Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: SuperRoo Death of a pal. - 04/06/07 10:41 PM
This post has no point really other than expressing some feelings and to just mention someone that was sweet & trying to do better in this life. Something that we all should do.

Driving. I've had my license since the minute I was eligible, but I don't drive because I hate it and I'm afraid of accidents. Just when I decide to get behind the wheel again this summer, I find out that I lost a former work pal in a crash.

Ugh...I'm so sad. When I worked at McDonald's I worked with a lot of kids, however some stick out. One that did died because of injuries sustained in a car crash. Tannis. She was trouble, but she always worked for me and she was such a kind soul. She always asked me to hang out with her, but I wasn't fond of the world she was in - gangs. I know she wasn't a gang member, but those around her were. I think he brother was a Hells Angel/Warrior... I think I worked with him....it's been so long I can't remember. Also, there was the age difference and the fact that I'm lazy to hang out and awkward that I was sort of a superior at work (can't think of a better word). My brother was more friend's with her.

I found out from my Mum this afternoon that Tannis was in the car that was in the accident on McPhillips the other day. First she said Tannis was in the car...then she said she was driving and died. I almost cried in the car, but I didn't want to.

I just decided to look it up on the web because I don't know how to call. I never keep close with people. I hoped it wasn't true, but I needed to find out for sure. I found an article about her.

I was actually wondering how her and her friends were last month. I recall my brother saying she left McD. I think she was mad at management (don't blame her!). I was happy to have found out then that she left McD.

I don't know if she was driving, but there was a gun in the car. Winnipeg and guns. I'm still getting used to that. We used to just hurt people up here by stabbing or sawed off shot guns. I guess 'we've' becoming more sophisticated. Groan.

I found her not very responsible concerning stuff like that, but she grew up in that sort of tough North End world that I luckily did not face.

She was careing and had many great things about her. She cared. I knew her just when she turned 18. I wonder what type of woman she was becoming at age 22. I'm happy that she went back to school and to help people. She always talked about that. I always am happy when people know what they want to do. I hope I find my path one day.

I'm a bit confused about what happened in the crash, who was driving, etc. because some articles give conflicting info.

Some people are calling her another little gang kid or generic 'turn her life around' councellor...either way she was trying to do something better. Something I admire.

Here is an article I found about her:
Free Press - reflecting on the personal side of the crash.
Crash article

Please be careful when out on the road.
Posted By: Lolly Re: Death of a pal. - 04/07/07 02:20 AM
I lost a friend in a car crash two years ago. It's terrible: he was very young, only 19 years old, and when my mother said the news to me I was shocked; I couldn't believe that what she was telling was the truth. The thing that most touched me in that occasion was seeing his family, his big brother above all. I have a sister 3 years yonger than me and I couldn't stop immagining me at his place, tring to recover(how?) from such a terrible lost frown
Posted By: Anna B. the Greek Re: Death of a pal. - 04/07/07 06:26 AM
I'm so sorry to hear that, Roo. frown

See ya,
Posted By: Wendymr Re: Death of a pal. - 04/07/07 10:24 AM
She was careing and had many great things about her. She cared. I knew her just when she turned 18. I wonder what type of woman she was becoming at age 22. I'm happy that she went back to school and to help people. She always talked about that. I always am happy when people know what they want to do. I hope I find my path one day.
What a beautiful, meaningful tribute to your former co-worker, Roo. Such a horrible waste of a talented young life.

You know, if you can find her parents' address it would be a lovely, thoughtful gesture to send them a card and write just that on it. Believe me, it would touch and help them so much to hear that someone their daughter knew thought of her that way.

A couple of years ago, we heard that a FoLC had died in a terrorist bomb. We posted tributes to her here and elsewhere, and I wrote a story on the archive dedicated to her. Somehow - I can't remember how - Yael's mother found the story a long time afterwards, and the link to the tribute threads, and wrote to me telling me how much reading the messages about her daughter had meant to her. So don't imagine that you'd be intruding or that Tannis's parents wouldn't want to hear from you. A message like that about her is something they'd treasure.

Wendy smile
Posted By: jackiek Re: Death of a pal. - 04/07/07 11:50 AM
I'm sorry, Roo. frown
Posted By: princessanna Re: Death of a pal. - 04/08/07 09:53 PM
I'm sorry also, Roo. Car crashes happen too often.

Just recently (right before I joined the boards in fact) I also had someone I was friendly with in my past (I went to high school with her, plus she was the younger sister of my brother's best friend) die in a car crash. She was the only one who died.

It's good to know that your friend was trying to do something positive with her life - it's just sad that she never got to finish it. frown

Posted By: TOC Re: Death of a pal. - 04/09/07 02:35 AM
I, too, think it's a lovely thing that you have posted your tribute to your friend here on the boards. That way more people can know that your friend was a good person and that it is a very sad thing that she is gone.

Like Wendy, I think it would be a very good thing if you could write to her parents. But if you can't, for whatever reason, it's more than good enough that you posted here.

Posted By: SuperRoo Re: Death of a pal. - 04/12/07 07:57 PM
Thanks everyone. Sorry to hear about your losses as well. *hug*
I will look into sending a card, or something, to her parents.
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