my town is on there. Sugar Land, TX. My address is in Richmond but I'm right on the Sugar Land border and I grew up in Sugar Land. It's a pretty nice town. It was voted in the top 10 best places to live by some magazine. And it's the 3rd fastest growing city in the U.S.
Posted By: LaraMoon Re: Funny town names - 04/16/07 04:14 PM
hehehe! Very funny indeed!

Here are some from north of the border...

Moose Jaw, Cow Head, Yellowknife, Whitehorse, Carrot River and Rabbit Lake, Lion's Head (lions? in Canada? LOL), Medicine Hat, Seven Persons, Heart's Content and Heart's Desire, Snag, Dawson Creek (sorry, but ROFL!), Great Village (no kidding, huh?), Starbuck, Eyebrow, Snowflake, Sandwich, Welcome, and this one, which is just about unbelievable !!

Now, we don't have Metropolis here, but I thought I might mention that we have a Clark's Harbour and a Kentville. But you guys probably do, too.

Oh! And lest I forget, my personal favorites... Enterprise (we've got a few of those, even) and, yes, Vulcan.

Posted By: Matrix Re: Funny town names - 04/16/07 04:32 PM
I do not live in these towns but I have traveled through all three of them in my life (and they are on the list). <g>

Toad Suck, Arkansas

Bucksnort, Tennessee


Peculiar, Missouri

Posted By: IreneD Re: Funny town names - 04/16/07 04:54 PM
What kills me about this list is there are two towns called Intercourse!


Posted By: LaraMoon Re: Funny town names - 04/16/07 05:10 PM
What kills me about this list is there are two towns called Intercourse!
and I've seen one called Climax, too... hehehe
Posted By: Karen Re: Funny town names - 04/16/07 07:36 PM
Heh, the Intercourse name doesn't surprise me. What surprises me is that one is right in the heart of Amish country.

I see they mentioned Beaver and New Beaver PA (which seem quite normal to me), but not Beaver Falls, which is where my aunt lives. I do love the comment about Moon, PA. laugh
Posted By: MetroChumpy Re: Funny town names - 04/16/07 07:51 PM

Some of those are great.
My uncle lives in Boring, Oregon, and believe me, it deserves its name!

Up here in Alaska we also have Tatitlik. Which, if pronounced correctly... well...
Posted By: woody Re: Funny town names - 04/16/07 10:44 PM
That one in Canada that you didn't mention, Lara, I wonder when the town was founded and what the word meant then.

Thankfully, their names are preventing them from ever becoming metropolises.
Posted By: woody Re: Funny town names - 04/16/07 10:47 PM
These are Spanish named town from CA with translations.

Chula Vista (Translation = Insolent View)
Concepcion (Translation = Conception)

and Climax is in Colorado, which I can understand with all their "peaks".

Hygiene, Colorado (wonder if it's a "clean" town.)

Okahumpka, FL (I don't know, but that sounds wrong)

Climax is also in Georgia (multiple Climaxes?)

C*mming, Georgia

Hopeulikit, Georgia (I hope so too)

Beer Bottle Crossing, Idaho (Do they have a sign painted for that?)

Grand Detour, IL (The town that is on *every* scenic route)

Normal, IL

Iowa's towns
Gravity (The gravity of their situation must have hit them)
What Cheer (What Cheer-we made America's Funniest town names list)

Steam Corner, IN (Sue's hometown)

French Lick, IN (Is this a new way to neck?)

Kansas names:

but of course,

Plainville, KA (Where Clark would live in our universe)

Do Stop, KY (please do)

Monkey's Eyebrow, KY (Well, I'll be a monkey's uncle. Yeah, well I live in Monkey's Eyebrow, so there.)

Ogle, KY

Typo, KY (It's a typo, it was supposed to be Tapo)

Belcher, LA
Eros, LA (Sue's other hometown)
Waterproof, LA (I'd almost laugh if it got hit by Katrina)

All in MI:
Climax (again?)
Hell (now you know where to head when someone says, "Go to...")
Jugville (Yeah...no comment)
Olive Branch

All in MN:
Blue Earth
Climax (again?!)
Embarass (must be near Typo)

Conception, MO (I'm beginning to think we could plan a road trip in the US to mirror the path from gleam in father's eye to baby)

The next one's perfect: Enough, MO

Fairdealing, MO
Fidelity, MO

Square Butt, MT (Do I WANT to know?!)

Sandwich Landing, NH

Little Egg Harbor, NJ (there's the gestation fluids)

Elephant Butte, NM (I'm glad this one wasn't near Typo)

Climax, NY (again?!!!)

Bat Cave, NC (so that's where it is)

Climax, NC (oh my)

Horneytown, NC

Climax, Ohio (good night)

Knockemstiff, OH

Three Legs Town, OH (that's where the race must have started)

Half.com, OR (What on Earth?!!)

Idiotville, OR (where the half.com people moved from)

Climax, PA

Forty Fort, PA

Fear Not, PA (too late)

King of Prussia, PA

Loyalsockville, PA

Home, PA (Where "James" has to go all the time)

Beaver, Big Beaver, and New Beaver, PA

Pottstown, PA (Yay, Mary's home)

Virginville, PA (Uh huh)

Quonochontaug, RI (Even Quahog is easier to pronounce.)

Townville, SC

(The other SC are great too)

Oral, SD

Canadian, TX wink

Perfect one to end it. Okay, Arkansas (Emphasis on the kay)
Posted By: shimauma Re: Funny town names - 04/17/07 10:11 AM
This isn't entirely funny except to me, but when I moved to this crappy blue state I found out there's a town up north called "Effie", not extremely hilarious, but my younger sister's name is Effie and one of the adverts for this town is "Have a good time in Effie!" rotflol Maybe her husband might?
Posted By: woody Re: Funny town names - 04/17/07 10:30 AM
Yeah, I see why it's funny.
Posted By: Mrs. McLeod Re: Funny town names - 04/17/07 10:35 AM
rotflol some are just too funny laugh laugh
Posted By: LaraMoon Re: Funny town names - 04/17/07 12:38 PM
Bat Cave, NC (so that's where it is)
OMG, I just about died...

ETA: I am SO using that in a story, you know. There's no way I could ever afford NOT to. ...in fact, there should be a challenge revolving around this thing - use as many of these silly names as you can.

I can just *see* this:

"So where are we supposed to be meeting this source, Lois?" Clark asked, as he climbed into her Jeep.

"Idiotville," she said, trying to keep a straight face. "No, seriously, Clark! I mean it. Idiotville!"


Oh... btw... From Wikipedia:
As an advertising gimmick, the company paid the town of Halfway, Oregon US$100,000 and donated 20 new computers to change its name to Half.com, Oregon.

...and that is proof positive that money rules the world.
Posted By: ChiefPam Re: Funny town names - 04/17/07 01:03 PM
Chris Mulder and I used some of these when writing our "stuck in traffic" fic together... all town names were for real. Honest.

"Let's see, we're coming up on "Gum Spring" I think, since I remember that we passed "Squirrel Level" a little while back ...."
"There's a crossroad up ahead, Lois. County road, but it should take us to Oilville, and from there to Goochland and then we--"

"You are making those up, Clark."

"No, I'm not. Look!"

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