Lois & Clark Forums
I will be spending a week in training in wonderful Santa Clara, CA. I will be gone from Sunday evening until the following Saturday morning (I will be taking off at 12:45AM from CA to arrive in Missouri around 9 in the morning.

Please be in prayer for Elisabeth for the following.
1)She will be hubbyless

2)She will be hubbyless with three children under the age of 8

3)She will be hubbyless with three children under the age of 8 without any access to the internet for any diversion

4)She will be hubbyless with three children under the age of 8 without any access to the internet for any diversion and that also means that she will not be able to post any more parts to No, in Any Language until I get back eek

yes, I thought that last one would get your attentions...

I also will be wifeless and therefore sleepless in Santa Clara, CA.

Thanks for your kind thoughts.

You had me at "three children under the age of 8".

Hope you have a safe trip and that Elisabeth stays sane smile
Have a safe trip.

You mean we have to wait four days to find out how Clark handles Lois. WAAAAAHHHH!
James have a safe trip. My sincerest sympathies go out to Elisabeth. If she has any more parts for me to beta, send them along.

<DJ who gives everyone a waffy sigh because she has seen the next part... heh... and, no, she can't be bribed. :p >
Have a safe trip James. smile We'll be thinking about you - and Elizabeth, and the kids, and... hehehe smile
Originally posted by woody:
Have a safe trip.

You mean we have to wait four days to find out how Clark handles Lois. WAAAAAHHHH!
Nope that means that if Elisabeth doesn't post another part before I leave at 5pm Sunday the 18th, then you will have to wait until Saturday the 24th(at the earliest) for the next post...

James eek
Hey James, my first response would be how unfair it is of you to keep your wife from going online. Just kidding sloppy

In all reality she wouldn't have that much time anyway and I really hope you're going to make this up to her because almost a week of watching after three little devils on her own, that deserves a huge reward wink Or are we talking about three angels here?
On the bright side it is really nice out here in California weather wise... ^_^
Originally posted by Bettina Baumann:
In all reality she wouldn't have that much time anyway and I really hope you're going to make this up to her because almost a week of watching after three little devils on her own, that deserves a huge reward wink Or are we talking about three angels here?
Let me see...how about the cutest, most adorable imps this side of Hades...

I'm going to see about having someone watch the girls while Elisabeth and I go out for an evening...

Safe trip James. laugh

I've only been to California once (my brother-in-law lives there) but should you have the opportunity to go 4-wheeling in the desert take it. I didn't get to do it until my last day there and that turned out to be the best part of the trip even though I'd done something incredibly fun every day.
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