Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: carolm WOOHOO! - 03/19/07 08:18 AM
Okay - so it may not mean much to most of you but...

Midterm grades are done and turned in!!!!

*AND* this is Spring Break which means, even though I do have some stuff I COULD grade, I don't HAVE TO.

And instead I can work on a new fic smile and can do that beta reading I've been promising to do.
Posted By: jojo_da_crow Re: WOOHOO! - 03/19/07 09:01 AM
Wooo! Grats!

*wishes she got a spring break*

Posted By: carolm Re: WOOHOO! - 03/19/07 09:41 AM
Keep in mind I'm also taking care of the three kiddos - including a 3 year old who is potty training FINALLY!!!
Posted By: LabRat Re: WOOHOO! - 03/19/07 10:35 AM
Yay! Try and relax as much as the kids will allow, Carol, and recharge those batteries! (Writing is very good for this kind of thing).

LabRat smile
Posted By: In4Adventure Re: WOOHOO! - 03/19/07 11:38 AM
Hi Carol,
It is good to hear from you again! Haven't seen you ages... or more likely three years, if that's how old your baby is now.

Have a fun vacation and relax as much as possible!

Natascha wave
Posted By: carolm Re: WOOHOO! - 03/19/07 12:07 PM
Hey Natascha!! We're good!! Let's see the 'baby' is 3, the other baby is almost 2 and the OTHER baby will be here in August smile [though I'm still hoping for July!!].

Labby - you're right. Writing is relaxing and such but the muse is just NOT cooperating! I think I typed ***** today and that's literally it... *sigh*

However, I think my muse had a slight bit of inspiration while moving dressers around [which was decidedly NOT relaxing but necessary]. We'll see what we can do with it.

Carol [who IS posting a story on the boards right now but it's done except for needing a good Kryptonian name... and needs to post the next part but I think that may be where I need the name...]
Posted By: Shadow Re: WOOHOO! - 03/19/07 12:56 PM
Hey, it means a heck of a lot to me, hah. I also get to indulge in spring break, and I could make LISTS of things I should be doing for grad school...but I just don't have to. It's great! smile

Posted By: carolm Re: WOOHOO! - 03/19/07 05:22 PM
More woohoo!

My muse finally got off her rear and wrote 5 pages!!!! Current WIP - 17 pages. Prologue and Chapter 1 finished!! [Pending beta approval of course.]

party party party

Carol [who spent way more time researching than 5 pages should warrent]
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